Narcissists Always Come Back (2024)

Narcissists Always Come Back (2)

Narcissists are like horror movie psychopaths — no matter how chill things may appear — you’re not safe from their emotional manipulation until their interest in you is dead and buried.

Both narcissists and murders are resilient and determined to get what they want from you. If that means playing a waiting game before they strike again, then that’s what they’ll do.

According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, six percent of the U.S. population has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which is why most of us have encountered at least one in our lives.

As the child of a narcissist parent, you’d think I’d know better than to get involved emotionally with a narcissist. The truth is, I’ve had several relationships with narcissists and learned the hard way on how to protect myself emotionally from them.

By managing to get out from under their control, you bruised the narcissist’s ego. They see you aren’t as captivated with them as you once were, and even worse, you might not think they’re a good person. The…

Narcissists Always Come Back (2024)


Do narcissists always come back? ›

Will a narcissist come back after dumping you? Yes, it is possible. The narcissist will likely come back for you immediately after initiating the no contact rule. This ensures that their source of attention and satisfaction (the narcissistic supply) does not get cut off for long.

Does a narcissist stay obsessed with the one who got away? ›

Their obsession with the one who slipped away might manifest in various ways. They could stalk their ex's social media, hoping for a glimpse into their life, or constantly reminisce about the past, not out of genuine longing but to feed their wounded ego.

Do narcissists ever miss their ex? ›

True narcissists (people with NPD) don't usually miss their exes.

What turns a narcissist off? ›

According to Sarkis, few things turn off a narcissist more than the word "no." "Narcissists will work very hard at turning your no into a yes," she says. "Someone that holds firm to their boundaries and continues to say, 'no' − that person is not someone the narcissist wants to engage with."

Will a narcissist eventually leave you? ›

Although most narcissists seem to attempt reconciliation a few times before suddenly disappearing, most eventually stop and proceed with an abrupt separation or divorce. There are several significant reasons as to why they do this.

How long do narcissists wait to come back? ›

A narcissist will wait months or even years until you've almost forgotten them and can think of them without fear. If the narcissist in your life is an ex, they may wait until the relationship you had after them has ended to strike. The narcissist wants you to be desperate enough to give them a second chance.

Do narcissists regret leaving you? ›

It is common for people with a narcissistic personality disorder to regret discarding or losing someone, but it does not mean what you might think. If they feel regret, it is not because they hurt you. It is for losing something that they value. You are a possession, not a real person.

When a narcissist realises they are a narcissist? ›

Someone who realizes he is a narcissist more often than not is a victim of narcissistic abuse, gaslighted into thinking he or she is the bad person because he has flaws and behaves in a selfish manner often (which may be caused by the abuse itself).

When a narcissist realizes you are done? ›

For a narcissist, displaying no interest does not imply that it is over. Whatever they want from you, they'll get it eventually, even if they notice that you are no longer interested in them. They are narcissists who find a way to get you on their side again.

What hurts a narcissist ex the most? ›

So, if you want to hurt a narcissist, you need to go for the jugular and hit them at the Diamond level. Exposing them to the people they respect, try to impress, or look good to will hurt more than indifference, no doubt about it. Remember that there is no better day than today to start negotiating your best life.

Does a narcissist apologize? ›

You might have heard that a narcissist never apologizes. This isn't necessarily true – narcissists do sometimes apologize, but not in the way that is expected. Narcissists have a hard time showing empathy for others' emotions. And are also prone to manipulating others for their own benefit.

Do narcissists care about breakups? ›

People with high levels of narcissistic admiration experienced less anxiety and sadness after a breakup and maintained positive perceptions of their exes. They were also more likely to initiate a breakup and attribute it to their lack of interest in their ex.

What scares a narcissist away? ›

Narcissists have an extreme sensitivity to criticism and humiliation—this is their Achilles' heel. To instill fear in a narcissist, attack their fragile self-worth by pointing out their flaws, highlighting hypocrisies, and making them feel inadequate.

What do narcissists do after a breakup? ›

When a narcissist's fragile ego gets hurt, all hell can break loose, and it's not uncommon for them to lash out by stalking or launching smear campaigns against their exes. They also might try showering their exes with displays of affection in order to win them back, Durvasula says.

Who can tolerate a narcissist? ›

One points out that the people most likely to tolerate narcissistic people are other narcissistic people. People with a surplus of self-confidence and grandiosity tend to attract other confident, ambitious people.

Do some narcissists never come back? ›

Some narcissists don't come back or hoover because they are satisfied with the attention and adoration they are getting from other sources. They may also be done with the prior relationship and want to move on, or may be too proud to try again or to acknowledge that they were wrong.

Will narcissist come back after you figure them out? ›

Some narcissists may attempt to come back and reestablish control over you once they realize you've figured them out, especially if they believe they can still benefit from the relationship. They may use tactics such as love bombing or manipulation to try and draw you back in.

How long can a narcissist go without supply after? ›

That all depends on the narcissist. There is no set time limit. They generally have more than one supply on the hook at the same time usually three to four and always looking to line up another. They will always have something there whether it be just an emotional relationship, sharing pics on the internet etc.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.