German Residence Permits | Temporary and Permanent (2024)

Germany is a popular destination for immigrants due to its strong economy and high standard of living. If you are looking to move to Germany, in many cases, you will need to obtain a residence permit. Getting a residence permit can be challenging, so it is essential to start planning well in advance.


All about permanent residency in Germany

There are many differenttemporaryresidency permit types, as well as the German permanent residency permit available in Germany. Each of these have their own requirements.

A German permanentresidence permit, sometimes called a settlement permit, can be issued to non-EU citizens who have lived in Germany forfive years or more. One of the major benefits of having such a residence title is that it allows free movement within the Eurozone and does not require any renewal, i.e. it is an open-ended residency permit.
But don't get confused, this is notthe same as becoming a German Citizen (naturalization).

Read on for an overview of the different types of permits available in Germany, the application process, and the requirements. We will also provide a timeline for when you can expect to receive your permit.

Types of residence permits in Germany

Several types of residence permits (Aufenthaltstitel) are available in Germany, each with its own set of requirements.

The most common types of residence permits are:

  1. Student residence permit(Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Studium): This type oftemporaryresidence permit is for foreigners enrolled in a school or university in Germany. To be eligible for this permit, you must provide proof of your university enrollment andfinancial resources during your stay in Germany. The student residence permit allows you to stay in Germany during your studies and comes with afew regulations on working hoursif you wish to pursue a student job.
  2. Job seeker's permit: If you are looking for a job in Germany, you may be eligible for a job seeker's permit. This permit allows you to stay in Germany for 18 months until you land a job in your field. To qualify for this permit, you must provide proof of your job search and financial resources. This type of permit is also the one you will get if you decide to stay in Germany after your studies but haven’t found a job by the time you graduate.
  3. Employment residence permit(Arbeitserlaubnis): This residence permit is for foreigners who have a job offer to work in Germany. This permit allows you to stay in Germany and work for the sponsoring company depending on the contract term. To be eligible for this permit, you must have a valid work visa and show proof of your job contract.
  4. Residence permit for family reunification(Familiennachzug): This type ofresidence permit is for foreigners who have family members already living in Germany.The family members must be able to provide proof of their relationship with you and guarantee that they can support you financially.
  5. Permanent residence permit(Niederlassungserlaubnis):This type of residence permit is for foreigners who have lived in Germany for a specific time and meet certain requirements. To be eligible for this permit, you must have lived in Germanyfor at least five years (or three years if you are married to a German citizen).You must also be able to provide proof of your employment, financial resources, and German language skills. If you have this permit, you can stay in Germany indefinitely.International students who have graduated from a German university can also secure permanent residency after two years of holding a work-related permit.
  6. EU Blue card:The EU Blue Card is a residence permit valid for up to four years. It is for foreigners who have a job offer in Germany and meet specific requirements. To be eligible for this permit, you must have a valid work visa, prove that you have the financial resources to support yourself, and meet specific language requirements.

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What is a permanent residence permit?

A permanent residence permit allows individuals to stay in Germany for an unspecified period.

Although it's not the same as getting German citizenship and having a German passport,permanent residency does offermuch more security than having a temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis).

In some instances,it is possible to gainGermanpermanent residencyin just two years.This applies to those who have graduated from a German university and then lived and worked in Germany for two years.Individuals married to German citizens may be able to apply for permanent residence permits for themselves and their family members after three years. The other way to be fast-tracked for a permanent residence permit is if you are ahighly qualified professional in a specific technical/research area.

Additionally, if you have lived in an EU country for 5 or more years, there is also the option to apply for the EC long-term residence permit, also known as anEU Residence Permit.

Permit Exclusions

If you are from the EU or EEA, you do not need to apply for a residence permitbecause you already have the right to live and work in Germany. Due to Brexit, UK individuals may need a residence permit. This will depend on when you first moved to Germany.

How can I stay in Germany permanently?

Those with a permanent (settlement) residence permit can stay in Germany permanently!
The next step, should you choose, is to apply for naturalization, which means becominga German Citizen. As of 2023, you must be a permanent resident for 8 years before you are eligible.

However, new legislation is due to come into force in 2024, which will see changes to the natrualisation process.These changes includea timeline reduction from 8 years as permanent residence, to 5, and the option to keep multiple citizenships.

How do I become a resident of Germany?

You are technically already a resident of Germany if you have any long-stay visa or temporary/current residence permit. But, if you want to become apermanentresident of Germany, then you need to apply for a permanent residence permit.

These are only issued after living in Germany for a period of more than five years, and you must have had a temporary residence permit or visa for that length of time. You will need to have sufficientknowledge of the German language, as well asan understanding of local legal and social order and German society as a whole.

Can you travel with a German Residence Permit?

Yes, with a permanent residence permit you cantravel freelyin the EU.

What happens if you overstay your visa in Germany?

Visa are granted for a range of time periods, often dependant on the length of a study period or a job contract.It’s really important not to overstay the time granted on your visa. Overstaying on a visa is a legal offence, renders you an illegal immigrant, and could result in deportation.

Requirements for a permanent residence permit

Is it easy to get permanent residence in Germany?

If you meet all the necessary criteria, have all the required documents, and successfully sit the interview, then yes: it can be easy to gain a permanent residence permitand permanent residency status.

Documents needed to apply for permanent residence permit

This is a list of all required documents needed to apply for a permanent settlement permit and the local Foreigners' Office:

  • Completed application form(Antrag auf Erteilung der Niederlassungserlaubnis)
  • Proof of current and paid health insurance(at least 60 months of social security contributions)
  • Valid passport
  • Recognized certificate of knowledge of the German language; at least B1 level German
  • 1 x biometric photo
  • Certificate of German university degree(if applying for a fast-tracked permanent residence permit as a graduate of a German university)
  • Marriage certificate(if applying for a fast-tracked permanent residence permit as a result of being married to a German citizen)
  • Proof of being financially secure(bank statements for employed individuals and tax returns for self-employed)
  • A letter from your employer/or university
  • Proof of accommodation and registration(Anmeldungsbestätigung)
  • Professional license(if applying for a fast-tracked permanent residence permit as a result of being highly skilled in a field)

German bureaucratic system

It’s important to remember that the German bureaucratic system is fairly strict and any holes or gaps in your application will result in you either not being granted the residence permit in Germany or cause a long delay to your application.

Application process

There are various steps to take to navigate the application process successfully.

The first job is topick up the correct form(Antrag auf Erteilung der Niederlassungserlaubnis)from the immigration office and make an appointment.Then, ensure that all your paperwork (listed above) is in order.

Return for your appointment with the completed form and all the aforementioned documents. During your interview,your documents will be checked, and you may be asked questions about why you are making the application.

German law

You may be briefly tested as to your knowledge of German law, politics and society in this appointment, so make sure to prepare as if this will happen to avoid disappointment.

How long does it take to get a residence permit in Germany?

From the time of your interview, provided your documents are completely in order, it will usually takearound 2-3weeks for your permanent residence Permit to be processed.

How much is a German Residence Permit?

Feesdepend on factors like your location and the type of permit but usually cost between€135 and€200.

Dual citizenship

Some individuals choose to progress from being a permanent residence permit holder and apply to be a German Citizen with a German passport. As of 2023,this may mean giving up your original citizenship or having dual citizenship. However, new laws due in 2024 will allow for multiple citizenship!

Unlike nations that prohibitdual citizenship, it has long been possible to have dual citizenship in Germany,provided the other country also allows dual citizenship.

While it is allowed, individuals aren’t actively encouraged to have two passports.However, for EU nationals naturalized in Germany, dual citizenship is common. It is also permitted for refugees from countries where it is not possible to renounce citizenship.

Countries that do not allow dual citizenship include China, Japan, and India. Individuals from those countries wishing to become naturalized Germans will need to give up their citizenship’s rights or their home country.

In order to apply for dual citizenship,you need to follow the process for how to become a German citizen.This usually requires having a permanent residence permit for at least 8 years.

The EU Blue Card

The spouses of EU Blue Card holders can work in Germany and do not need their own visa. As well as this, spouses in this case are not required to have any specified level of German language proficiency or speak German well.

EU Blue Card for Germany

The EU Blue Card is a relatively new type of residency permit, which permits non-EU workers to gain residency without a visa.

It is aimed at highly skilled workers.The Requirements for anEU Blue cardare significant and it’s certainly not a quick or easy solution to residency. For a start, individuals who would like to become an EU Blue Card holder must have a university degree. Their German employment contract must come with a salary of at least€58,400*,or atleast €45,552*for jobs in areas where there is a skills shortage (this includes medical and engineering fields).

The initial terms ofthe Blue Card will normally permit you as a Blue Card holderto stayfor up tofour years, unless the work contract is shorter than this. There is, then, the option to apply for permanent residence status after that time.

Once someone has been granted an EU Blue Card,they canmove to another EU countryafter a period of 18 months of living in Germany. In this case,you must then apply for a new EU Blue Card in the country you are moving to.

*2023 figures.

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Naturalizationis the process by which a foreign national is granted German Citizenship. The method of applying for naturalization can be complicated. You will need to provide a range of documents, including evidence of your German language ability and knowledge of the legal system. You will also need to pass a naturalization test and have not committed any crime or criminal offense.

To be eligible for naturalization, you must have:

  • Lived in Germany for eight years with a residence permit. (
  • You can live independently and support yourself and your family without relying on social security benefits or employment insurance.
  • You have the right to reside in Germany as long as you want.
  • Meet specific other requirements, such as German language ability (B1) and knowledge of the legal system.

You can find more information about naturalization on theFederal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)website.

Application process for naturalisation

The application for naturalization is a two-stage process. The first stage is submitting the application form and required documents to the responsible naturalization authorities. If you are under 16 years of age, a parent or guardian must apply on your behalf.

The fee for applying for naturalization is€255.00. The fee for naturalizing children with their parents is €51per child. In the case of low-income or a large number of children to be naturalized simultaneously, these fees may be reduced or waived by authorities.

After submitting your application, the authorities will review your documents and decide whether to grant you an interview. The interview is the second stage of the application process. During the interview, you will be asked questions about your motivation for applying for German Citizenship and your knowledge of the German language, culture, and society. You will also be asked to take a German language test (if you have not already done so) and a naturalization test.

After completing both stages, you will be granted German Citizenship. You will then receive a certificate of naturalization(Einbürgerungszusicherung),and you can apply for a German passport or ID card.

Benefits of a permanent residence in Germany

Learn more about the benefits of having a German settlement permit

A German permanent residency offers several advantages:

Work in Germany without restrictions

Any legal employment is permitted. It is also unlimited in time and place. This means that with a valid permanent residence permit, you can freely choose youroccupation, such as self-employment. A big advantage is that this permit is nottied to a specific job! This means you can change your job without having to notify the Federal Office or the Federal Employment Agency. In addition, you do not have to apply for an extension of your residence permit every few years.

And anything to reduce the amount ofbureaucracy for your life in Germanyis always a plus!

Better credit rating

Another advantage of the unrestricted residence permit in Germany that should not be neglected becomes apparent when taking out a loan. If you only have a temporary right of residence in Germany, it is very hard to find abank that will grantyou a loan. It canbe too uncertain if you can really repay the loan. An unlimited settlement permit entitles you to permanent residency in Germany and significantly increases your chances of obtaining a loan from the bank.

Travel permit

Permanent residency in Germany gives you complete freedom of movement. This means that you can not only travel within Germany without restrictions but also leave and return without any problems. The only important thing is that you are not allowed to leave the country for longer than 6 months or with the intention to emigrate. Upon application, you may even leave Germany for longer than 6 months. This has the particular advantage that you can travel to your country of origin at any time without losing your Residence Permit in Germany.

EU permanent residence permit

This unlimited residency permit goes beyond a temporary settlement permit. In addition to permanent living and working in Germany, a longer stay in other EU countries is also possible. Depending on the country, there is also a work permit. If this residence title was acquired in Germany, it expires for Germany, for example, only after one has resided in another EU country for 6 years.

Guaranteed social security

German permanent residents are entitled to social security and health insurance: this means that you have access to social benefits, such as childcare benefits, health benefits, and social assistance if you lose your job or are made redundant.

Apply for financial aid to study at German universities

As a permanent resident, you can apply for financial aid to study at a German university of your choice.

Become a German national

You can apply for German citizenship after you have lived in Germany as a permanent resident for eight years.

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German Residence Permits | Temporary and Permanent (2024)


Is it hard to get permanent residency in Germany? ›

If you meet all the necessary criteria, have all the required documents, and successfully sit the interview, then yes: it can be easy to gain a permanent residence permit and permanent residency status.

What are the new rules for permanent residence in Germany? ›

According to the new laws(since March 1, 2024), skilled workers and scientists/researchers can obtain a permanent residence permit after 3 years of residence in Germany by meeting relatively relaxed requirements- You only need to have paid into the pension insurance for 36 months.

How many years does it take to get German permanent residence? ›

In order to get a permanent residence permit, some requirements apply: You must have had a residence permit for at least 5 years. You must be able to secure a living for yourself (and your family) independently, i.e. you are not allowed to receive any money from the Job Centre or Social Welfare Office.

How long does it take to get a temporary residence permit in Germany? ›

It takes up to 12 weeks for your electronic residence permit to be issued, and you will receive this in card format. If your current residence permit is due to run out during this period of time, then you will need to obtain a temporary residence permit.

How hard is it to move to Germany from the US? ›

Fortunately, US citizens can enter Germany for 90 days without needing a visa – this gives you roughly 3 months to apply for roles, attend in-person interviews and land a job, after which you can apply for a Work Visa or EU Blue Card at your local immigration office in Germany.

What is the age limit for PR in Germany? ›

The optimal age for acquiring this visa is generally between 25 to 43 years, although some employers may accept older individuals in certain professions. The age requirement for migration to Germany for obtaining a work visa may even extend to 50 years or more, depending on the nature of the job.

What is the new immigration law in Germany in 2024? ›

The second stage of Germany's new Skilled Immigration Act came into force on 1 March 2024. The new law will make it easier for foreign skilled workers to come to Germany. This follows the first stage of the new regulations, which came into effect in November 2023.

Can I lose my permanent residence permit in Germany? ›

If you reside outside the European Union (or in Denmark or Ireland) for more than 12 months, in principle, you will lose your EU permanent residence permit. If you do not reside in Germany for more than 6 years, in principle, you will lose your EU permanent residence permit.

How much does it cost to get permanent residence in Germany? ›

Permanent residence costs in Germany

€113 standard cost. €124 if you apply for fast-track through self-employment. €147 if you apply as a highly qualified professional.

How long can I stay outside Germany with German residence permit? ›

A residence permit becomes invalid 6 months after leaving Germany. In addition, longer deadlines apply to the EU Blue Card and the settlement permit. an EU Blue Card becomes invalid 12 months after leaving Germany.

Does Germany permanent residence permit expire? ›

An EU Blue Card or a permanent residence permit under the EU Blue Card does not expire after a 6-month absence from Germany, but only after twelve months.

How many years of PR do you need to apply for citizenship in Germany? ›

To be eligible for naturalization, a person has to have lived legally in Germany for at least eight years and possess the appropriate residence permit. Foreigners who have successfully completed an integration course are eligible for naturalization after seven years.

How can I get permanent residency in Germany fast? ›

If you are in one of the following categories, then you become eligible for permanent residency in Germany quicker than in four years' time:
  1. A graduate from a German university or vocational school.
  2. A highly qualified professional.
  3. EU Blue-Card holder.
  4. A self-employed person.
  5. A family member of a German citizen.

Can I travel while waiting for German residence permit? ›

§81 Abs.

If have no residence permit, and you applied for a residence permit on time. It does not allow you to travel outside of Germany.

What is the life in Germany test for permanent residence? ›

The test consists of 33 questions including three questions which apply only to the German state where the applicant lives. Applicants must choose the correct answer from four possible responses. To pass, applicants must answer 17 questions correctly. In recent years, more than 90% of applicants have passed the test.

Is Germany PR friendly? ›

PR & Citizenship

Germany offers permanent resident and citizenship to international students after 8 years of stay in the country. However, there are some rules and terms that need to be followed to get a German Settlement Permit.

Which country is the easiest to get permanent residency in Europe? ›

Compared to other EU countries, Portugal boasts one of the most efficient application processes. With its low living costs, accessible healthcare system, and strong economy, Portugal is one of the easiest countries in Europe to obtain permanent residency without substantial investment.

Why is it hard to get citizenship in Germany? ›

Residence Period

You're required to live a minimum of eight years in Germany under a residence permit before you can apply for citizenship. This residence period requirement can be lowered to seven if you complete an integration course, and in special cases, it can even be reduced to six years.

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