Can You Freeze Cabbage? (2024)

Can you freeze cabbage to make it last longer? This is a question that many home cooks may find themselves asking. Whether you found a good deal on this cruciferous vegetable and have extra cabbages to spare or you are simply hoping to get ahead on some meal prep, freezing cabbage can be a great way of extending the vegetable’s shelf life.

Freezing cabbage is also an excellent way to ensure you always have some vegetables on hand, and frozen cabbage can be used in dishes like soups, casseroles and more for a quick health boost. To learn more about freezing cabbage, this guide tells you everything you need to know about the types of cabbage that can be frozen and the easiest methods for blanching and freezing. So keep reading to answer the culinary question: “Can you freeze cabbage?”

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  • Can Cabbage Be Frozen?
  • How To Freeze Cabbage
  • How To Use Frozen Cabbage

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Can Cabbage Be Frozen?

Cabbage can certainly be frozen. There are a few important things to keep in mind before you pop a full head of cabbage in the freezer, though. Take into account key details like how soon you’ll need to use the frozen cabbage, how much space you have in your freezer and how you plan to use the cabbage once it has been thawed. In many cases, it’s best to chop the cabbage before freezing to make better use of freezer space and reduce the defrosting time.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (1)

Can You Freeze Cooked Cabbage?

Yes, you can freeze cabbage even if it’s been cooked. Freezing cooked cabbage is a great way to lock in the texture and flavor of your cabbage dish. It’s also perfect if you have leftovers or if you want to meal prep a cabbage dish for future consumption.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (2)

Can You Freeze Raw Cabbage?

If you do not have time to cook your cabbage before you freeze it, you can certainly freeze it while it is still raw. One key consideration before freezing raw cabbage is making sure you clean it well. It’s probably best to soak the raw cabbage for a while, rather than simply rinsing it in the sink. This will ensure that you clean between all of the leafy layers of the vegetable and don’t end up freezing your cabbage with mud still on the leaves.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (3)

Can You Freeze Shredded Cabbage?

Freezing shredded cabbage is definitely possible. Freezing cabbage once shredded is also a great way to save space in your freezer. Even when you have a full, halved or quartered cabbage, shredding it and blanching before freezing is highly recommended to preserve the flavor and texture of the cabbage, on top of saving freezer space.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (4)

Can You Freeze Red Cabbage?

Having answered the general question of “can you freeze cabbage?” you may be interested to know about freezing certain types, such as red cabbage. Conveniently, you can freeze red cabbage, again, with shredding and blanching before freezing generally being the best method to use. The only thing to consider is that red cabbage can stain, so cover your workstation and wear gloves while chopping to avoid making a mess.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (5)

Can You Freeze Cabbage Soup?

Like most soups, cabbage soup freezes well and lasts a long time. To freeze cabbage soup, transfer your soup into pre-portioned containers or even freezer bags if you want the soup to lay flat in the bottom of your freezer. You can freeze cabbage soup for around three months without it losing flavor.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (6)
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Can You Freeze Stuffed Cabbage?

You can freeze stuffed cabbage in order to keep the dish around longer. When doing so, be sure to chill the dish in the fridge overnight before moving it to an airtight container and placing in the freezer. This step will help maintain the structure of the cabbage so that it doesn’t fall apart when defrosted and reheated.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (7)

Can You Freeze Cabbage Rolls?

Like with similar stuffed cabbage, cabbage rolls do freeze well and can last a long time in the freezer. Follow similar methods for cabbage rolls as you would for stuffed cabbage. Cool the dish completely first before transferring it to freezer-safe containers to maintain the dish's structure when you thaw and reheat the cabbage rolls.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (8)

How To Freeze Cabbage

For raw cabbage, a flash-freezing method works really well. You can freeze cabbage heads whole, but remember that they’ll take up quite a bit of space in your freezer. For best results, cut the heads into halves or quarters, then put them on a baking sheet lined with wax paper or parchment paper. Freeze solid for one to two hours before transferring the cabbage into the bags or containers you want to store it in. If you don’t need the cabbage in halves or quarters, shredding it and then freezing is the most optimal method.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (9)

How to Blanch Cabbage for Freezing

Blanching your cabbage before freezing it will help the frozen vegetable last longer. Most experts agree that blanched cabbage can last up to 10 months in the freezer.To blanch cabbage, bring a pot of water up to a boil and submerge the cabbage for three minutes. You do not want to fully boil the cabbage, just heat it up to that perfectly blanched stage.

Once it has been in the boiling water for three minutes, remove the cabbage and immediately place it in a bowl of ice water. This will stop it from cooking further. You can then shred the blanched cabbage or freeze it whichever way you choose.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (10)
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Can You Freeze Shredded Cabbage Without Blanching It?

If you do not have time to blanch your shredded cabbage before freezing it, that’s ok. You can still freeze shredded cabbage by simply placing it in airtight containers or bags and putting it in the freezer.Just keep in mind that blanching preserves the vegetable for longer. Unblanched cabbage will only last about a month in the freezer. However, avoiding blanching can be a time-saving method if you plan to use your frozen cabbage in the near future.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (11)

How Long Can You Freeze Cabbage?

Wondering how long you can freeze cooked cabbage or even how long you can freeze raw cabbage? As mentioned above, different preparation and freezing methods result in changes in how long you can freeze cabbage before it goes bad.

If you freeze raw cabbage, you will need to use it within about one or two months after freezing. Any longer and it may start to lose texture and flavor. If you have taken the time to blanch it, you can freeze cabbage for much longer — from eight to 10 months without issue. As with any frozen food, be sure to carefully date your containers with the date you froze the cabbage to avoid leaving it in the freezer too long.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (12)

Why Does Frozen Cabbage Turn Brown?

Cabbage has high levels of sulfur, which escapes when the cells break down during the freezing process. If your cabbage has started to brown, it could be a sign that it is going bad and has been in the freezer too long. To avoid this, blanch and freeze your cabbage as soon as you can to lock in as much of the freshness as possible.

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How To Thaw Frozen Cabbage

One of the easiest ways to thaw frozen cabbage is to simply move it to the refrigerator the night before you need it. Doing this allows the cabbage to thaw completely without going bad on the counter overnight.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (13)

How To Use Frozen Cabbage

While you might need to thaw your frozen cabbage for use in a recipe, there are also plenty of ways to use your frozen cabbage right out of the freezer. You can add frozen shredded cabbage into soups and casseroles without needing to thaw it out overnight. You can also thaw for use in other recipes that generally use fresh cabbage, like cabbage rolls.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (14)

How To Cook Frozen Cabbage

You can cook frozen cabbage without thawing it if you are making a soup or stew and the cabbage was shredded before freezing. Simply add the frozen cabbage to your hot stew or soup and let it defrost. If the cabbage wasn’t shredded before freezing, you will need to let it defrost in the fridge to be able to chop it and add it to dishes. If using frozen cabbage in dishes like stuffed cabbage or fried cabbage, you will need to fully defrost the cabbage and drain excess moisture before continuing with your recipe.

Can You Freeze Cabbage? (15)

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Having read this guide, you should now be able to confidently answer the question: “Can you freeze cabbage?” You will also understand how best to freeze it and how to defrost and use frozen cabbage in recipes. Whether you want to store extra cabbage from your backyard garden or farmers market or simply what to get ahead on meal prep, knowing that you can freeze cabbage will make the process much easier.

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Can You Freeze Cabbage? (2024)


Can You Freeze Cabbage? ›

Cabbage can be frozen in shreds, leaves, or wedges, whichever works best for you. If you don't know how you're going to use your cabbage yet, it's best to freeze it in wedges. That will allow you to cut it into whatever size you need later. Once you've decided how you want to freeze your cabbage, go ahead and cut it.

Does cabbage get soggy after freezing? ›

If you're wondering if you can freeze cabbage for coleslaw, the answer is no. You can try to thaw frozen cabbage in the fridge and then use it in raw preparations like slaws and salads. However, I've found that defrosted cabbage gets too soggy and doesn't have the same crunchy texture that you want in a coleslaw.

What happens if you don't blanch cabbage before freezing? ›

Once it's washed and cut up, cabbage can be frozen, but for longer-term storage, it's best to blanch it first. Blanched cabbage can be frozen for up to nine months, while unblanched cabbage will only keep for one to two months.

Can leftover cabbage be frozen? ›

Can You Freeze Cooked Cabbage? Yes, you can freeze cabbage even if it's been cooked.

Can you freeze cabbage in a Ziploc bag? ›

To freeze cabbage, cut the cabbage into quarters on a cutting board. Blanch the cabbage for around a minute and then “shock” it by adding it to a bowl of ice water. Then, add the cooled and dried cabbage to large, zip-top freezer bags.

Why does frozen cabbage turn brown? ›

The leaves may also become oxidized, which means they turn a reddish-brown color, which happens when it's exposed to too much moisture. The same generally applies to cabbage, although the situation is a bit more complex since it's possible to cook or marinate cabbage in a way that allows you to freeze it.

How long does cabbage last in the fridge? ›

Try to minimize any bruising of your cabbages. Any kind of cell damage makes the cabbage go by more quickly and degrades the vitamin C content. If cabbage is properly stored, it can last from 3 weeks to up to 2 months in your refrigerator. In optimum root cellar conditions, it can even last longer.

How do you store cabbage long term? ›

Cabbage is best stored whole and unrinsed until you're ready to use it. Cutting into it will cause it to lose vitamin C, which will lead to faster spoilage. To store a head of cabbage, place it in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your fridge. A head of cabbage will last up two months when stored this way.

Does freezing cabbage make it easier to peel? ›

When ready to use, defrost the cabbage and the leaves will peel off easily. This is due to the fact that cabbage holds water, so when it is frozen and then thawed, it releases the water to make the leaves wilt.

Do you add salt when blanching cabbage? ›

Salt the water. Place a colander over a sheet pan next to the stove. Place the head of cabbage in the water with the fork and turn it all around to blanch the outer leaves. As the cabbage softens (a minute or two), lift the head from the water.

What vegetables can you not freeze? ›

You can freeze just about any vegetable except celery, watercress, endive, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber and radishes. These foods have a high water content and become soggy and water-logged when thawed.

What vegetables can I freeze without blanching? ›

All vegetables should be blanched and quickly cooled before freezing, drying or dehydrating. Exceptions: Diced or cut onions, green onions, leeks and peppers do not need to be blanched before preserving.

How do I freeze raw cabbage? ›

Quick-freeze cabbage individually on a cookie sheet. Cabbage should freeze in 12 to 24 hours, depending on how large your wedges are. After it's frozen, toss wedges into freezer bags in bulk. Before sealing, remove as much air as possible from bags.

Does cooked cabbage in soup freeze well? ›

Cabbage soup also freezes well. Allow it to cool to room temperature. Then, transfer it to freezer-safe containers and store it in the freezer. Frozen cabbage soup will keep for up to 3 months.

How do you reheat frozen cabbage? ›

I'd take it out of the freezer the morning before and put it in the fridge. Then of the day you can re-heat it several ways. In a buttered ovenproof dish, covered with foil, in the oven at 180C (conventional heat) for about 30 minutes.

How to store cabbage long term? ›

Cabbage can store well in a hydrator drawer. You can put the cabbage in a plastic bag to help retain moisture but it isn't totally necessary. Handle your cabbage with care. If you use only a partial head, make sure to tightly wrap the remainder and put into the fridge.

Do you blanch cabbage before freeze drying? ›

Quick facts. Fresh vegetables should be blanched before freezing, drying or dehydrating. Blanch vegetables by adding them to boiling water or by exposing them to steam for a very short period of time, and then cooling quickly. Blanching is an important step in preserving vegetables for both food safety and quality.

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