How Hard is Being a School Nurse – (8 Biggest Challenges & Ways to Overcome) (2024)

Written By: Darby Faubion, RN, BSN, MBA

How Hard is Being a School Nurse – (8 Biggest Challenges & Ways to Overcome) (1)

Are you a registered nurse considering options for your career? Does having a job that offers weekends and holidays off and extra time for family sound great to you? If so, you may be interested in becoming a school nurse. You may have considered school nursing as an option but wonder, “How hard is being a school nurse?” In this article, I will share the 8 biggest challenges school nurses face and ways you can successfully overcome them. Being aware of possible challenges and how to respond to them can help you be a school nurse who makes a true difference for the students you serve.


All nursing jobs can be challenging from time to time, and being a school nurse is no exception. As a school nurse, you must work with parents, students, school staff, and administrators to promote the health and well-being of students. School nurses do more than give medications or bandage wounds. You may experience days when you care for a student who has major behavioral problems or whose home life is unsafe. These situations require you to be aware and make critical decisions to promote the safety and well-being of the student. Although being a school nurse is hard, it can also be a rewarding job.


(The following are the 8 biggest challenges school nurses face and ways you can successfully overcome them.)

CHALLENGE #1: You May Have to Work Between Several Schools

About the Challenge:

One of the things that makes being a school nurse hard is that you can be responsible for more than one school. Many school nurses are employed by county or state school systems and must travel from one school to another to perform routine examinations on students. In this case, you may conduct vision and hearing screenings or tests for scoliosis and report to parents if you determine a need that should be addressed by the student’s primary care provider.

How to Overcome:

If you work for a school system that requires you to serve more than one school, one of the most important things you can do is practice good time management skills. Plan your schedule well ahead of time, allowing for enough days at each school to screen the student population before moving on to the next school. As a school nurse, you will see many students, so it is crucial that you document properly and in a timely manner so no vital information or referrals are overlooked. It is important to schedule time each day to complete paperwork instead of waiting until the end of the week.

CHALLENGE #2: You May Work Alone

About the Challenge:

One of the things I love about nursing is there are many opportunities to broaden your scope of practice or have the freedom to work independently. As a school nurse, though, the high level of independence can be challenging, especially if you work with a large student body. A school nurse is often the only medical staff on the school premises, which means there is no doctor or nursing peer to call on when you become extremely busy, or there is an emergency with several students requiring care.

How to Overcome:

Although working alone is one of the things that makes being a school nurse hard, you can find ways to handle difficult situations and succeed. Joining professional school nurse organizations, like the National Association of School Nurses, is an excellent way to develop a professional network of people who do the same work as you. These organizations offer insight and resources for developing and implementing plans for completing your work in a timely manner, preparing for emergencies, and collaborating with school staff to promote good student outcomes.

CHALLENGE #3: There Is A Lot of Paperwork

About the Challenge:

If you dislike paperwork, you will probably find that being a school nurse is hard.
There are strict state guidelines for documenting that all school nurses must follow. School nurses must complete paperwork for every student who is screened for wellness screening as well as document any sick calls. You will also process health forms and review immunization records to make sure students have current immunizations. If parents do not send appropriate forms when you request them, you may have to reach out to them again and again until you have everything you need.

How to Overcome:

The simple fact is no matter what type of nursing job you have, you must complete paperwork and verify documents. As a school nurse, you can overcome the challenge of having a lot of paperwork by not procrastinating. It is easy to let paperwork pile up or get distracted, especially if you have several tasks to complete each day. So, prioritizing paperwork is vital. If possible, consider setting aside time at the end of each day to dedicate to completing paperwork and any follow-up calls to parents.

CHALLENGE #4: Earning Less Money Than Other Nurses

About the Challenge:

Nursing is a wonderful career with many advantages. Depending on where you work and your role, you can earn a significant income. Unfortunately, school nurses are not at the high end of the income scale. According to Indeed, the average pay for school nurses is $35.41 per hour, which is less than the average $42.80 per hour RN salary reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

How to Overcome:

Earning a lower salary as a school nurse does not have to be a deal-breaker. Many school nurses have great benefit packages, which often make up for the difference in pay. If you need to supplement your income, you will find that the school nurse schedule makes it easier to take on prn shifts or to work a side job.

CHALLENGE #5: Being a School Nurse Means Having Significant Responsibilities

About the Challenge:

There is more to being a school nurse than performing vision screenings or applying band-aids to skinned knees and elbows. The responsibilities you have in this role are one of the things that make being a school nurse hard. You may be the only medical professional on the school premises, which means any child who is injured or ill must come to you. In addition to assessing students to determine if they should be sent home or require emergency medical care, you will often act as the liaison between students, parents, teachers, and other medical professionals. The number of responsibilities can feel overwhelming at times.

How to Overcome:

Although you cannot reduce the number of responsibilities you have, you can find ways to manage tasks and time effectively. Creating a to-do list or plan of action for each week can help you get on track and keep work moving smoothly. While you cannot predict emergencies that may disrupt your schedule, with good time management, you can ease the burden of having so many responsibilities.

CHALLENGE #6: Dealing with Unconcerned Parents

About the Challenge:

In a perfect world, all parents are concerned about their children’s physical, mental, and academic health and progress. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world, and dealing with unconcerned parents is one of the things that makes being a school nurse hard.

How to Overcome:

As much as I would love to tell you that you can make unconcerned parents transition to loving, involved parents, I cannot. As a school nurse, you will learn to identify the students whose parents are involved with their child’s education and health and those who lack the advantage of involved parents. You must remember that your priority is the health and well-being of the children in your care. Follow school policies and protocols for communicating with parents, teachers, and administrative staff. Although you cannot change a parent’s behavior, you can make yourself available, which could promote better communication and parental involvement.

CHALLENGE #7: Being a School Nurse Can Take an Emotional Toll

About the Challenge:

As a school nurse, you may care for students who become ill or injured at school, but you may also have students with chronic illnesses, behavioral problems, or those experiencing abuse or neglect. The broad range of issues students face can be emotionally taxing on you, especially if you are the only medical professional in the school, which is one of the reasons being a school nurse is hard.

How to Overcome:

It is natural to feel emotional connections with students, especially when you believe their home life is not good. However, to protect your own mental and emotional health, you must learn to develop healthy boundaries. Following protocols for reporting important issues and working closely with your professional peers can help you deal with the emotional toll that comes with being a school nurse.

CHALLENGE #8: Knowing When to Report Issues to Outside Authorities

About the Challenge:

As a nurse, you are a mandated reporter of abuse and neglect. Depending on the situation, it can be difficult to know what needs to be reported. Mandated reporting can be especially challenging when school administrators do not have the same view of a situation as you.

How to Overcome:

The best advice I can give you to overcome this challenge is to trust your instincts. It is always better to err on the side of caution than to dismiss concerns about abuse or neglect. If you report an issue to your school administrator or other supervisor, document every detail and follow-up. It is important to follow your school system's protocol for reporting, but at the end of the day, remember you are legally responsible for your own actions, or lack thereof.


If you are a nurse looking for a job with good hours and benefits, becoming a school nurse is a great option. You may have thought of working as a school nurse but wonder, “How hard is being a school nurse?” Like any nursing job, being a school nurse comes with challenges, but knowing what to expect and how to address them makes the job easier. In this article, I shared the 8 biggest challenges school nurses face and ways you can successfully overcome them. With these tips, you can become a school nurse and impact student health and well-being on many levels.

How Hard is Being a School Nurse – (8 Biggest Challenges & Ways to Overcome) (2)Darby Faubion, RN, BSN, MBA
Darby Faubion is a nurse and Allied Health educator with over twenty years of experience. She has assisted in developing curriculum for nursing programs and has instructed students at both community college and university levels. Because of her love of nursing education, Darby became a test-taking strategist and NCLEX prep coach and assists nursing graduates across the United States who are preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).

How Hard is Being a School Nurse – (8 Biggest Challenges & Ways to Overcome) (2024)


How Hard is Being a School Nurse – (8 Biggest Challenges & Ways to Overcome)? ›

Challenges of school nurses

The most frequently reported school-based challenges school nurses face are having limited resources and a high caseload. They also faced barriers like communication challenges, multiple documentation requirements, conflicting needs and points of view, and working in isolation.

What are the challenges of being a school nurse? ›

Challenges of school nurses

The most frequently reported school-based challenges school nurses face are having limited resources and a high caseload. They also faced barriers like communication challenges, multiple documentation requirements, conflicting needs and points of view, and working in isolation.

What is the most challenging aspect of nursing school? ›

7 Challenges of Nursing School that Student Nurses Face
  • Grueling lectures. ...
  • Unpredictable clinical shifts. ...
  • Taxing homework and projects. ...
  • Dreadful tests and exams. ...
  • Stressful college life and limited time for other activities. ...
  • Post-graduation training. ...
  • Unreasonable expectations and demands from people who know you.
May 17, 2023

What is so hard about nursing school? ›

For some, nursing school may be challenging because pursuing a nursing degree involves studying an advanced nursing curriculum, completing assignments, preparing for skills and simulation labs, and participating in clinical rotations.

How do you overcome challenges as a nurse? ›

Here are a few ways you can address common challenges you may face as a nurse:
  1. Prioritize your sleep. Traditional nursing schedules can make it hard to develop regular sleep patterns. ...
  2. Ask for help. ...
  3. Practice healthy habits. ...
  4. Take care of your physical and mental health. ...
  5. Find a supportive environment.
Jul 25, 2023

What are your weaknesses as a school nurse? ›

Reflect on your weaknesses

Not managing your time effectively. Documenting with too many details or duplicate charting in flowsheets and notes. Difficulty prioritizing tasks or attempting to complete too many tasks at once. A lack of clinical experience, which may apply to recent graduates or new nurses.

How stressful is being a school nurse? ›

The hardest part of being a school nurse is balancing many responsibilities. Certain times of the year can be quite busy. If you are in a district with limited resources, a heavy caseload can be challenging, especially if you have to work in multiple schools.

What is the hardest thing in nursing school? ›

Pharmacology. Pharmacology, or the study of medication, can seem scary because of the sheer scope of the course. “It becomes one of the hardest classes for nursing students due to the depth and amount of knowledge needed,” says Megan Lynch, RN and instructor at Pima Community College.

What is the hardest part of being a student nurse? ›

Juggling School and Work: Many nursing students work to support their education and living expenses. Balancing work with the academic and clinical demands of your nursing course can be a tough act. 4. Emotional Hurdles: You may face emotionally challenging situations during clinical rotations or in your personal life.

Which class is hardest in nursing school? ›

Nursing school's LPN courses for enhancing basic skills include such as pharmacology and pathophysiology can prove challenging. Here are the opinions of some health care teams on what you can expect when enrolling.

Why is nursing school so hard and stressful? ›

Nursing school requires a significant time commitment. Whether you choose a traditional four-year or accelerated BSN program, you will dedicate much of your time to your studies. Many students find nursing school hard because it does not leave much time for other activities and social commitments.

What is the hardest skill to learn in nursing school? ›

Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Anatomy & Physiology each have a well-earned reputation for being difficult to pass. Some students may find Cardiology, Chemistry, or even Mental Health especially trying.

What is the most difficult thing as a nurse? ›

The 5 Biggest Challenges Faced by Nurses & How to Overcome Them
  1. Safety. Nurses face many specific safety concerns. ...
  2. Difficult Patients. Even patients who are not physically dangerous can present a significant challenge. ...
  3. Mental and Emotional Health. ...
  4. Physical Demands. ...
  5. Scheduling and Work-Life Balance.
Apr 20, 2023

What is the biggest challenge in nursing school? ›

The National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) is one of the most important and difficult milestones for a nursing student. Passing this exam requires a lot of preparation and it is different from other tests you take as a nursing student. Some tips to assist in your preparation for the exam include: Study for the NCLEX.

What is the biggest challenge facing nurses today? ›

Top 5 Challenges Faced by Nurses Today
  • Lack of Boundaries and Self-care.
  • Nurses Are Stretched Thin.
  • Nurses Need to Be Able to Slow Down.
  • Nurses Need Mental Health Days and Adequate Breaks.
  • Explore Lateral Shifts.
  • Trust Your Instinct.
  • Ground Yourself in Your “Why”
  • Advocate for Change.

What are the ethical dilemmas school nurses face? ›

Emergent themes of ethical problems were professional relationship conflicts, delegation to and supervision of health assistants, child protection reporting, maintaining confidentiality, Do Not Resuscitate policy, and pressure to work outside of nursing practice standards.

What are the challenges of teaching nursing students? ›

Nurse educators identified the following challenges that affect their ability to nurture and educate the future generation of nurses.
  • Lack of Resources. ...
  • Curriculum Challenges. ...
  • Representation in Faculty and Training. ...
  • Fostering and Maintaining Student Relationships. ...
  • Pay Inequality. ...
  • Lack of Preceptors.

What is the difference between a nurse and a school nurse? ›

A school nurse is different from a nurse that works in a hospital or pediatric clinic. The core focus of school nursing is to keep children healthy and in school, as it is well-documented that school attendance is essential for academic success.

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