How long should a conclusion paragraph be? - Top Score Writing (2024)

Every great essay includes a solid conclusion paragraph. It’s where you wrap up the composition and summarize the main themes you covered. Ideally, it should leave the reader with the key takeaways you wanted to get across in the writing.

But how long should it be?

If your conclusion is too long, you may begin introducing concepts you should have already covered earlier in the essay. If it’s too short, you may fail to accurately summarize your key points. You want something that isn’t too long or too short.

A solid conclusion paragraph is typically 3-5 sentences. This should give you enough time to succinctly review your main themes and major concepts while not being too brief.

How to write a great conclusion

There are three components of a great conclusion you should consider:

Restate three reasons

Your conclusion is the last thing your reader will remember about your essay. Since you covered three reasons in your essay, the conclusion is the best time to restate these three reasons for the benefit of your reader. In the body of your essay, you will explain each reason or topic. In your conclusion, you are simply stating the reasons again as a final reminder.

Give a thought or feeling into the topic

You can also include a specific thought or feeling you had on the topic. This can be an extension of the points you covered in your main essay. It can also represent a new and different way to look at the three reasons you discussed in the composition.

Include an ending sentence

Your ending sentence is your final message to the reader. The main takeaway of your essay should be included here.

A strong conclusion can be the difference between a good essay and a great one. The key is to be as concise as possible, revisit your main points, and summarize your argument within 3-5 sentences. For more suggestions on how to write amazing essays,contact Top Score Writing today!

How long should a conclusion paragraph be? - Top Score Writing (2024)


How long should a conclusion paragraph be? - Top Score Writing? ›

A solid conclusion paragraph is typically 3-5 sentences. This should give you enough time to succinctly review your main themes and major concepts while not being too brief. Your conclusion is the last thing your reader will remember about your essay.

How long should a conclusion paragraph be? ›

A solid conclusion paragraph is typically 3-5 sentences. This should give you enough time to succinctly review your main themes and major concepts while not being too brief. Your conclusion is the last thing your reader will remember about your essay.

Is a 100 word conclusion too short? ›

It should not: include any new arguments, ideas or examples. be too long, for an assignment of fewer than 1,500 words a conclusion of 50-100 words is probably enough. repeat examples, phrases or sentences from the main body of your essay.

How to write a 400 word conclusion? ›

A conclusion should always:

Highlight the key argument presented in the essay. Summarise the answer to the essay question, as signalled in the introduction. Refer back to the essay question to show that it has been answered. Reinforce the main theme of the essay, which has been established in the introduction.

How to write a 300 word conclusion? ›

You can follow these steps to draft an effective conclusion:
  1. Summarise the thesis. ...
  2. Repeat your supporting arguments. ...
  3. Connect your introductory and concluding paragraphs. ...
  4. Provide some useful observations. ...
  5. Give the readers some points to think about.
Sep 22, 2023

How long is the average conclusion? ›

While there is no hard and fast rule on length, conclusions are typically one paragraph long; however, you may find some that are two or three paragraphs long.

Can a conclusion be 2 sentences long? ›

Your conclusion paragraph should be at least 3 sentences (for a shorter paper), but it can be much longer, depending on what kind of conclusion you're making.

Is 1000 words a day possible? ›

Writing 1000 words a day is a form of deep work that requires all your attention, and forces you to avoid multitasking. Having clear goals is a flow trigger. And by having a target number of words or specific amount of writing time, you trigger a flow state, which leads to a massive increase in productivity.

Can I write 1000 words in 3 hours? ›

Writing 1,000 words at an average typing speed takes about 25 minutes or less. If you need to do light research for the writing topic, 1,000 words takes about 1–2 hours. Give yourself 3–4 hours to write 1,000 words if you need to do heavy research, citations, or editing.

What is a good conclusion example? ›

Try to end with a strong, decisive sentence, leaving the reader with a lingering sense of interest in your topic. Example: Showing why it matters New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

How to write a good concluding paragraph? ›

Restate your topic and why it is important, Restate your thesis/claim, Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position, Call for action or overview future research possibilities.

How to start a conclusion without saying in conclusion? ›

Conclude your paper by setting the main discussion into a broader or different context. Try to redefine one of the most important terms of your main argument or take into account its key implications. Think about the things that it suggests, implies, or involves to succeed.

What two paragraphs in your essay should look similar? ›

The first and the last. The first presents your thesis or position on a particular subject. It also usually identifies some of the sources that will be used to present your position. The final paragraph is the summary or the conclusion.

What are the 4 types of conclusions? ›

Reflection: Offers a thoughtful closing statement reflecting the significance of your thesis. Judgment: Gives your opinion about the topic. Call to action: Suggests readers to take action regarding the topic. Question: Asks a question to make readers think.

What is the most appropriate word to start writing a conclusion? ›

You want your reader to know when you have reached your conclusion. In addition to saying, "In conclusion....", there are other choices you can make. For example, you would try, "Finally,..." or "As this paper demonstrates...". Make sure to transition between each main point.

Is 150 words enough for a conclusion? ›

➢There is an unspoken rule that the introduction and conclusion of an academic paper should both be ± 10% of the overall paper's volume. ➢E.g. if you were assigned a 1500 word essay, both the introductory and final clauses should be approximately 150 words long (300 together).

How long should a conclusion be for a 3000 word essay? ›

So - let's say your essay needs to be 3000 words. A well-proportioned and balanced 3000 word essay will have around 500 words of an introduction and 500 words of a conclusion. This is a good start to the planning process - though it can always flex and adapt to requirements during the writing stage.

How long should a conclusion be for a 1000 word report? ›

Conclusion paragraphs are about 5% of your essay word count (e.g. about 50 or so words per 1000 word essay).

How long should a conclusion be in an essay 500 words? ›

Tailor the length of your conclusion to your essay's overall length (shorter essays: 3-5 sentences, longer essays: 8-10 sentences). Ensure a smooth transition from the main body using transition words. Avoid introducing new information; focus on wrapping up your existing points.

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