How to Throw a Great Birthday Party - Edible® Blog (2024)

How to Throw a Great Birthday Party - Edible® Blog (1)

Planning a birthday party can be stressful. Of course, you want everything to go off without a hitch and all of your guests to have a really great time. Luckily, with a little bit of planning, you can pull off a great party that everyone will remember. Here’s how to throw a great birthday party, including birthday gifts, whether you’re planning it for a loved one or yourself.

Choose our Best Birthday Ever arrangement to make your birthday party even more special. It comes with our signature pineapple cupcakes topped with white and semisweet chocolate, chocolate-covered strawberries, and a variety of delicious fresh fruit, paired with festive balloons.

Top 10 Tips for Throwing a Great Birthday Party

We know how stressful party planning can be. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you along the way. Here are ten tips to help you throw the best birthday party ever:

1. Create a Guest List

Choosing your guest list is perhaps the most important part of party planning. Will you keep it small and intimate? Or, invite everyone you know for an oversized bash? When it comes to kids’ parties, one rule of thumb is to invite only as many children as your child’s age, plus one. So if your child is turning six, you would invite seven children to the party.

2. Pick a Venue

Once you’ve figured out how many people you’re inviting to your soiree, you can pick the venue. You can choose to have it at your home, but this depends on how much space you have and the size of your guest list. Of course, home parties also require a little more work. A venue may cost more money, but it can offer your guests a greater variety of experiences and take a little pressure off you. Kids enjoy birthdays at bounce houses, children’s museums, or bowling alleys.

3. Choose a Theme

For kids, a theme for their birthday means a lot to them. Maybe they want their favorite character, sport, or activity. Be sure to ask your little one and plan accordingly. For older teens and adults, a theme can help tie the whole party together, even if it’s something as simple as a color or descriptive word (think hygge).

4. Decide on a Time

The time of day sets the stage for your party. If you have an earlier party, you can serve a light lunch (and spend less on food). Alternatively, you can plan for a dinner party with an elaborate dinner course. For kids, it’s important to consider nap times. Toddler parties work better earlier in the day before naptime, while older children can party later in the afternoon or evening.

5. Send Invitations in Advance

Invitations should go out about three weeks before your party date. This will give your guests enough heads up without going overboard. You don’t have to send paper invitations. Send them over email, Facebook, or even apps like Evite to make things easier on yourself. Be sure to include a clear-cut start and end time.

6. Have Plenty of Activities

If you’re planning a little kids’ party, activities are essential. The key is to keep the kids busy to keep them on task and free of boredom. Classic games like freeze tag, musical chairs, and pin the tail on the donkey all work. Of course, if your party is taking place at a venue, this part is already taken care of for you. For older kids and adults, back-to-back activities aren’t as important, but it’s still smart to have a general idea of how you’ll keep your guests occupied.

7. Serve Some Delicious Snacks

Food is really the highlight of birthday parties and shouldn’t be overlooked. Be sure to serve your guests something delicious for the main meal. If you’re planning a kids’ party, pizza, mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets are always a big hit. Next up, it’s time to plan the desserts. Of course, you’ll want cake, but also consider our Happy Birthday Platter. It’s packed with strawberries covered in cake batter-flavored white chocolate and topped with sequin sprinkles, chocolate-covered strawberries, and chocolate-covered apple wedges. Your guests are sure to enjoy it.

8. Consider Entertainment

You’ve got the food, the theme, some activities, and even a venue, but what about some entertainment? For kids, great choices include a musician or their favorite costumed character. For adults or older teens, consider a DJ or local band.

9. Don’t Forget the Favors

Favors are an essential component of a kids’ party and a nice addition to an adult party. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. Instead, get creative. Search on Pinterest for ideas that match your theme or think outside of the box and come up with your own ideas.

10. Prepare for the Unexpected

Sometimes the unexpected can crop up and ruin plans, so try to prepare for the worst-case scenario. For example, if you plan an outdoor party, make a backup plan in case it rains. That being said, once you plan ahead, let everything else go. Keep the stress to a minimum by not worrying about the little things even if they don’t go completely according to plan.

These tips can help make party planning a breeze. You’ll be well on your way to actually enjoying the party you plan rather than stressing out over all the minute details.

How to Throw a Great Birthday Party - Edible® Blog (2024)


How to Throw a Great Birthday Party - Edible® Blog? ›

Fill the space with an abundance of shimmering gold balloons, banners, and streamers. It's a simple yet effective way to add some extra glamour and sparkle to your celebration. Invite guests to dress in gold: Get ready for a night of glitz and glam! Encourage your guests to dress up in their most dazzling gold attire.

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6 Ways to Throw a Killer Party or Event
  1. Come up with Something New. We all love a bit of creativity, newness, or uniqueness now and then. ...
  2. Give Your Event a Theme. ...
  3. Provide Different Activities. ...
  4. Inspire Your Guests. ...
  5. Send Quirky Invitations. ...
  6. Mix up the Guests.
Jan 13, 2020

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How to Host a Birthday Party
  1. Keep It Finger-Friendly. Unless it's a sit-down dinner, finger food is the best way to go. ...
  2. Make It Interactive. ...
  3. Keep the Crowd Moving. ...
  4. Plan Ahead. ...
  5. Anticipate Ice Needs. ...
  6. Serve a Festive Dessert.

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Tips for Hosting a Fun Party
  1. Choose a Creative Theme. A well-thought-out theme can set the tone for your party and make it more engaging. ...
  2. Plan Interactive Activities. ...
  3. Hire Live Entertainment. ...
  4. Make It a Foam Party. ...
  5. Offer a Variety of Food and Drinks. ...
  6. Create a Comfortable and Inviting Atmosphere. ...
  7. Set the Stage for Socializing.
Jul 18, 2023

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Fill the space with an abundance of shimmering gold balloons, banners, and streamers. It's a simple yet effective way to add some extra glamour and sparkle to your celebration. Invite guests to dress in gold: Get ready for a night of glitz and glam! Encourage your guests to dress up in their most dazzling gold attire.

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Once the party is in full swing, the biggest mistake party hosts can make is not having enough food and drinks! More than half ranked that as the worst oversight when having guests over for a soiree. But some feel the host's behavior can be one of the worst party killers, with 36% not a fan of the host getting drunk.

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Bring a gift for the host.

Bring a gift for the host to show your appreciation for being invited and for all the hard work they put into the party. Not only will bringing a gift make you stand out in the host's eyes, but others at the party are likely to notice your thoughtfulness as well.

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Make your parties feel more alive by having the right number of guests. Research suggests the best group size is from five to nine.

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Average Birthday Party Cost

USA Today shared a survey that found that the average cost of a birthday party is $400, but if it's anything like weddings, that is likely inflated by a smaller amount of higher budget parties, and the typical amount spent is likely much lower.

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If your goal is “simpler”, a smaller guest list is a fantastic start. We've always kept our birthday party guest lists quite small — grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins (this usually amounts to 10 extra guests). Fewer guests mean less food to buy, less mess to clean up later, and fewer gifts to make room for.

How to throw a great birthday party? ›

Party Planning Checklist
  1. Determine the date, time, and guest list.
  2. Choose the right venue.
  3. Select a party theme.
  4. Pick out decorations and party favors.
  5. Decide on the menu and drinks.
  6. Order the perfect birthday cake.
  7. Send out invitations.
Apr 24, 2023

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Mastering the Art of Hosting a Successful Party: A Comprehensive Guide
  1. Define Your Purpose & Audience. ...
  2. Set a Realistic Budget. ...
  3. Choose the Right Venue. ...
  4. Plan Ahead. ...
  5. Create a Theme or Concept. ...
  6. Send Invitations Early. ...
  7. Consider Food & Drinks. ...
  8. 8. Entertainment & Activities.
Aug 15, 2023

How to plan a perfect birthday party? ›

The ultimate party planning checklist template
  1. Choose a theme. ...
  2. Determine your budget. ...
  3. Choose a few date and time options for the event. ...
  4. Book an event venue. ...
  5. Arrange entertainment. ...
  6. Make a guest list. ...
  7. Order supplies if you're making your own decor.

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.