Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (2024)

What are your suggestions for the admissions office?

"Too many papers to carry around in our folder"More from this Member| Report Response

"N/A"More from this Member| Report Response

"Breakfast could be better, but was appreciated!"More from this Member| Report Response

"The tour was a bit dull because of the anemic tour staff"More from this Member| Report Response

"The start time is too early! 7:30 AM is seriously brutal."More from this Member| Report Response

"Please start the day later! Getting there at 7:30 on a cold Chicago morning is no fun."More from this Member| Report Response

"Interview day was too long. Combined degree program session should be optional."More from this Member| Report Response

"Have signs directing people to the admissions office."More from this Member| Report Response

"There was an individual interview and then a panel interview with a faculty member and a 4th year."More from this Member| Report Response

"I had individual interview followed by panel interview. Lots of information presented throughout day"More from this Member| Report Response

"Nix the panel interview, provide some decent financial aid, and maybe you won't have to accept so many people to get a full class."More from this Member| Report Response

"It was a little bit strange that on the door to the office they had posted the colleges which were r"More from this Member| Report Response

"I can't believe that the online system didn't work for both the December and March admits! It was in"More from this Member| Report Response

"Maybe do the PBL session before the student tour."More from this Member| Report Response

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"Tell me about yourself and how you got to this point."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think about the affordable care act?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why Northwestern?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your hobbies"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would your friends describe you? How would your adversaries describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What offends you? (Phrased in the context of a situation that would upset me)."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you thing will be a personal challenge for you as a physician in the future?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think is the biggest problem facing healthcare over the next 5 years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was the last book you read?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell em about a challenging situation."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is the thing your are most disappointed about that you have done?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group interview: what is one question you would want me to ask you? [then answer it]"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is the last thing you posted on facebook?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you couldn't go into healthcare, what career would you pursue?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Something to the tune of "introduce yourself to us", but very casual."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would someone who doesn't like you say about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group Interview: Mostly conversational: What's the last musical you went to see? (I'm interested in musical theater) How would your friends describe you/why do your friends like you? What's a question you really want me to ask you - say it, then answer it. How do you gain trust in the 8th graders that you work with?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you want to be remembered for?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Where do you see yourself in ten years (phrased more creatively)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was your most proud moment?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your research (I'm applying MSTP)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Individual Interviewer: What have you done since submitting AMCAS? What was a time when someone's reaction surprised you? What do you do to de-stress?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In panel interview: Teach me to do something not science related."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would your best friend say about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"why am i picking med school over grad school (i have extensive research bkgrd)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In the group interview: If I asked a friend to describe you...what would they say?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group Interview is closed file. They ask individual questions, then ask a group question. The individuals as I remember them:1. Tell me about yourself 2. If I visited your hometown, what would we do? 3. Tell me about X experience and how that influenced you to be a physician."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"why medical school"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

""I'm visiting your state, and I've never been there before. Where would you take me?""More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What has been your biggest failure?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Individual interview: Why medicine? Why Northwestern? Any updates to your file? What single trait do you think will make you a good physician? Have you tried Chicago's deep dish pizza yet?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How do you deal with seeing something negative happen that is beyond your control? What do you do for free time? Tell me more about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Describe your undergrad. Tell me about an rewarding experience in undergrad. Tell me about a challenging situation. Why medicine? If you were to write a newspaper article, what would it be about?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Faculty asked me about an EC from my AMCAS file."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group is closed file. Individual is open file. What will your obituary say?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Panel question: Where would you take your fellow interviewee to breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a night on the town?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you do for fun/ how would your friend describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"File update and AMCAS review for the one on one with the dean."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's on your ipod?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What brought you here today?/ What ethical dilemnas did you face in x clinical situation and how did you resolve them?/ Do you have any questions for me? (all in the individual interview)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you want me to tell the committee about you? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's your favorite book?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Individual interview: we reveiewed my file, and I was asked to tell what I had been doing (and why) since I sent my application"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"One interviewee was asked ''if you could go back in time and meet any fictional character, who would it be, what would you talk about, and what would you eat.'' I thought this was very difficult because I don't read much (oops)."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group interview question. You are stranded on the moon 200 miles away from your mother ship. Here are your supplies, rank them in order of importance. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your research?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you do in your current job?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"if i come to your room, what would i see? can you describe your room for me?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Apart from those above,Tell us about your mentoring experiences"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite color and how does it reflect you personally?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What qualities do you bring to Northwestern?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's the last movie you saw?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"(Standard tell-us-about-yourself introductory dialogue)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were to advise someone about where to go to college, would you suggest close/far to/from home, a small liberal arts college or a larger state university?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's on my iPod/TV/desk?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who would you consider your role model?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you add to the Feinberg community? Where do you see yourself in the future? Why Feinberg? And specific questions about my application. (this was during the individual interview)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell us your name, a little about your background, and something interesting about yourself. (group)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why Chicago? (I am from the South)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell us about yourself... and then based on that, more specific questions... Tell us more about..."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could go watch an Olympic event in which the gold medal will be awarded which would it be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do if you couldn't go into medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How did moving from a foreign country affect you as an individual and how will it affect you as a physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How does your undergrad major relate to your choice to pursue medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What factors do you look for in a medical school and how would you decide on a medical school? (group question)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"For the panel problem solving activity: You are planning a day for your college for prospective students. Give us a schedule that allows both the students and the college to get the best feel for one another."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What needs to be addressed in medicine in the next ten years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"the interview is closed file, so all the questions will revolve around what you tell them about yourself at the onset of the interview. this is a very important detail."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about a time you had to multitask."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what do you like to do in your free time/to relax?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself (all they have in the panel interview is demographic information, so you have the ability to dictate the information provided with it!). I was then asked a couple of questions regarding the information I provided. As a non-traditional student, I was asked about how I would handle being the subordinate of people younger than me with much less experience in life."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What should we tell the interview committee about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is the last book you read? Have you ever been in a group situation where you had a conflict with someone, and how did you resolve it? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself.Have a short, solid answer to this question because the panel interview is closed folder and that's how they start off with each of us. You want to give a brief overview that offers them topics they can come back to in later questions."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"GROUP task: make list of the most important traits for a physician to posess; choose most essential three traits and rank them in order of importance."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's on your DVD collection?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what movie have you seen recently that you'd like to tell us about?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"GROUP: say all four of you are living together at medical school, additionally the liquor in the house has slowly disappeared and no one knows who has been drinking it. What sort of rules for the house would you implement and how would you go about addressing the missing alcohol?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's your best and worst quality?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"1) Talk about yourself2) What is on your MP3 player?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What movie, play, and/or book have I been into lately"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If I gave you 2 plane tickets to go anywhere in the world that you haven't been to, where would you go, what would you do, and who with?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was the most recent movie you saw and do you recommend it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what do you think will be the most difficult thing about med school"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What book have you read that has impacted you or been your favorite book? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What one quality will make you a good physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What books have you read?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If I were your friend, what would our conversation be like?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who was your favorite teacher and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If I walked into your room, what would I see? (30 seconds to answer)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could experience anyone else's life for a day, whose would it be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what would your obituary say?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In Iraq, army doctors are being ordered to assist, using their medical knowledge, in torturing prisoners in norder to get much needed information. What are your feelings on this and what would you do in this situation?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Panel Question: A fourth year med student is on the wards, and a patient needs to have a feeder tube put in place. The student is at the top of her class and has no history of any problems. The procedure is to 1) place the tube, 2) chest x-ray, 3) have a resident sign off on it, 4) start feeding; however, the student starts feeding without having a resident check it off. The patient dies after having his lungs fill up with fluid. Turns out that the chest x-ray showed that the tube was obviously in the wrong place, and the student had forged the resident's signature. What should be done? (I said expulsion - she LIED by forging the resident's signature, and that kind of person doesn't need to be giving care to others. The other two said she should take a year off and rethink her future before coming back and finishing her career. I've dealt with cheaters before... they don't change.)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who is your mentor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"So you are back in Chicago for the weekend (I went to NU undergrad)-- what are some of the first things you will do not including visiting friends?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Panel problem solving question: If you were given $100m to build a new med school/hosp, how much would you allocate to x, y, and z (various depts)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who's a mentor to you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"tell me more about your research"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would your best friend say about you"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What experiences have you had that influenced you to pursue a career in medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"You are given 30 Billion dollars but cannot attend medical school...What would you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"recommend a book or article"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Rewarding experience in college."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"fav non-science class?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your research."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your room like?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell us why we should admit you over the other candidates"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"group question: you are advisors to the president on a policy regarding kidney transplants. Should people be allowed to move to the top of the transplant list if they can find someone to donate a kidney to someone else on the list?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you do to relax?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How will you balance clinical and research work? What is your favorite class? Scenario: Med student avoids working with his patients and makes up vitals on rounds, what do you do? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Do you have a mentor or specific person that influenced your decision to apply to medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what do you read/listen to"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group: if you had a million dollars for a new free clinic opening just north of the city, how would you allocate the funds?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"why did you take time off? what did you learn from that experience that you would bring to Northwestern."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What book have you read most recently?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"10 qualities of the perfect physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who do you admire most? What president do you admire most? (and why)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What book are you reading right now?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"describe volunteer experience"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Some were asked of all of us and some were asked individually or of two of us. It varied. I'll try to remeber as many as I can. (1) How do you relieve stress [all]"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite book?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Our group question was. If you were given 50billion dollars by a philanthropist (forgot name) who told you that you had to spend it on health care providers, such that they are better able to give all around care how would you divide the money. What programs would you as administrators use."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What CD is in your stereo right now?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"When did you decide to be a doctor, and what helped you make the decision? Where do you see yourself in 15 years? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite class and why? What was your least favorite class and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Do you think friends/family members should be allowed to donate organs to relatives who are not #1 on the donor recipient list?--group Question."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"introduce yourselves"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who do you admire?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Suppose you get in a fight with a teammate. How would you go about resolving the issue?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"As a group, select and present 3-5 issues facing the health care system today."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your job."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would a friend say bugs him the most about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"See above. The panel interview definitely asks some tougher-than-usual questions, but they're all doable. Read up on ethics and current events."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"We have just been informed that only one of you can be accepted. Person 1, why should person 3 be accepted?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your typical role when you work in small groups and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell us about yourself and your interest in medicine."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you do for fun? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself. I was the first one to answer this question, and I was afraid of talking too much, so be prepared to talk for about 2 minutes."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"is there anything incorrect or incomplete on your application?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about a difficult experience working with a team."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about stem cells"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to be a doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you like to do for fun?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Biggest problems in health care? How did you choose medicine? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Do you have any questions for me?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why did you pick medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Which 3rd year rotation are you looking forward to the most?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What CD is in your CD player at home right now?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Present a medical ethics issue that you feel passionately about."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Describe a time when you were misjudged."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is an important topic currently in the medical field? Elaborate."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why NU, Why medicine, What do to relax, Hardest experience in last 4 years"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"the ones i mentioned above..."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"Do you think Steve Jobs was an innovator?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is the purpose of medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Why should I convince the admissions committee to accept you here?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Lots of specific questions about my activities"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Take the first derivative of an equation the interviewer wrote."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Can you tell me about a book that changed your perspective on life?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is one question you wished we had asked you (and then answer it)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your most memorable college memories (asked to a group member)."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"For the group problem: If you were crashed on a desert island, with a group of natives who worship wooden idols, and the pilot has a broken leg that is bleeding, what 5 items that are common to luggage would you want to have and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If I came to your campus to visit, what should I do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I said I liked reading. Someone asked what my favorite book was."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In the panel interview, I was asked how my friends would describe me and how my brother would describe and what the differences would be between the two descriptions."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Think about the people you don't like, what don't you like about them?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"My house is invested with chipmunks. What should I do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you walked into a room with a block of stone and a chisel and were asked to carve an idea or concept, what would you carve and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were given the opportunity to write in Feinberg's school newspaper, what would your article be about?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In panel interview: (to all three interviewees) Imagine that you are going to be roommates next year. Figure out your living situation and present it to us."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"ethics question"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what have i done to challenge why i want to be a physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

""I'm visiting your state, and I've never been there before. Where would you take me?""More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If a physician were a player on a football team, what position would he/she play? Also the group question: Create a reality show where the winner gets a full ride to medical school."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Favorite sport that doesnt involve a ball?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The group question."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group question to name three points to change health care system for Obama?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do I want in a med school? obituary question in panel interview. if you were a bird what would you be and where would you fly/see?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The other applicant and I were told we were moving into an apartment together and we had to create rules."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group project in the panel interview: Design a reality TV show for med school applicants. Consider selection of applicants, the show's title, advertisem*nt of the show, the contests on the show, and the prize."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group question: advise an admissions committee about what is the most important aspects of an applications. Make suggestions"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Many people in your family are doctors, how did you come to the conclusions that this was right for you on your own terms?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The group project--top five medical discoveries!"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could eat a meal with anyone (past or present), who would it be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about a place you have traveled to, and something you would do differently if you went back. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would I see if I walked into your room? Favorite books and movies?/ If you couldn't be a doctor, what other profession would you choose?/ A book that you've written about your life is published. What does a review in the NYT say?/ What would you change about your undergraduate curriculum? Where would you take me if I visited your undergraduate institution for an afternoon?/ Teach someone from rural Iran how to go to the bathroom in the US using words only."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you are given $3000 and 4 days, where would you go and how would you spend it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would your friends describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you had a blank check to travel anywhere you wanted, where would you go?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could pick the headline of the New York Times, what would it say and what would it be about."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"They asked the girl sitting next to me how many fire hydrants there are in the United States. Then they asked me why they asked that question."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Probably the group prolem solving one about the ethical issues of disclosing medical records to a patient's employer when they have some questionable lab results that could indicate aggressive and reckless behavior"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"1. (Group Question) Work with your team to design a reality TV show about medical school.2. (Group Interview) If there is one question that you want us to ask, what is the question and what is the answer?3. What makes you sad?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what's the name of the student from your alma mater you just meet here? (they encourage upperclassmen from our undergrad schools to come meet and talk to us)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Being the middle child of the family, would you regard yourself as the rebellious child and the one who has always been different in the family? (I really enjoyed answering this question, you can really use question like these to your advantage to give them some very unique information)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What are the five most important events of the 20th century (group question)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"You are a emergency room resident and an 8 y.o boy comes in bleeding profusely and needs a blood transfusion - but his parent's are Jehovah's Witnesses and object to the procedure. What do you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I often notice lots of unhealthy food options in physicians' lounges. I also notice many unhealthy physicians, especially cardiologists. What do you think about that?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"tell me about a time during college when you had to work in a team and something didnt go well and how did you resolve it "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"''Since you are interested in international public health, name one thing you would do to better the lives of people across the world.''"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"To fellow interviewee: ''If you could have dinner with any person--past, present, or future--who would it be and where would you dine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do with $10 million? This was our group problem solving question."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group PBL: You have been given $10,000,000. What will you do with it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were to invite me over for dinner, what would you serve?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"''You seem so serious. What is the silliest thing you've ever done?''"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"(Group question): Develop a curriculum to address the issue of cultural diversity of the doctors and of the patients."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Of all your accomplishments, which one do you most look back on and smile?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Do you think a doctor's appearance and dress matter to the patient?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I didn't think any of the questions were particularly interesting or difficult. Maybe there just weren't that many questions."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What I would make the interviewer for dinner if they came to my house?Where would I take them in my hometown if they came to visit?What is on my ipod right now?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was the last activity you did just for yourself?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"From X activity, what was your most interesting clinical experience?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"For the panel problem solving activity: You are planning a day for your college for prospective students. Give us a schedule that allows both the students and the college to get the best feel for one another."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If I could eat a meal with anyone at any time, explain who, where, what, etc."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think is something that needs to be addressed in medicine in the next ten years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"all of the questions i was asked have already been listed on this website."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do I want people to remember me for and what do I want people to forget?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"He read the definition of "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"This one was related to my specific experiences as a non-traditional applicant, and would not be of much use to other applicants."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Will you be staying in the country to practice?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What era or time period would you want to live in? (I said this era). "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Imagine that one of the questioners had to give a political speech arguing that we should spend nothing on public health and everything on medicine. I was free to resign afterwards but I had to come up with arguments to support that position. (Yikes.)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you traveled in a time machine to the year 2080 and read your own obistuary, what would it say about you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"We were put on a group interview of 3 applicants and 3 interviewers, then we were given an imaginary case and we had to conclude with an action. It worked to meet my co-applicants prior to the interview to work better with them, yet show some leadership. Our case was about a student who falsified a signature, performed a tube feeding and killed the patient; yet she was the best of her class."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"you and the other candidates are living together, and some property goes missing. how would you initially set up house rules, and what would you do to handle the missing items?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"if you could go back and redo college what would you change?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Group question: Make up rules if all 3 of you were living together."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you stepped into a time machine and were sent to the year 2085 and picked up a newspaper, what would your obituary say?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would I explain to a 2yr old how to brush his teeth?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

" who would i invite to dinner that is still living today"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you got into Northwestern, what would it take to get you here?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Panel question: You are responsible for forming a committee on cloning for the president who would you appoint and why and which personality qualities would you be most interested in?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"In what time in history would you like to live in and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who in your life has had the most influence on you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"none. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's in your CD player right now?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite drug to prepare (had to do with my job)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I have money for a research grant, give me a proposal."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What did you learn from your time as a bouncer?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If I couldn't go to medical school next year, what would I do? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what would your obituary say? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The Panel Question (See Below)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you want to see on the front page of the newspaper?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What book should I read?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"none really"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your favorite book."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would your teach understanding of different races, cultures, and creeds to Northwesten medical students, qua curriculum organizer?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Do you think that drugs such as Vioxx should be pulled by the FDA?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what were the 5 most important discoveries in medicine (which i had already seen on sdn)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Being from chicago, what do you think of Mayor Richar Daley?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"You seem like a very serious person. What do you have to say about that?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Nada"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Choose: You are given 30 Billion dollars but cannot attend medical school...What would you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what are the five most important medical discoveries ever?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Who I would invite to dinner..."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is a challenge that future doctors face?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What makes you laugh?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what is the last good book you read or movie you saw?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you get a difficult patient to open up to you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What medically related books have you read that have influenced your decision to enter medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is hanging on the walls of your room?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Are there any skills you learned as a waiter that would serve you well as a physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If the med school class was ranked, what number do you think you would be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The group question was the most interesting. The three of you make up a committe to decide what happens to a resident in your hospital that has always done a great job in the hospital but recently forged a signature to complete a feed tube. He accidently placed the tube into the lungs and the patient died. How do you handle this situation?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was the most interesting question you were asked?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is most important in bringing about more equal healthcare throughout the world?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"explain your healthcare plan as a 3rd party candidate running against W and kerry"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How do you feel about Northwestern's recent defeat of OSU?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"our group question: how would you allocate a large sum, private donation that must be used w/in 1 year, pick one of the three - hospice, prenatal care for underserved women, or biomed research."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What would you do if you were given a filmcrew for one week?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Explain a time when somebody has mistaken your intentions or misjudged you. Tell about the means by which you resolved the situation."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could ask either presidential canidate one question, what would it be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"A child was in an accident and needs surgery. His parents do not believe in medical intervention. What do you do? (vis a vis the parents, treatment of the patient)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What type of music do you listen to (MP3s, radio, or CDs)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"how to allocate 5 million dollars donated to hospital"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you allocate 5 million dollars to the neighboring communities that would allow for the greatest impact and change in healthcare. You must allocate the funds within 5 minurtes because the press is coming and they want to know how this money that we have just been granted will be used."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How was your experience with health care here versus abroad?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could meet any 3 people, who would they be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"None that interesting"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you find appropriate health care for a geriatric Asian woman?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What is the biggest adjustment you think you would have to make in coming to Chicago?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What's in your CD player?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you introduce someone to your city?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what was the most interesting question you have NOT been asked but wish you were asked?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Someone else was asked this: "You are an attending physician and your patient's mother calls you hysterical because your medical student has just kissed her 10 year old daughter. What do you do?""More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"I didn't find them to be particularly interesting...I guess maybe when asked to describe what you would do if a resident you worked with didn't wash their hands"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Pick a movie that you think should be required for all medical students to watch."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you convince a teenager to stop smoking? (Try to act as a counsellor)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"A patient needs to have a surgery within ten hours and wants to talk to their private physician because they're feeling a little nervous. You call in the doctor, and they show up clearly drunk. What do you do? (This was the group question)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How would you deal with a physician as your colleague if she came in for an emergency to the hospital drunk?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"you have a very diverse set of interests, what in your personality prompted this?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"(Our panel group's problem solving activity): I (the interviewer) am a really rich philanthropist. I want to invest my money in some sort of public interest activity that will do really well and make me famous. You guys have 5 minutes to come up with a proposal for how I should spend my money."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"The guy sitting next to me was asked, "Who is your favorite president and why?""More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Assume that you are a resident. A patient comes in and needs surgery within 10 hours. She is very nervous and asks that her family physician come to the hospital. When the family physician comes, she is drunk. What would you do? (Yes, this question is extremely bizarre; it was our collaborative group question.)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could ask any question to any of the current presidential candidates, what would you ask and who would you ask?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was the one character from a novel that has impacted u?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What doctor that was in a movie you saw or a book you read would you most like to be like and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Name the 6 greatest advances in medicine in the past 100 years (this was a group discussion question that we had to work on, the three group members discuss it while the interviews note how we work with each other) "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you had to cut someone from your team (assuming I was a coach), would you cut the super star athlete who always wins and who has a crappy attitude and work ethics. Or, the athlete that is no good athletically, but has great work ethics and a great attitude?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What three things on your coffee table best describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could invite any 3 people (dead or alive) for dinner, who would they be, what would you serve, and what would you talk about?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were to select a book character who in some way embodies your goals for being a physician, who would it be and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think of file-sharing?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were the editor of a newspaper and you had a choice to write an editorial about anything, what would it be and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Eek, the panel interview! What sillyness! It's positive being with the MD/PhD group because we got to hang out together for awhile before the panel interview. The panel asked us things like:Name 2 people from the past and present you would like to have dinner with.What really compells you to become a doctor?In a group, what five things are important for the physician-scientist, especially what is unique from the physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you wanted to bribe me by cooking dinner, what would you make for me?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"A couple of hypos including what issues would you consider when opening up your own practice? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What was your greatest failure and how did you overcome it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"During the group interview we were each asked, 'If only one of you can get in this year, tell me why the person sitting next to you should be admitted.' "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could go out to lunch with any living person, who would it be and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What movie character are you most like and why? --> notthe most interesting question in the world but a fun oneto answer in a group setting. "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"Which 3rd year rotation are you looking forward to the most?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think the greatest challenge to medicine will be in the next 10 years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think about needle exchange programs?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you could go to one place and time in history where and when would you go?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"What do you think about coming to live in Chicago?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you had the choice of resurrecting 3 deceased people and inviting them over for dinner, who would you select? (Please exclude any relatives.)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"If you were working at a clinic in a rural area, two hours away from a hospital, what would you say to a patient who needed a cut treated but had no health insurance?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How I felt about affirmative action in med school admissions"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"if we were to walk into your apartment one day, and you weren't there, and the tv was on, the stereo was playing a cd, and a book was left open on the table, what would be on the tv, what cd would be playing, and what book would be on the table?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"How will you handle the change from the warm weather of Florida to the cold of Chicago?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

"what was the wildest thing that you've ever done?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.