The Five Interpersonal Skills You Need For Effective Leadership (2025)

Interpersonal skills determine leadership capability

Interpersonal skills are directly proportional to leadership capabilities, also known as the “soft” skills we see modelled alongside effective communication, critical thinking, teamwork, and empathy. The key role of interpersonal skills measured in leadership differs hugely from that of general management. Most people can manage, offering physical training and resources to your team to execute the required work by a deadline.

Nevertheless, here are some things to consider…

  • How do you make them feel responsible for their duties?
  • How do you encourage and support them?
  • How do you provide a safe and supportive environment?
  • How do you retain new starters into long-term loyal employees?
  • How do you offer a hand in their own growth while you also grow as a company?

These learned competencies, calledInterpersonal Skillsmust be effective enough and at the same time suit your organisational needs, to deem successful business ownership. If you already consider yourself a leader or are aspiring to be one, there’s a rule of thumb – you need to have very strong interpersonal skills. These will ultimately impact your leadership style, the productivity of your team and overall retention.

92% of serious mental health concerns are attributed to work-related stressors

Research gathered byAustralia and New Zealand Autonomy of Work Index 2021, found that92% of serious mental health concerns are attributed to work-related stressors, costing businesses $10.9 billion each year.With job-related pressure, lack of leadership support, and workplace violence among the leading catalysts for stress, the need for strong interpersonal skills demonstrated by leaders is a must to prevent the rise of mental health concerns in workers and the risk of civil lawsuits against businesses.

The Five Interpersonal Skills You Need For Effective Leadership

Though the right balance of all interpersonal skills is a must, you can start with the ones that guarantee increased job satisfaction, employee performance and productivity for your organisation. Sharpening these skills becomes easier if you understand thewhatandhowof each one. Below we list the five principal interpersonal skills you need for effective leadership.

1. Assertive Communication

Assertiveness helps people to communicate clearly and directly, and the ability to express their needs and emotions confidently. Using this interpersonal skill will assist you in maintaining healthy relationships and minimise any interpersonal conflicts and miscommunication. If you are assertive in your communication style, you can express your feelings and beliefs in an honest manner without degrading another person. There is a large difference between a direct approach and a projected approach.

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For example: “You always say that and it’s so annoying.” This statement comes across as projecting by placing blame or shame on the other person for their initial feeling of annoyance. In a more direct and assertive approach, using a statement such as, “I feel frustrated when you repeat something I find offensive. I need to talk about this more with you.”

This ultimately allows you to be clear, controlled, and confident in the message you are delivering. In saying this, silence speaks volumes, so while you communicate, not onlywhatyou say matters, sometimes what youdon’tsay matters even more.

2. Active Listening

This is the backbone of effective communication and in turn, a vital interpersonal skill for any leader.We speak at around 125 words per minute, yet our brains think more than three times faster, up to 500 words per minute.Therefore, it takes great focus and attention to listen while someone is talking. However, what people want more than anything else, is to be heard, noticed and to know that they are cared for. Feedback, which has become so magnanimous in its relevance across business situations and relationships today, comes from active listening. You must learn to pay attention, ask the right questions when required, and show gestures of acknowledgement while being socially aware of the speaker’s body language. To show recognition, ask for clarification and paraphrase back to the speaker, so they feel heard and attended to.

3. Empathy

Empathy means understanding how another person interprets or how he or she feels in a particular situation. The antidote to apathy, learning this strong interpersonal skill of empathising with your employees and team, is a sure sign of effective leadership. Empathy leads toThe Importance of Emotional Intelligence, and the reality that everyone wants to be understood and appreciated. It will enable you with the emotional competency and capacity to feel and understand each person’s experience.

4. Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in any business or team. However, managing conflict effectively is one of the most difficult interpersonal skills that you must develop for effective leadership. The ability to resolve issues or conflicts that arise within teams and the emotional competencies listed above such as communication, listening and empathy are key elements to conflict resolution. These competencies are deemed necessary for effective leadership, in addition to a leader’s due diligence. Primarily, the compliance of health and safety for employees is rooted in the form of accomplished interpersonal skills practised by effective leaders.

5. Resilience

The ability to lead from the top with motivation, choosing to find the silver lining even through challenges and how you respond in these moments, in turn, dictates the reaction of your team and employees. Resilience is last but not least in this set of five key interpersonal skills that impact your leadership style.A leadership survey by AIMhighlighted72% of Australian workers leave their jobs due to poor leadership.The leader sets the tone from the top, so your culture is ultimately one that starts with you. You lead by example, so what is the result of your example?

We understand that it takes time to break an old earned habit, and even more, time to master a new one, especially a behavioural attribute, but we are here to help. Clickhereto step into a beautiful journey of Interpersonal Skills development withindustry experts.Book a free 30-minute consultation call today!

The Five Interpersonal Skills You Need For Effective Leadership (2025)


The Five Interpersonal Skills You Need For Effective Leadership? ›

Using interpersonal leadership skills like assertiveness, mediation, empathy, facilitation, creative problem-solving, accountability, and active listening, leaders can resolve conflict to find better outcomes for everyone involved.

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Using interpersonal leadership skills like assertiveness, mediation, empathy, facilitation, creative problem-solving, accountability, and active listening, leaders can resolve conflict to find better outcomes for everyone involved.

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Interpersonal skills include verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to handle conflict, teamwork, empathy, listening, and having a positive attitude.

What are 5 skills interpersonal or technical that you believe are important to have to enter the job market? ›

These skills include many verbal and nonverbal skills. They include collaboration, negotiation, teamwork, and problem-solving. Your interpersonal skills will differentiate you from someone who only has technical skills. The stronger your people skills, the more you become an asset to your company or organization.

What are the five 5 soft skills under interpersonal competence? ›

Interpersonal skills are directly proportional to leadership capabilities, also known as the “soft” skills we see modelled alongside effective communication, critical thinking, teamwork, and empathy. The key role of interpersonal skills measured in leadership differs hugely from that of general management.

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Types of interpersonal skills include being a good listener, understanding what's being said, and providing a positive, useful response. Someone with good interpersonal skills might decide to resolve an argument among colleagues that's preventing them from getting an important task done.

What is the interpersonal role of leadership? ›

These cover the relationships that a manager has to have with others. The three roles within this category are figurehead, leader and liaison. Managers must act as figureheads because of their formal authority and symbolic position representing the organisation.

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Two main interpersonal skills include communication and the ability to empathize with others. In addition, skills like patience, listening, conflict resolution, self-awareness, and negotiation are a part of interpersonal effectiveness.

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In Study 1 we developed a questionnaire to assess five dimensions of competence: initiating relationships, self-disclosure, asserting displeasure with others' actions, providing emotional support, and managing interpersonal conflicts.

What are the 5 elements of interpersonal communication in the basic communication model? ›

▶ The model includes five important elements: SENDER, MESSAGE, RECEIVER, FEEDBACK, AND BARRIERS. FIGURE 2-1. The interpersonal communication model.

What are the four most important interpersonal skills? ›

Most interpersonal skills can be grouped under one of four main forms of communication: verbal, listening, written and non-verbal communication. Some skills such as recognition of stress and attitude are important to all forms of interpersonal communication.

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This volume, with contributions from experts in leadership and interpersonal skills, showcases how important soft skills like communication, persuasion, political savvy, and emotional abilities are to leaders who inspire, motivate, and move followers toward the accomplishment of goals.

What interpersonal skill does a leader need for implementing change? ›

Interpersonal Skills

As well as communication skills, the leader must be a good listener and delegator in order to lead the change as successfully as possible. These are general leadership attributes, but are particularly important when leading a change strategy.

Why are interpersonal relationships important in leadership? ›

Strong interpersonal skills enable leaders to foster meaningful relationships with their team, engage and motivate employees, navigate setbacks, and address the root cause of poor performance. In fact, multiple studies have shown that leaders with high emotional intelligence create more connected and motivated teams.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.