Zucchini possesses an impressive nutritional content – it boasts high levels of potassium, B-vitamins, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, which all offer immense benefits to health. It can even potentially help regulate blood sugar levels, which can greatly benefit diabetics.
Let check out the health benefits of eating zucchini and side effects. Zucchini vegetable used for weight loss and skincare treatment
What is zucchini vegetable?
Zucchini is a summer squash vegetable which can grow upto nearly a meter in length. It may be dark or light green in colour and its hybrid, the golden zucchini has a yellow-orange colour. Botanically zucchinis are fruits but are treated as vegetables and used in savoury dishes. The zucchini flower may also be used while cooking. It has a smooth skin with crunchy flesh containing high amounts of moisture.
Nutritional Value of Zucchini per 100gm
Zucchini has an extremely low-calorie content, only 17 calories per 100gm. It is an excellent source of potassium and has a high antioxidant value. It is rich in vitamin A. Zucchini contains moderate levels of thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like iron, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.
Nutritional facts Per 100 Grams
0.3 g
Total Fat
8 mg
261 mg
3.1 g
Total Carbohydrate
1.2 g
Vitamins and Minerals in Zucchini
4 %
Vitamin A
29 %
Vitamin C
2 %
10 %
Vitamin B-6
4 %
Health Benefits of Zucchini
Mentioned below are the best health benefits of eating Zucchini. This vegetable is easily availble in your local market. You can eat Zucchini which are helpful in kidney and gerd problems. It is also good for pregnent women and diabetes patient also consume this vegetable.
Zucchini Helps in Weight Loss
Zucchini is a low-starch vegetable which means it is high in fibre. It fills up a person quickly and thus discourages overeating.
Zucchini good for heartburn
Zucchini helps in preventing hypertension as it is low in sodium, fat and cholestrol. Zucchini also contains folate which helps in reducing heart diseases. Riboflavin deficiency is linked to birth defects in pregnant women especially in relation to the infant's heart. Zucchini contains riboflavin.
Zucchini Improves Eye Health
Zucchini is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that have been found to prevent age-related maculardegeneration. Zucchini is also a good source of vitamin A that has shown to improve eye health. It is important for eye development and maintenance as well.
Zucchini squash good for cholesterol
Zucchini is one of the foods which is free from cholestrol. It contains soluble fibre which interfers with cholestrol absorption.
Zucchini Cure Asthama
Along with vitamin C, zucchini also contains copper which is very effective in curing asthama. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well which contribute towrads curing asthama.
Zucchini Enhances Digestion
Zucchini also aids in healthy digestion. The dietary fibre in zucchini adds bulk to the diet and helps in improving digestion.
Zucchini Lowers Blood Pressure
As zucchini is rich in potassium, it helps to combat hypertension. Additionally, potassium also helps to reduce the herat rate and counters the harmful effects of sodium.
Zucchini Improves Eyesight
Watercress contains vitamin C which helps in reducing the risk of cataract development.
Zucchini Slows down Aging Process
Zucchini is a good source of antioxidants which have powerful anti-aging properties. It also lightens the skin and improves health.
Zucchini Helps in Balancing Thyroid
Zucchini is rich in manganese, a mineral that promotes the optimal functioning of the thyroid gland.
Zucchini Promotes Prostate Health
Zucchini is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C. Both of these nutrients have been found to be positively associated with prostate cancer. Vitamin C reduces oxidative DNA damage and hampers the growth and ability of prostate cancer cells.
Uses of Zucchini
It is a highly versatile food that can suit many recipes. Mix it into soups, salads, or frittatas, serve it as a side dish with meat dishes, or make “zucchini fries,” served with an onion dip as an appetizer. Zucchini “noodles” can be made using a vegetable peeler.
Allergies and Side-Effects of Zucchini
Zucchini might cause digestive issues in people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Bitter zucchini might also cause stomach cramps or diarrhea. Zucchini might cause allergies in individuals like nausea and pruritus (severe skin itching).
Since zucchini is a very good source of beta-carotene large doses of it might be inadvisable for pregnant and lactating women, people who smoke and individuals who have undergone angioplasty.
Cultivation of Zucchini
Zucchini, like allsquash, has its ancestry in theAmericas. However, the varieties of squash typically called 'zucchini' were developed in northern Italy in the second half of the 19th century, many generations after the introduction ofcucurbitsfrom the Americas in the early 16th century.