How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (2024)

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Identify your strengths and skills


Research the market and the employer

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Network and build relationships


Showcase your personal brand


Learn and grow continuously


Be proactive and persistent


Here’s what else to consider

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The job market is constantly changing and evolving, and so are the expectations and demands of employers. Whether you are looking for a new job, a promotion, or a career change, you need to stand out from the crowd and showcase your value and potential. In this article, we will share some tips and strategies on how to improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market.

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  • Talat Sheerazi Goldie Chief Human Resource Officer Taaleem PJSC

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  • Bernadette Pawlik Job Search / Career Strategist, Recruiting Insider

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How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (11) How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (12) How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (13)

1 Identify your strengths and skills

The first step to improving your chances of being hired is to know yourself and what you can offer. What are your core strengths and skills that make you unique and valuable? What are the gaps or areas that you need to improve or learn? How can you demonstrate your achievements and impact in your previous or current roles? You can use tools such as self-assessments, feedback, online tests, or portfolios to identify and showcase your strengths and skills.

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  • Talat Sheerazi Goldie Chief Human Resource Officer Taaleem PJSC
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    it starts simply by ensuring that your resume or linked in profile is strong and describes in a punchy manner the value you add to any company. Recruiters and others probably spend about 1 minute sifting through profiles so you have a very small window to ensure your resume stands out, Most importantly be honest and genuine and this should come across too. Fluffy words and over inflated profiles may get you an interview but if you cannot deliver in the same way as you say you can, you will not survive past probation.


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    Know Your Strengths and Skills: Begin by understanding your core competencies, expertise, and unique value proposition.Conduct Thorough Research: Stay abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and the latest skills in demandTailor Your Resume and Cover Letter: Craft a compelling resume and cover letter that highlights your most relevant skills and experiences.Network Effectively: Leverage your professional network to expand your reach and gain insider knowledge. Attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, and engage in meaningful conversations with people in your field.


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (33) 1

  • Bernadette Pawlik Job Search / Career Strategist, Recruiting Insider
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    The number of applicants is daunting, but not when you factor in that under 20% of all applicants will be remotely qualified.You need to be part of that 20%.And, then your understanding of the recruiting process comes into play:The phone screen: The question you need to ask is this: What do you need to know about me to confirm that I am qualified for this role? It cuts through the anxiety and gets to what a recruiter needs to know.The interview process: Be aware that you are one of several candidates. Do your due diligence on the company, the hiring team and the competition. Be passionate about the company and the company's products.


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    Master the art of storytelling. Your resume isn't just a list of qualifications, but a narrative of your professional journey. Paint a vivid picture with your words, make your potential employer feel your passion and drive.Remember, it's not always about who you know, but who knows you. Cultivate your personal brand. Take part in industry discussions, publish thought-leadership pieces, make your name known. Networking isn't just attending events, it's about creating lasting impressions.

  • Gail Smith-McCarthy, MA, MHRM, PMP Facilitator Development | Change Management | Communications | Strategy Execution
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    I think it pays off in spades to put no less than half of your effort into building relationships and networking. It can feel productive to apply to a boatload of jobs online and call that a grind, but that's really the equivalent of something closer to empty calories, relatively speaking. (Do that too, but don't let it be the majority of the pie when it comes to % of time spent.)


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (61) 3


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2 Research the market and the employer

The second step to improving your chances of being hired is to research the market and the employer that you are interested in. What are the trends and opportunities in your industry or field? What are the skills and qualifications that are in demand or preferred? What are the values and culture of the employer that you are applying to? How can you tailor your resume, cover letter, and interview responses to match their needs and expectations? You can use sources such as job boards, company websites, social media, industry publications, or networking to research the market and the employer.

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3 Network and build relationships

The third step to improving your chances of being hired is to network and build relationships with people who can help you in your job search or career development. Who are the people who can refer you, recommend you, mentor you, or advise you? How can you connect with them and maintain contact with them? How can you offer value and support to them in return? You can use platforms such as LinkedIn, email, phone, or events to network and build relationships with people who can influence your career.

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  • Kerri Petrachek CEO, Co-Founder of VP Workforce Solutions. Delivering your perfect workforce - your success, our strategy! Listen to HireExpectations-Beyond the Boardroom
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    Network with professionals in your field or those working for your target companies. Attend industry events, join professional groups, and connect with employees on LinkedIn. Information gleaned from networking can provide invaluable insights and potential referrals.


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (70) 5

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    Crucial part - approach and network with the people that are related to the company and the job you are pursuing! Invest time in meeting with them informally and present your strengths.


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (79) 1

  • Edward Kaye Experienced Talent Acquisition Leader and Career Advisor | Recruiter @ PCI Pharma, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters | Executive Search | LinkedIn Certified Professional Recruiter
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    Networking is absolutely critical to a job search these days, more than ever. With LinkedIn, we’re all connected, directly or indirectly with the people we want to talk to, use your network ask for referrals, give and make introductions, this is the currency of the job search these daysprofessional networking will make all the difference!


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  • Nimisha Baweja Passionate Recruiter
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    in my experience one has to network and build relationships from day 1 of your career. every interaction within and outside the organization is an opportunity to network and build relationships Networking and relationships are also about giving value. When one is aware of that overtime it builds up and aids in career progression. Looking to network and build relationships only when looking for jobs is not very fruitful


4 Showcase your personal brand

The fourth step to improving your chances of being hired is to showcase your personal brand. What are the attributes and qualities that define who you are and what you stand for? How can you communicate your vision, mission, and values to potential employers and clients? How can you create a positive and consistent impression across your online and offline channels? You can use tools such as websites, blogs, social media, podcasts, or videos to showcase your personal brand and attract opportunities.

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  • Jackie Pelegrin, MBA, MSIDT Adjunct Faculty Instructor at Grand Canyon University

    When showcasing your personal brand, be sure you are highlighting the skills you have that are not only applicable to the job but are also transferrable to other industries as well, such as strong collaboration skills. In addition, I would recommend having a portfolio website in which you can showcase your best work to employers. This can be especially helpful for industries that require you to submit artifacts or sample work. I would make sure to keep your website and any other materials up-to-date as you learn new skills and as the industry changes.


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (105) 2

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    I just made a video on the topic literally a few hours ago. Double check your LinkedIn profile, make sure it’s updated. List all your accomplishments and deliverables.


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (114) 2

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    Present yourself authentically, in such a way that how you are perceived online is congruent with how you present yourself offline. Check the information about you that a potential employer can find both online and from former employers/collaborators and make sure that it is in line with what you would like them to know about you. Don't forget that the first impression, the first meeting with the potential employer is very important and is often decisive, so prepare ahead of time to make a good impression.


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  • Nimisha Baweja Passionate Recruiter
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    In my experience your brand is visible everywhere, in your talk with a client /interviewer / bossesThe 1st thing one needs is to focus on building your brand i.e. develop your own vision, mission & value proposition. clarify your values The "showcasing" will come more effectively when one has spent time developing the brand. In today's AI world sometimes the focus is on "showcasing a personal brand" that actually is a borrowed personal brand" . The demand for authentic personal brand is very high in the current market and helps highly in job search

  • Edward Kaye Experienced Talent Acquisition Leader and Career Advisor | Recruiter @ PCI Pharma, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters | Executive Search | LinkedIn Certified Professional Recruiter
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    Guess what we all have a brand. We all have done some thing or some things in our career that have brought us to the present day. Showcase your brand, highlight things that you’re most proud of, frame your experience in a way that allows someone to understand the benefits and low hanging fruit that you will be able to offer. Marketing yourself is an absolute essential part of the job search.


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5 Learn and grow continuously

The fifth step to improving your chances of being hired is to learn and grow continuously. How can you keep up with the changes and challenges in your industry or field? How can you acquire new skills and knowledge that can enhance your performance and potential? How can you seek feedback and improve your areas of weakness or development? You can use resources such as courses, books, podcasts, webinars, or mentors to learn and grow continuously and stay relevant and competitive.

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  • Edward Kaye Experienced Talent Acquisition Leader and Career Advisor | Recruiter @ PCI Pharma, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters | Executive Search | LinkedIn Certified Professional Recruiter


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    We should never stop learning. It doesn’t matter what degree, certification, or license or multiple ones you possess, the learning process never ends. Taking an online webinar, read and comment on someone’s post, network with somebody you don’t know and have a chat about their company, these are just a few examples how the learning process can and should help you to be in a constant state of learning and development. The more we know the better we can hopefully be in our careers.


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (148) 4

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    One thing I've learned is that the only constant in any industry is change, making continuous learning and growth vital for employability. Keeping up with the latest trends and challenges in your field is essential. Reflect on how you can acquire new skills and knowledge to elevate your capabilities. Actively seeking feedback and focusing on areas for development are crucial steps. Resources such as courses, books, podcasts, webinars, and mentors will help your learning journey. Embracing this commitment to growth ensures you remain adaptable and competitive in an ever-evolving job market.


    How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (157) 1

  • Kerri Petrachek CEO, Co-Founder of VP Workforce Solutions. Delivering your perfect workforce - your success, our strategy! Listen to HireExpectations-Beyond the Boardroom


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    Take time to reflect on your experiences, both personal and professional. Consider your accomplishments, challenges you've overcome, and tasks you've excelled at. This will help you identify your skills, including technical abilities, soft skills, and personal strengths as well as areas of opportunity where you could identify some possible gaps to stay relevant in your field.Invest in continuous learning and skill development. Stay updated with industry trends, enroll in courses, attend workshops, or seek certifications to enhance your skills and stay competitive in the job market.


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6 Be proactive and persistent

The sixth and final step to improving your chances of being hired is to be proactive and persistent. How can you take initiative and action to pursue your career goals and aspirations? How can you overcome obstacles and setbacks that may arise in your job search or career development? How can you follow up and follow through with your applications, interviews, or projects? You can use strategies such as goal setting, action planning, tracking, or accountability to be proactive and persistent and achieve your career success.

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  • Kerri Petrachek CEO, Co-Founder of VP Workforce Solutions. Delivering your perfect workforce - your success, our strategy! Listen to HireExpectations-Beyond the Boardroom
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    Utilize LinkedIn and other social media platforms to research companies, their employees, and hiring managers. Follow their pages, engage with their content, and gain insights into their company culture and values. Persistence is the key!

  • Elena Giorgetti, PCC Founder of Make an Impact Career Coaching | Top Career Coach in Vancouver | Certified Facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® Method
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    Staying proactive and persistent is probably the most important aspect in job searching.Focus on what you can control—your actions, daily habits, and mindset—while acknowledging that the outcome lies beyond your direct influence. Throughout the job search, prioritize self-care and kindness toward yourself. Remember, this process is transient, and despite its challenges, it will eventually pass. Stay authentic to your values and consistently visualize your end goal— eventually you will get there!


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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How can you improve your chances of being hired in a competitive job market? (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 5583

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.