Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (2024)

Time measurements in Ancient Rome

Keeping time in antiquity was no small feat. The fact that the Romans were able to know the time down to the hour is quite impressive and it played a key role in the organisation of the inimitable Roman military machine. Looking back at the advancements made in horology, scholars of Greek and Roman antiquity rely heavily on ancient literature, epigraphy (and/or papyrology) and archaeology in order to form a cohesive view of the evolution of time and timekeeping. The scarcity of sources and the lack of ample technical documentation see it that any new findings are open to rigorous debate and scrutiny. Nevertheless, it is a topic of key importance for horology, as it was a period when much of the groundwork was laid for artisans to build on and further develop.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (1)

Beginnings: Sun and Water

In the very beginning, the Romans didn’t measure time in minutes or seconds, the smallest unit was the hour. Irrespective of the season, day and night were divided into 12-hour periods. Each requiring its own specific equipment to gauge an approximation of the time. Inspired by the Greeks, these rudimentary clocks relied upon on either the sun or the water. The first being the sundial (called the Horologium), used during sunlight hours, although it was as one would expect rather useless during night time and on cloudy days. Used in interiors, during the night and on cloudy days, the second popular piece of equipment was a bowl of water with a small hole in the bottom. Called the Klepsydra, which was most likely borrowed from Greek law courts would indicate a pre-determined length of time by the duration it took for the water to empty from the bowl. Unlike the sundial, the Klepsydra was developed and adapted to account for the seasons and latitude.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (2)

Under these conditions, the ancient clocks were at best an approximation of time. A far cry from the accuracy of modern methods of timekeeping. Despite this, these early efforts were revolutionary in comparison to the alternative of looking to the position of the sun in the sky.

Keeping Time for the Elites

The Roman conquest of what we now know as Italy was the beginning of their foray into horology. Encountering the technically advanced Greeks in the South, the Romans heavily borrowed technology encountered on their expeditions across the Mediterranean. On one occasion, a Sundial was taken from Sicily where it was then displayed in Rome and continued to be used incorrectly for 99 years. This didn’t seem to cause terrible concern for the general population though. As, up until the third and second centuries BCE, the Romans were more likely to need general indications of the time of day rather than precise and detailed ones. The establishment of a more accurate sundial calibrated to the latitude of Rome was hailed as a worthy achievement and significant leap in region-specific timekeeping.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (3)

Around one hundred instances of clocks (generally referred to as horologia) are found in stone inscriptions across the Mediterranean. Found in both Greek and Latin, the majority (more than 90%) are found in civilian environments across the western provinces of Italy. Oftentimes part of a larger monument or public building complex, the most famous instance of a clock from antiquity is the Andronicus’ Tower. Nowadays referred to as the ‘Tower of the Winds’ in Athens, it is dated back to the 1st century BCE and was considered an extremely important artefact, as evidenced by elaborate decorations found on the exterior of the building.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (4)

Yet despite the public placement of these clocks, time was still the purview of an elite few who possessed the adequate knowledge required to understand and interpret the significance of these artefacts. Roman Architect, Vitruvius argued that despite there being no shortage of information for the construction of portable clocks, construction was limited by one’s understanding of the analemma (the skeletal celestial sphere). Thus, for the public, the barriers remained prohibitively high. For many years, timekeeping was a luxury of the elite.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (5)

Epigraphic evidence suggests that there were workshops and craftsmen dedicated to the fabrication of clocks. Inscriptions indicate the presence of workshops with highly specialized craftsman, charged with making timekeeping devices. Magistrates, especially consuls, usually paid for their construction and they were intended to be installed in the prominent political and juridical areas of the city, therefore bearing, at least initially, an exclusively political role.

It wasn’t until the between the 6th and 5th centuries that concerns for a more scientific approach of timekeeping emerged, one that would consider and pay more attention to the cosmos and the calendar. Nevertheless, as with many innovations, the pursuit for more accurate timekeeping had scientific motivations as well economic and militaristic underpinnings. The effectiveness of the Roman military machine is due in part to their reliance on timekeeping to fragment and organise the day.

Timekeeping in the Roman Army

Since the establishment of a professional soldiery and semi-permanent provincial garrisons, dividing the day into hour increments was of paramount importance for the Roman army. The unity of the military machine was admirable despite the rudimentary methods for approximating time. Military units woke, ate, marched and slept at pre-defined times. Infantry units, for example, were required to march twenty miles in fiver summer hours. Even with unexpected alterations, the highly organised program found room to adjust.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (6)

We know of few accounts in ancient sources relating to precise timekeeping in the army. Josephus notes that action was planned by the hour, when describing Titus’ siege of Jerusalem. Polybius argues that an ideal commander must be able to tell the time of the day to ensure success in any given campaign. However, as no actual mention of a sundial or water clock appears in these instances we might assume that astronomical reckoning is used. A classic example of the relativity of actual timekeeping is the battle of the Colline Gate in 82 BCE, at the end of Sulla’s Civil War, where ancient sources give approximate and sometimes contradictory time relations (Appian – late in the afternoon; Plutarch – at the fourth hour/daybreak). On the other hand, Julius Caesar in 54 BCE acknowledged that night hours are shorter in Britain than on the continent, conducting his measurements with a water-operated timepiece.

Dividing the Day and Tracking Soldiers

The best-known instance of temporal organization inside the Roman army is the night watch (vigiliae), the night was divided into four equal parts of three hours each, with the help of the Klepsydra. As for daylight hours, a series of newly published ostraka from the Krokodilô fortlet in Egypt sheds some light on tracking personnel based on log times. Contained within the daily registers are the arrival and departure times of soldiers and messengers at a military post station.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (7)

For each day and each messenger, the time of arrival, the source and content of the package and the time of departure are registered. The sources present different hours in the day, telling us that timekeeping was an exact matter in this situation, and was most likely the task of the curator, using a water clock. Giving quite an accurate indication of the level of organisation present at what could be considered a small post of only 10 to 15 soldiers (at any given time). A recently discovered bronze fragment from Vindolanda is another fine example of the need for chronological unity across an army. Etched into the fragment is a series of time markers, most likely used to keep track of soldier movement from post to post.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (8)

In at least two cases a horologium is mentioned in a military context, and in another four the soldiers responsible for building and looking after the official clock – the horologiarius. The first example qualifies as circ*mstantial evidence. It is a sundial discovered in Si‛â (Syria), with an inscription that mentions its owners/builders, two legionaries of VIII Augusta. The second example from Rigomagus in Lower Germany, stating that in the time of the Caesar Diadumenianus (218 CE), the official clock of the fort malfunctioned and collapsed due to old age. It was reconstructed at the expense of the unit commander and provincial governor. It can be assumed that no time was wasted in the reconstruction. Timekeeping was and continued to be extremely critical in the planning and organisation of military units.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (9)

Modern watchmaking bears little (at face value) resemblance to timekeeping in ancient Rome. However, as evidenced above the method of telling the time in the ancient world incorporated both highly specialised scientific and technological methods as well as artistic and decorative techniques. Horology has evolved significantly, yet at its heart it has remained the same. Horology then and now (and especially watchmaking) is a beautiful representation of the unique relationship between science and art.

Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official (2024)


Timekeeping In The Roman Army - The Hour Glass Official? ›

Called the Klepsydra, which was most likely borrowed from Greek law courts would indicate a pre-determined length of time by the duration it took for the water to empty from the bowl. Unlike the sundial, the Klepsydra was developed and adapted to account for the seasons and latitude.

What was the Roman time keeping system? ›

Just like we do today, the ancient Romans divided up each day into 24 units – but for the vast majority of the year, they were not of equal length. All the daylight hours were divided by 12, all year round.

How did the Roman army tell the time? ›

time—-Three main types of timepieces used in ancient Roman times were the sundial, klepsydra, and obelisk. 25 Inspired by the Greeks and Egyptians, these early clocks relied upon either the sun or water.

How did the Romans count hours? ›

An hour was defined as one twelfth of the daytime, or the time elapsed between sunset and sunrise. Since the duration varied with the seasons, this also meant that the length of the hour changed. Winter days being shorter, the hours were correspondingly shorter and longer in summer.

How did Romans keep track of time at night? ›

26 Sundials and obelisks depend on the sun, but time still had an impact on the Roman people on cloudy days and at night. Klepsydra were typically used in interiors, at night, and on cloudy days.

How did they tell time before clocks? ›

The earliest known timekeeping devices appeared in Egypt and Mesopotamia, around 3500 BCE. Sundials consisted of a tall vertical or diagonal-standing object used to measure the time, called a gnomon. Sundials were able to measure time (with relative accuracy) by the shadow caused by the gnomon.

How many hours did Romans sleep? ›

The study carried out by Professor Ekirch from the University of Virginia, has revealed that ancient people used to sleep about 8 hours per night... but not all at once!

How did Romans keep track of years? ›

However, what is presented here is a coherent and self-consistent version which is close to the truth. In the early days, Romans denoted years by the names of the two Consuls who ruled each year and that system continued long after other ways of denoting the year were used.

What time did Romans eat dinner? ›

The Romans would eat three times a day: a quick breakfast, a light snack for lunch, and a more consistent dinner starting between 3 and 5 PM that for rich families could even last up to 6-8 hours on special occasions.

What was the Roman way of telling time? ›

Sundials were one of the earliest timekeeping devices used in Ancient Rome. They were simple instruments that used the sun's position to tell time.

How does the Roman timeline work? ›

The history of the Roman Empire can be divided into three distinct periods: The Period of Kings (625-510 BC), Republican Rome (510-31 BC), and Imperial Rome (31 BC – AD 476).

How many hours is a day in Roman times? ›

In the very beginning, the Romans didn't measure time in minutes or seconds, the smallest unit was the hour. Irrespective of the season, day and night were divided into 12-hour periods.

What time did Romans wake up? ›

All Romans, both rich and poor, traditionally woke early in the morning, sometimes before sunrise. Patricians may have stayed in bed longer, waiting for their servants for the morning ablution before the salutation matutina (morning greeting).

How many hours did Romans work in a day? ›

Most Romans worked a six-hour day, beginning at dawn and ending at noon, although, occasionally some shops might reopen in the early evening.

What did Roman girls do? ›

The first few years of a Roman girl's life were spent in the care of her mother and female relatives. They were taught household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, and weaving, essential skills expected of a Roman matron. Some girls from affluent families also had wet nurses and, later, tutors.

How long was a day in ancient Rome? ›

In ancient Rome the day had 12 hours and the night had 12 hours. Obviously, the day in the summer was a bit longer than a day in the winter. This did not matter much to them. Prima hora (the first hour of the day) is from 6 to 7.

How far did Romans walk in a day? ›

Soldiers were often expected to march 20 miles a day, wearing all armour and carrying equipment. After a long day, Roman soldiers had to build a camp, complete with a ditch and a wall of wooden stakes.

How did Romans calculate time? ›

They divided both day and night into 12 hours, roughly measured by the sun (or more accurately by a sun dial), so that you might arrange to meet somebody 'at the fourth hour'.. If you mean on a daily basis. A sundial or a water clock was used. The day was always divided into 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.

Who was the first person to tell time? ›

ACCORDING TO archaeological evidence, the Babylonians and Egyptians began to measure time at least 5,000 years ago, introducing calendars to organize and coordinate communal activities and public events, to schedule the shipment of goods and, in particular, to regulate cycles of planting and harvesting.

How did the Romans solve the confusion in time Telling? ›

To help people keep track of time, the Romans divided the day into 24 hours, with each hour consisting of 60 minutes. They also developed a system of sundials that allowed them to tell time based on the position of the sun in the sky. Additionally, they used water clocks, or clepsydras, to measure time more accurately.

How did the Roman Empire keep records? ›

Greeks and Romans kept records on stone or bronze, lead, wooden tablets (waxed or whitened), papyrus (see books, greek and roman), ostraca, even precious metals.

How did the Roman Empire maintain control? ›

The Roman government maintained control over conquered territories using the strength of its military, political system, and economy. The empire was divided into provinces with local governments and military forces that ensured taxes were collected and order was preserved.

How did the Roman Empire stay for so long? ›

The military was one of the key reasons for Rome's success. The Roman army was highly trained and disciplined, growing in reputation as the best army in the world. With their success in war, the empire was able to expand its control over 3 separate continents including Asia, Africa, and most of Europe.

What did the Romans do in there spare time? ›

The Romans enjoyed watching fights between gladiators, and fights between people and animals. These bloodthirsty shows were put on in front of crowds in large arenas called amphitheatres. Gladiators fought one another, usually in pairs. They also fought wild animals such as lions or bears.

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