What High School Classes Should I Take If I Want to Be a Nurse? (2024)

What High School Classes Should I Take If I Want to Be a Nurse? (1)

Nurses hold the key to compassionate and comprehensive patient care. As a registered nurse, your role extends beyond administering medications and monitoring vital signs. You are an invaluable part of the healthcare team, providing emotional support to patients and their families during challenging times.

Your expertise in the nursing process and dedication to delivering quality nursing care significantly impact public health- and you can start preparing for this journey as early as high school.

Below, we’ll explore the key high school classes you should consider if you want to become a nurse. Additionally, we’ll delve into how can play a vital role in helping you reach your future nursing goals.

Prepare for a Nursing Career in High School

High school is the perfect time to prepare for a future nursing career. Students can lay a strong foundation for their undergraduate studies and beyond by focusing on specific subjects and engaging in relevant activities.

Science and Mathematics

Taking science and math courses in high school can provide students with the knowledge and skills required for a nursing career. These courses help build a solid understanding of scientific concepts, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving skills. Some recommended science and math courses include:

  • Anatomy and Physiology: The most important subjects for aspiring nurses. Many high schools offer advanced courses in anatomy and physiology. These classes provide an in-depth exploration of the human body’s structure and function, preparing you for the more intricate aspects of nursing education.
  • Chemistry: Equips students with a basic understanding of chemical reactions, which is crucial in understanding medication administration.
  • Biology: Introduces human anatomy, physiology, and other fundamental biological principles.
  • Algebra and Geometry: Strong mathematical skills are vital for administering medications, calculating dosages, and interpreting medical data accurately.
  • Statistics: Understanding statistics is valuable for interpreting research studies, patient outcomes, and medical data analysis.

English 101 and Communication

  • English 101 Composition: Taking English 101: Composition can boost your writing and speaking skills, crucial for tasks such as patient records, reports, and talking with patients and medical teams.
  • Foreign Language: Learning another language is advantageous, especially in healthcare settings with diverse patient populations. It can help you connect more effectively with patients who speak a different language.

Health and Wellness

Health Classes: Some high schools offer health-related nutrition, exercise, and mental health courses. These classes can provide you with a well-rounded understanding of holistic patient care.

By taking these courses during high school, you can gain valuable knowledge that will benefit you in your future nursing career. Nursing programs at colleges and universities often require prerequisites related to these subjects. A solid educational background in biology, chemistry, anatomy, mathematics, and English can give you a competitive edge when applying for nursing programs.

Whether you plan on pursuing diploma programs or degree programs in nursing after high school, having a solid foundation in these areas will set you up for success. So take advantage of the opportunities available to you during your high school years.

In Addition to High School Classes, Further Prepare for Your Career by Considering the Following Options


Joining HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is a fantastic opportunity for students interested in nursing. Joining, enables you to participate in competitions, gain leadership skills, and network with other aspiring healthcare professionals.

HOSA offers various benefits to its members. One such advantage is the chance to attend conferences and learn from experts in the field. The events provide valuable insights into the latest advancements and trends within the nursing profession.

Being part of HOSA demonstrates your dedication and commitment to the nursing profession. It showcases your desire to excel and contribute to the healthcare community while connecting with like-minded individuals.

Joining HOSA opens doors to numerous opportunities for growth and development. Here are some key benefits:

  • Competitions: Engage in friendly competitions that test your skills and knowledge in various healthcare areas.
  • Leadership Skills: Enhance your leadership abilities through workshops, seminars, and hands-on experiences.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow students, professionals, and potential mentors who can support your journey toward becoming a nurse.
  • Conferences: Attend conferences where you can learn from industry experts and stay up-to-date with advancements in nursing.
  • Community Involvement: Engage in community service projects that positively impact people’s lives.
  • Training Programs: Access specialized training programs that equip you with essential skills needed for a successful career as a nurse.

Being a part of HOSA allows you to join a group with a strong history of supporting individuals who want to pursue a healthcare career. This is an opportunity that you don’t want to miss out on.

Apply for Nursing Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering at hospitals or clinics is a fantastic way to gain valuable work experience and immerse yourself in healthcare settings. It provides hands-on learning opportunities that greatly benefit students interested in becoming nurses.

Volunteering allows you to observe nurses in action, witnessing firsthand how they handle various situations and interact with patients. This exposure will enable you to understand the day-to-day responsibilities of nurses and gives you a glimpse into the rewarding nature of their work.

Moreover, volunteering also opens doors for building connections within communities. These connections can prove beneficial when applying for nursing programs later on. Networking with healthcare professionals and other volunteers may provide insights, recommendations, or potential references that could enhance your chances of getting accepted into nursing school.

To summarize the benefits of applying for nursing volunteer opportunities:

  • Gain valuable work experience in healthcare settings.
  • Observe nurses in action and understand their responsibilities.
  • Interact with patients and learn from real-life scenarios.
  • Build connections within communities that can support your future endeavors.

Additional Ways to Prep for Nursing School in High School

Shadowing a Nurse

Shadowing a nurse is a great way to gain insights into the daily routine of a nurse and determine if it’s the right career path. By observing their work, you can understand their challenges and the skills they utilize regularly.

BLS or First Aid Certification Courses

Taking Basic Life Support (BLS) or first aid certification courses can enhance essential life-saving skills required as a nurse. These courses provide valuable knowledge on responding to emergencies, which is crucial in healthcare.

Part-Time Jobs or Internships in Healthcare Settings

Seeking part-time jobs or internships in healthcare settings can provide practical experience and exposure to the healthcare field. This hands-on experience allows you to understand better patient care, teamwork, and the overall dynamics of working in a medical environment.

Job Outlook and Career Opportunities for Nurses

The demand for nurses is expected to grow significantly in the coming years due to an aging population and increased healthcare needs. This means that plenty of nursing positions will be available.

Nurses have a wide range of career opportunities, allowing them to work in various settings such as:

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Schools
  • Research facilities
  • And more

Specializing in specific areas within nursing can open up even more career options. For example, becoming a pediatric nurse allows you to work with children, while specializing in oncology lets you focus on cancer patients. Critical care nursing provides opportunities to work in intensive care units or emergency departments.

Nurse practitioners are another avenue within the nursing profession that offers expanded responsibilities and autonomy. With advanced education and training beyond a basic nursing degree, nurse practitioners can diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications, and provide primary healthcare services.

Travel nursing offers nurses a unique and fulfilling opportunity to explore new places, gain diverse experiences, and positively impact patient care. With the flexibility to choose assignments across various healthcare settings and locations, travel nurses can expand their skills, establish professional networks, and enjoy the adventure of living in different cities or countries.

Davis & Elkins College: Your Path to Nursing Success

offers a comprehensive nursing program that adequately prepares students for the NCLEX-RN exam and successful careers in nursing. With a focus on providing hands-on clinical experiences and developing critical thinking skills, our program equips graduates with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in the field.

Start Preparing for Your Future Today

Now that you have a solid foundation for preparing for a nursing career in high school, it’s time to take action. Start by researching local hospitals or healthcare facilities where you can volunteer or shadow nurses. Look into scholarships and grants available specifically for aspiring nurses. Connect with professionals in the field through networking events or online communities. And most importantly, stay focused on your goal and continue working hard towards becoming a nurse.

If you’re considering a career in nursing, click this link to see how can help you prepare for your future.

What High School Classes Should I Take If I Want to Be a Nurse? (2024)


What High School Classes Should I Take If I Want to Be a Nurse? ›

Completion of high school biology, chemistry, and mathematics with a minimum grade determined by the school you are applying to. Prerequisite science courses in areas such as anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and statistics.

What high school classes are best for nursing? ›

A solid educational background in biology, chemistry, anatomy, mathematics, and English can give you a competitive edge when applying for nursing programs. Whether you plan on pursuing diploma programs or degree programs in nursing after high school, having a solid foundation in these areas will set you up for success.

What classes are most important for nursing? ›

  1. 1 | Nursing Fundamentals. This is one of the first classes you can expect to take in a nursing program, often required during your first semester. ...
  2. 2 | Physiology. ...
  3. 3 | Introduction to Psychology. ...
  4. 4 | Microbiology. ...
  5. 5 | Gerontology. ...
  6. 6 | Psychology and Mental Health. ...
  7. 7 | Pharmacology. ...
  8. 8 | Women and Infant Health.

What math should I take in high school for nursing? ›

Math. Nursing in the "real world" generally requires very basic math skills, but almost all programs require at least one college-level math class — usually algebra. Some nursing schools may require a basic statistics course as well, so if you know what schools you're applying to, be sure to check for this requirement.

Which subject is best to become a nurse? ›

Key Subjects for Nursing School Admission
  • Anatomy and Physiology. These subjects are the building blocks of nursing education. ...
  • Math. ...
  • Psychology. ...
  • English Proficiency. ...
  • Pharmacology Courses. ...
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing Courses. ...
  • Maternal-Child Health Courses. ...
  • Fundamentals of Nursing.
Sep 27, 2023

What AP classes should I take if I want to be a nurse? ›

Similarly, AP Chemistry is beneficial, as nurses need to understand medication interactions and compounds. Those two should likely be at the top of your list. For math, consider taking AP Statistics; it's highly valuable in nursing for understanding research and data in healthcare scenarios.

Should I take AP biology for nursing? ›

Get serious about Science.

You will need a good foundation in science. If your school offers AP, Honors, or IB Biology, we would recommend signing up especially. Taking the highest level of Chemistry offered is also highly recommended.

Which course is best for nursing? ›

Diploma-level nursing courses like GNM and ANM are more practical and provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become licensed nurses. Post Basic B. Sc Nursing and B. Sc Nursing are degree-level courses that provide more in-depth knowledge of nursing theory and practice.

What is the hardest subject in nursing? ›

Nursing is not an easy course to take. Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, and Pharmacology all have a well-deserved reputation for being challenging to pass. Likewise, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Chemistry, Maternal and Child Health Nursing, or even Psychology may be particularly challenging for some students.

What major should I choose for nursing? ›

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) major will have you prepared to take the NCLEX-RN® examination in as little as three years. Our BSN major is designed to get you into clinicals in your first semester by utilizing our innovative concept-based approach that immerses you in nursing coursework right away.

Can I be a nurse if I'm bad at math? ›

Math is Necessary for Nursing

So depending on your area of expertise in nursing, you may be required to use basic arithmetic and algebra on a daily basis. If you had a bad experience or struggled with math as a kid, you've probably done a good job of avoiding it most your life. But nursing school isn't high school.

Do I need calculus for nursing? ›

It is a good idea to know the types of math you need to be able to do, but it is not necessary to know advanced algebra or calculus. As long as you are taught correctly and have a basic knowledge of math, most nursing students will do just fine without having to take high-level math classes.

Is nursing math heavy? ›

Nursing school is tough, with graduation rates for bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) programs averaging 50%. The science-and-math-heavy coursework and additional requirements like clinical placements and hands-on lab work make for a challenging program.

How many years is nursing? ›

How long is nursing school? Completing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program usually takes around four years. Earning an associate's degree takes significantly less time, requiring only two to three years of schooling, but a BSN program may open the door to more diverse employment opportunities.

What are the subjects for nursing? ›

The curriculum includes courses in the following areas: anatomy and physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, nursing care of adults, nursing care of children, nursing care of families, nursing research, and clinical practice.

What is the first thing you learn in nursing school? ›

In nursing school, you'll first learn the basics of nursing theory and build a solid foundation in biology and science. As you progress, you'll learn how to interact with patients, take vitals, keep records, offer wound care and much more.

Does your high school GPA matter for nursing school? ›

If you're planning on entering a bachelor's program for nursing right after you graduate from high school, your high school GPA plays an important determining factor in whether you'll be accepted. Most universities require a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be accepted into a bachelor's nursing program.

Should I take physics in high school for nursing? ›

Coursework should include English/language arts, algebra, geometry, biology and chemistry. Other recommended courses include physics, psychology, speech, foreign language, and anatomy/physiology. Many college advisors recommend higher-level Advanced Placement (AP) classes when possible.

Do you need calculus for nursing? ›

It is a good idea to know the types of math you need to be able to do, but it is not necessary to know advanced algebra or calculus. As long as you are taught correctly and have a basic knowledge of math, most nursing students will do just fine without having to take high-level math classes.

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