What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (2024)

Running a business means successfully delegating tasks among your employees. It also means having the final say on all projects or, if your company is on the larger side, hiring people whom you trust enough to give full approval powers. An organizational structure for your business can help you make sense of where and with whom your company’s responsibilities lie, and you have plenty of types from which to choose.

What is an organizational structure?

An organizational structure is a set of rules, roles, relationships and responsibilities that determine how a company’s activities should be directed to achieve its goals. It also governs the flow of information through levels of the company and outlines the reporting relationship among midlevel staff, senior management, executives and owners. It is effectively a hierarchy for a company, though some organizational structures emphasize a near-total lack of hierarchy.

Key Takeaway

An organizational structure determines how information, responsibilities and approval will flow within your company.

How many types of organizational structures are there?

In your research, you may at first read that there are two types of organizational structures: centralized and decentralized. However, using just these two classifications for every possible team structure may paint with too broad a brush. That’s why experts have come up with eight types of organizational structures, each of which is either centralized or decentralized:

  1. Hierarchical structure (also known as line structure)
  2. Functional structure
  3. Divisional structure (also known as multidivisional structure)
  4. Flatarchy structure (also known as horizontal, or flat, structure)
  5. Matrix structure
  6. Team structure
  7. Network structure
  8. Projectized structure

All of these are centralized except for the flat, team and network structures. In a centralized structure, power flows up the chain of command to the executives and owners, whereas decentralized organization structures give far more power to non-executives and non-owners. We’ll get more into how this works in just a moment.

Types of organizational structure to consider for your business

Now that you know the eight types of organizational structures, you’re probably wondering which one is best for your business. The answer, as with many business matters, is that the right choice differs by company. Below, we’ll detail what each organizational structure entails so you can discern which model best fits your ongoing business practices and future business needs.

1. Hierarchical structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (1)

A hierarchical structure, also known as a line organization, is the most common type of organizational structure. Its chain of command is the one that likely comes to mind when you think of any company: Power flows from the board of directors down to the CEO through the rest of the company from top to bottom. This makes the hierarchical structure a centralized organizational structure.

In a hierarchical structure, a staff director often supervises all departments and reports to the CEO. This structure is well suited for any business in any industry.

These are some advantages of a hierarchical structure:

  • It clearly defines reporting relationships, project organization and division of authority.
  • It details your company’s corporate ladder and promotional structure, thereby encouraging high-quality work.
  • It helps to specialize each employee’s work.
  • It cultivates stronger relationships among employees within a team.

There are also some drawbacks of choosing a hierarchical structure:

  • Bureaucratic hurdles could delay project completion and discourage employees from taking risks.
  • It may encourage employees to prioritize their own department and direct supervisors instead of the whole company.
  • It can make employees feel like they have no say in how to approach their projects.

2. Functional structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (2)

The functional structure is a centralized structure that greatly overlaps with the hierarchical structure. However, the role of a staff director instead falls to each department head – in other words, each department has its own staff director, who reports to the CEO. Any company with several modestly sized departments may find the functional structure to be a fit.

These are some advantages of a functional structure:

  • It helps employees develop specific, specialized roles.
  • It boosts individual departments’ and employees’ self-sufficiency and innovation.
  • It scales easily to work for companies of all sizes.

These are some disadvantages of a functional structure:

  • It doesn’t encourage communication and interaction among different departments.
  • It hides key details of departmental processes and strategies from employees outside that department.

3. Divisional structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (3)

The centralized structure, known as a divisional organization, is more common in enterprise companies with many large departments, markets or territories. For example, a food conglomerate may operate on a divisional structure so that each of its food lines and products can have full autonomy. In the divisional structure, each line or product has its own chief commanding executive. Large companies of any sort, but especially in manufacturing industries, are the best fit for this structure.

These are the main advantages of a divisional organization:

  • The different departments have some flexibility to operate separately from the company at large.
  • It’s more adaptable to customer needs.
  • Individual departments have more autonomy and room for innovation.

These are some disadvantages of a divisional structure:

  • It risks accidental duplication of resources.
  • It encourages poor communication and low interaction among different departments.
  • It encourages internal competition across departments rather than uniting the company against outside competitors.

4. Flat structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (4)

A flat structure is a decentralized organizational structure in which almost all employees have equal power. At most, executives may have just a bit more authority than employees. This organizational structure is common in startups that take a modern approach to work or don’t yet have enough employees to divide into departments. That makes flat structures especially well suited to the tech industry, which is home to many small startups with flexible work arrangements.

These are some advantages of a flat structure:

  • Employees have more responsibility and independence.
  • It improves communication and interaction among employees.
  • It’s faster to implement new practices or ideas, with less risk of error.

These are the main disadvantages of a flat structure:

  • Employees lack supervision.
  • There could be confusion around reporting procedures.
  • Employees lack or don’t develop specialized skills.
  • It has poor scalability as the company grows.

5. Matrix structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (5)

The matrix structure is a fluid form of the classic hierarchical structure. This centralized organization structure allows employees to move from one department to another as needed. You might encounter this structure in industries home to highly skilled employees who might be their company’s only experts in their field.

These are the main advantages of a matrix organization:

  • Supervisors have the flexibility to choose the best employees for a project.
  • It allows a dynamic org chart with varying responsibilities for employees.
  • Employees have the opportunity to learn and foster skills outside their primary roles.

These are some disadvantages of a matrix organization:

  • There could be conflicts of interest between the needs for project organization and department organization.
  • The organizational chart is prone to regular changes.

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6. Team structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (6)

A team structure is a decentralized but formal structure that allows department heads to collaborate with employees from other departments as needed. It is similar to a matrix structure, but the focus is less on employee fluidity than on supervisor fluidity, leading to a decentralized functional structure. Any industry in which flat or matrix structures are common might also be home to many companies with team structures.

These are the advantages of a team structure:

  • The lack of compartmentalized labor drives productivity, growth and transparency.
  • It prioritizes employee experience over seniority.
  • It minimizes employee management tasks.

These are some disadvantages of a team structure:

  • It could confuse employees, given the potential subversion of traditional executive and lower-level roles.
  • It obscures the corporate ladder and may disincentivize employees from working harder to be promoted.

7. Network structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (7)

A network structure is especially suitable for a large, multicity or even international company operating in the modern era. It organizes the relationships not just among departments in one office location, but also among different locations and each location’s team of freelancers, third-party companies to whom certain tasks are outsourced, and more.

While this may sound like a lot for one type of network structure to detail, this decentralized structure can be useful for understanding the human resources your company has on hand. You’ll commonly encounter network structures among distributors, tech companies or logistics companies with international branches.

These are potential advantages of a network structure:

  • It improves understanding of how functional roles are distributed among on-site employees, off-site employees, freelancers and outsourced third parties.
  • It boosts flexibility for one department or location to delegate tasks to another.
  • It drives employee communication, collaboration and innovation.
  • It clearly outlines workflows and chains of commands in large businesses.

These are the possible disadvantages of a network structure:

  • It’s complex, especially in regard to out-of-office processes.
  • It’s vague as to which employee, department or office should make the final decisions.

8. Projectized structure

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (8)

In a projectized structure, the focus is on one project at a time. In this centralized organizational structure, project managers act as supervisors, not just resource allocators and decision-makers.

Unlike other structure types, a projectized structure involves the demobilization of teams and resources upon a project’s completion. But it’s like other types of organizational structures in that an obvious hierarchy exists. Software development teams may benefit from projectized structures given the complexity that can go into app or website development.

These are some advantages of a projectized structure:

  • It fosters more efficient decision-making and communication.
  • The sense of urgency around project completion increases employee cooperation.
  • It increases employee flexibility and versatility.

These are some disadvantages of a projectized structure:

  • The strict deadlines could increase workers’ stress.
  • The power might be too strongly centralized with the project manager.
  • It lacks the opportunity for long-term skill development among employees.

Below is a chart summarizing the eight types of organizational structures.

Organizational structure

Centralized or decentralized

How it works

Main advantages

Main drawbacks



Chain of command starts with board of directors and flows downward from CEO through a staff director

Higher-quality, more specialized work

Potential lack of independence



Each department head is the staff director

Specialized, self-sufficient teams

Silos departments



Each product or service team has full autonomy

More autonomous departments

Competition internally rather than externally



Almost all employees have equal power, with executives perhaps slightly more powerful

More independent, engaged employees

Lack of mentorship or supervision



Employees can move between departments

Dynamic employees with diverse skill sets

Potential for constant changes and conflicts of interest



Supervisors can borrow from other departments

Productivity, growth and transparency

Employee confusion and disorganization



Organizes relationships across several locations

Clarifies chains of command in large, multilocation businesses

Potentially vague on decision-making processes



Assemble teams for projects and disassemble teams upon project completion

More urgency, engagement, flexibility and versatility

Potentially stressful for employees, with fewer opportunities for professional development

Which organizational structure is best?

No one organizational structure is best for all businesses. When determining the right one for your company, think about how much power you would like to give your employees, how much room you would like to leave for innovation, how large your company is and how much interaction among employees matters to you. After weighing these factors, you’ll likely know which organizational structure is best for you – and if you get it wrong, you can always switch to another organizational structure.

What Organizational Structure Is Right for Your SMB? - businessnewsdaily.com (2024)


Which organizational structure is right for your business? ›

A traditional line organizational structure is truly the place to start for most companies, especially the smaller ones that don't necessarily comprise a vast number of departments or require a major number of links in the chain of command/communication.

What is the most appropriate organizational structure for small business? ›

Functional organizational structures are best for small businesses because they allow for clear decision-making hierarchies. Each team operates as an individual “silo.” Once teams grow, they benefit from making these functional structures less rigid.

What are the 4 types of organizational structure? ›

The four types of organizational structures are functional, multi-divisional, flat, and matrix structures.

Which is the most common organizational structure for a small single business enterprises? ›

The most common form of organization structure used by most small businesses is a sole proprietorship. In a sole proprietorship, the business is owned and operated by a single individual who is responsible for all aspects of the business.

Which business structure is the best and why? ›

An LLC lets you take advantage of the benefits of both the corporation and partnership business structures. LLCs protect you from personal liability in most instances, your personal assets — like your vehicle, house, and savings accounts — won't be at risk in case your LLC faces bankruptcy or lawsuits.

What is the most popular organizational structure? ›

Functional/Role-Based Structure

A functional—or role-based—structure is one of the most common organizational structures. This structure has centralized leadership and the vertical, hierarchical structure has clearly defined roles, job functions, chains of command and decision-making authority.

How should a small business be structured? ›

If you are starting your business on your own, you can structure as a sole proprietor, single-member LLC, corporation, or S corporation. If you are starting your business with someone else, you can structure as a partnership, multi-member LLC, corporation, or S corporation.

What is the most common form of legal structure for small businesses? ›

Sole Proprietorship

Simplicity of organization-this is the most common form of business organization in the United States because it is the easiest and least expensive to establish. Minimum legal restriction-fewer reports have to be filed with government agencies.

What is the best organizational plan? ›

Organizational planning best practices

Align your objectives with your company's vision and mission. Kick-off your planning process with a strategic planning template to cut down on upfront work. Create actionable and time-bound plans. Break down long-term objectives into achievable, short-term goals.

How to choose an organizational structure? ›

How to choose an organizational structure
  1. Review the different organizational structures. ...
  2. Determine the company's strategy. ...
  3. Consider the business' environment, size and age. ...
  4. Review the information. ...
  5. Create a visual chart and make a decision.
Jun 24, 2022

Which organizational structure is the most widely used? ›

Hierarchical org structure

It's the most common type of organizational structure—the chain of command goes from the top (e.g., the CEO or manager) down (e.g., entry-level and lower-level employees), and each employee has a supervisor.

What are the three 3 types of organization structure? ›

Types of Organizational Structure
  • Functional Structure. Under this structure, employees are grouped into the same departments based on similarity in their skill sets, tasks, and accountabilities. ...
  • Divisional Structure. ...
  • Matrix Structure. ...
  • Hybrid Structure.

What is the best management structure for a small business? ›

A functional organizational structure is the easiest and the most natural solution for your small business. Although there are other structures like divisional structure or matrix structure, a functional structure is the easiest and the most natural organizational structure to start with for your small business.

What is the most efficient organizational structure? ›

Functional organization increases efficiency, provides stability, and boosts accountability. It also allows departments — with employees who share similar skills and knowledge — to focus on their specialized tasks within their respective fields.

What is the easiest business structure to start? ›

Easy setup: A sole proprietorship is the simplest legal structure to set up. If you – and only you – own your business, this might be the best structure. There is very little paperwork since you have no partners or executive boards.

How do I know what business structure to use? ›

Choosing your business structure: What to consider
  1. What's your tolerance for risk to personal assets?
  2. How do you want the IRS to tax your business profits?
  3. How formal do you want your management structure to be?
  4. How much administrative complexity can you handle?
  5. What are your long-term goals for the business?
Apr 20, 2022

How to choose an organization structure? ›

Consider the business' environment, size and age

Understanding the business' environment can help determine which organizational structure may benefit it the most. For example, a newer company that is quickly expanding may benefit from a more flexible and adaptable environment.

Which organization structure is the most popular form used by businesses? ›

The sole proprietorship is the most common form of business organization. One person conducts business for him or herself. A sole proprietorship is not a legal entity. It has no life of its own separate and apart from the owner of the business.

Which organizational structure is best for IT company? ›

What Is the Best Organizational Structure for a Tech Company?
  1. Functional Structure. This traditional hierarchical structure would have the CEO or Founder be at the top of the organizational chart. ...
  2. The Matrix structure. ...
  3. The Flat Organizational Structure.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.