Teach English in Barcelona: Requirements & Salary | TEFL Org (2024)

If you find yourself asking “Do I want to teach English in Barcelona?”, the more appropriate question really should be, why would anyone not want a job teaching English there?!

Wedged between the mountains and the sea, the ancient Catalonian capital is home to some of the best-known tourist sites in the country - from the wonders of the Sagrada Família to strolling along Las Ramblas and getting lost amongst the maze of streets in the Gothic Quarter. Expect a laid-back pace of life, with afternoon siestas, late dinners and an even later nightlife!

The old town might be where the majority of the top tourist sights can be found but there’s so much more to Barcelona. From stretches of sandy beach to museums on the hilltop of Montjuïc and the nearby mountain monastery of Montserrat, Barcelona has something for everyone - whether you're a sun-worshipper, an art-lover or an outdoor enthusiast.

Barcelona: An overview

If you’re considering a move to teach English in Spain, few locations can offer as many opportunities as Barcelona. There’s a huge demand for teachers in the city, with a wide range of teaching jobs for all experience levels.

Most TEFL teachers in the city will work at either a private language academy or at a public school - the latter through an English teaching programme such as Meddeas or NALCAP. Others choose to teach privately, which comes with its own set of challenges and rewards.

Teach abroad salaries can be lucrative, especially for private tutors, but for the most part, a monthly wage will cover all of your essentials and leave just enough to enjoy a little bit of what this incredible city has to offer.

EU citizens are in luck, as they find a teaching job in Barcelona without a visa. Non-EU citizens which, since Brexit, now includes Brits will need to ensure they can get the correct work visa before they start working in Barcelona.

Overall, teaching English in Barcelona can be a hugely rewarding experience for first-time TEFL teachers and experienced teachers alike. Better start brushing on your lengua española skills now!

Explore further the opportunity to teach English in Madrid

Teach English in Barcelona: Requirements & Salary | TEFL Org (1)

Teach English in Barcelona: Requirements & Salary | TEFL Org (2)

Requirements for teaching English in Barcelona

Wondering what you’ll need to become an ESL teacher in Barcelona? The good news is that you technically don’t need anything to get started! Spain is one of the most popular countries to find a teaching job for this exact reason - but just because you don’t legally need any qualifications, doesn't mean that schools, employers or English teaching programmes won’t ask for their own set of requirements.

One of the most commonly required qualifications for teaching English in Spain is a TEFL certification. Most schools will ask for their teachers to have completed TEFL courses with a minimum of 120 hours. Others may stipulate that a TEFL certification must include practical classroom time.

Some employers (and some English teaching programmes) might require a bachelor’s degree as well as a TEFL certification. This doesn’t usually need to be in a related field, although it can help in securing a better-paying job if your degree is in education or teaching.

Many schools in Barcelona are happy to employ new TEFL teachers who might not have any prior teaching experience, especially language academies where the turnover of teachers can be quite high. This isn’t usually the case for international schools in the city, which will often require their teachers to have a teaching qualification from their home country and at least two years of previous experience as a minimum.

One of the biggest requirements for teaching English in Barcelona is having the correct work visa. If you’re an EU citizen, you don’t need to worry about this as you’re eligible to work visa-free in Spain. For non-EU citizens, finding a job with visa sponsorship can sometimes prove quite challenging, which is why English-teaching programmes that help with the visa process are a popular route to teaching English in the country.

Salary & cost of living in Barcelona

Now that you know what you’ll need to teach English in Barcelona, you might be wondering exactly how much you can make as an English teacher...and how much it will cost to live there. The good news is, while they might not be the highest in Europe, salaries for teaching English in Barcelona tend to be enough to allow teachers to enjoy the best that the city has to offer, as well as leaving a little for travel in the holidays.


Teaching salaries differ greatly between jobs and schools, and can be hard to generalise - especially for those who also work as private tutors - but a basic full-time monthly salary should be somewhere in the region of €1,200 – €1,500 (£1,053 – £1,317 / $1,300 – $1,623).

This can go up to around €1,800 (£1,580 / $1,950) per month at some of the more well-known schools, while positions on the outskirts of the city might pay a little less at around €700 to €1,000 (£614 – £878 / $758 – $1,083).

If you’re planning to work at a private language academy that pays by the hour, you can expect to make around €15 to €20 (£13.16 – £17.55 / $16.24 – $21.67) an hour. Meanwhile, private tutors can charge anything from €25 up to about €50 (£22 – £44 / $27 – $54) depending on their experience.

Cost of living

As one of the top tourist destinations in Europe, it should come as little surprise that the cost of living in Barcelona can be quite high. This is especially true for accommodation in the centre of the city. This is why many teachers will live in shared accommodation in quieter neighbourhoods and commute to work in the city centre. Although one of the most expensive cities in Spain, in comparison to other European countries, like France and Germany, the cost of daily essentials such as food and transport isn’t as high, especially if you live like a local and avoid the tourist traps around the Gothic Quarter.

Like almost all destinations, how much you will have left over at the end of the month - whether you're hoping to go home with some savings or travel during the school holidays - will depend on what kind of lifestyle you choose to live in Barcelona.

Teach English in Barcelona: Requirements & Salary | TEFL Org (3)

English teaching jobs in Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the top places for TEFL jobs in Spain, making it a popular location for both new and experienced teachers alike. While the competition for the top teaching jobs in the city can be high, the demand for English teachers is large enough that there should always be a job for those looking to find work.

Teaching jobs in Barcelona tend to fall into three categories: English teaching programmes at public schools, private language schools or academies, and private tutoring. While there are other jobs available, including teaching at an international school, teaching young learners at summer camps and teaching university students, these three main types of jobs are the most common in Barcelona.

Public schools

If you want to work with Spanish students at preschool, elementary or secondary school level, you’ll usually have to do this through an English teaching programme. These are covered in greater detail further on in this post but the main programmes will usually require a degree and an interest in the Spanish language/culture as minimum requirements.

English teaching programmes in Barcelona

English teaching programmes are a common route to TEFL in Barcelona. There are many different types of English teaching programmes in Spain, with both government-run programmes and private programmes available, such as Meddeas and NALCAP.

English teaching programmes in Barcelona are particularly popular with recent graduates or new TEFL teachers. Most will help you to find a good placement, offer a guaranteed monthly stipend and accommodation and provide ongoing support - which can take a large part of the stress away for those who want to live & teach abroad for the first time.

These types of programmes are also popular with those who are not EU citizens as it offers an easy route to a visa for Spain. For example, The North American Language and Culture Assistants Program (NALCAP) - run by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport - provides placements for teachers from the United States and Canada.

What you’ll need to apply will vary between programmes but being a recent graduate, having a TEFL or some teaching experience and knowing a little Spanish (or showing that you are interested in learning) are common requirements.

Read on to find out more about one of the biggest English teaching programmes in Spain.


One of the most popular ways to find teaching English jobs in Barcelona and throughout the rest of Spain is through the Meddeas programme. You’ll work as a Language Assistant at a Spanish private school for one year, with a decent monthly income, health insurance and ongoing support from the Meddeas team.

Placements are available at more than 200 schools across Spain, working around 20-25 hours per week, in return for a monthly stipend of around €930 to €1,162. You’ll usually have the option of staying with a local volunteer host family or arranging private accommodation. One of the most popular things about the Meddeas programme is that unlike many other teach abroad programmes, it’s completely fee-free.

To be eligible for Meddeas you’ll need to:

  • Be a native-level English speaker
  • Have a University degree from the last four years
  • Enjoy working with children and young people
  • Have plenty of energy and patience
  • Have an interest in the Spanish language and culture
  • Pass a criminal background check

While previous teaching experience isn’t a set requirement, having some prior experience can go a long way to helping secure a place through Meddeas, which can be quite competitive.

Teach English in Barcelona: Requirements & Salary | TEFL Org (4)

Teach English in Barcelona: Requirements & Salary | TEFL Org (2024)


Teach English in Barcelona: Requirements & Salary | TEFL Org? ›

Q. How much do English teachers make in Barcelona? Salaries will vary depending on what kind of school you work for and whether offer private lessons in your free time but in general, English teachers in Barcelona can expect to make in the region of €1,200 – €1,500 (£1,053 – £1,317 / $1,300 – $1,623) per month.

What qualifications do you need to teach English in Spain? ›

A TEFL certification and a visa are two essential requirements to teach English in Spain. You should also understand what types of jobs are available in addition to financial matters like salaries & start-up costs.

Is it hard to get an English teaching job in Spain? ›

While having a degree might be a requirement to teach in certain schools, the demand for English teachers in Spain is so high that it's likely you'll be able to find a job without one. However, particularly if you don't have a degree, you will certainly need TEFL certification from an accredited provider.

How do I get paid to teach English in Spain? ›

International (fee-paying) schools have strict entry requirements for teaching English - you're likely to need a relevant degree, as well as a TEFL certificate and plentiful teaching experience - but if you meet the criteria, you can expect to earn between €15-20 per hour; so if you're working full-time, with 25 hours ...

Can I get a TEFL certificate without a degree? ›

Thankfully, you can still start your teaching career and find great teaching jobs abroad without a degree as long as you have accredited Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification, which is cheaper and faster to attain.

How to teach in Spain as an American? ›

To teach in public schools in Spain, teachers will need to have an official teaching credential in Spain known as “Máster en Profesorado de Secundaria”. This allows foreign teachers to teach in public secondary schools across Spain after passing state exams.

How to become an English teacher in Barcelona? ›

While there aren't technically any set requirements, you'll usually need a TEFL certificate and a bachelor's degree to teach English in Barcelona. Having a little Spanish can help too! It is possible to find work without these, but your job options will be limited.

Can you get a job in Spain if you only speak English? ›

English is key

You can find work in Spain without having to be fluent in Spain but it's important to know a certain level of English. Many jobs will require at least a B1 or B2 level of English apart from your own native language. Plus, you may need to speak to colleagues or clients from other countries in English.

Which country is in high demand for English teachers? ›

China. China is by far one of the biggest employers of ESL teachers in the world. With the large job demand, plus the generous benefits packages and low cost of living, many ESL teachers are able to save most of their salary while teaching in China.

Do I need to be fluent in Spanish to teach English in Spain? ›

In fact, when it comes to teaching, it may work to your advantage if you do not have any Spanish background. You are reduced to only speaking English and this kind of exposure is beneficial to the students. If students get the impression that you can speak Spanish, they may default to their native language.

How long does it take to get a TEFL certificate? ›

How long does it take to get a TEFL certificate? Not everyone will earn their TEFL certificate in the same amount of time. Some students take intensive courses to get TEFL certified in as little as 1 month. However, most students should plan to set aside about 4 to 6 months to complete their TEFL course.

How much does it cost to get a TEFL certificate? ›

How Much Does a TEFL Course Cost? TEFL course fees can vary from $99 to $3,000 USD. However, cheaper courses under $1,000 USD typically do not meet recognized international accreditation standards and are not usually taught by qualified instructors.

Is TEFL or Celta better? ›

TEFL or CELTA? Whether a TEFL or CELTA course is the best course for you will depend on a few things. If you want the option of teaching learners of all ages, including children and teenagers, then a TEFL course would be a better option as the CELTA only focuses on adult learners.

Where is the best place to teach English abroad without a degree? ›

The best countries for where to teach English abroad without a college degree are Cambodia, Costa Rica, Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Myanmar. These countries do not require a college degree to teach in, and are popular among TEFL teachers. Luckily they are also countries where English teachers are in high demand.

How much does an English teacher earn in Spain? ›

On average, English teachers in Spain can expect to make anywhere between 700€ - 1,100€ ($800 - $1,250 USD) per month through a Government Program with the option to earn additional income through private tutoring (€15-€25 / $17-$29 USD per hour) and teaching English online ($10-$20 USD per hour).

Is TEFL worth it? ›

Although not every position or teach abroad destination requires it, a TEFL certificate is a surefire way to increase your employment prospects, earn a higher salary, and feel comfortable in the classroom. Not only that, but a TEFL certification provides essential professional skills that are useful in any career.

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