Academic Guides: Writing a Paper: Conclusions (2024)

A conclusion is an important part of the paper; it provides closure for the reader while reminding the reader of the contents and importance of the paper. It accomplishes this by stepping back from the specifics in order to view the bigger picture of the document. In other words, it is reminding the reader of the main argument. For most course papers, it is usually one paragraph that simply and succinctly restates the main ideas and arguments, pulling everything together to help clarify the thesis of the paper. A conclusion does not introduce new ideas; instead, it should clarify the intent and importance of the paper. It can also suggest possible future research on the topic.

An Easy Checklist for Writing a Conclusion

  1. Is the thesis of the paper accurately restated here (but not repeated verbatim)?
    It is important to remind the reader of the thesis of the paper so he is reminded of the argument and solutions you proposed.
  2. Are the main points of the paper addressed and pulled together?
    Think of the main points as puzzle pieces, and the conclusion is where they all fit together to create a bigger picture. The reader should walk away with the bigger picture in mind.
  3. Do you remind the reader of the importance of the topic?
    Make sure that the paper places its findings in the context of real social change.
  4. Is there a sense of closure?
    Make sure the reader has a distinct sense that the paper has come to an end. It is important to not leave the reader hanging. (You don’t want her to have flip-the-page syndrome, where the reader turns the page, expecting the paper to continue. The paper should naturally come to an end.)
  5. Do you avoid presenting new information?
    No new ideas should be introduced in the conclusion. It is simply a review of the material that is already present in the paper. The only new idea would be the suggesting of a direction for future research.

Conclusion Example

As addressed in my analysis of recent research, the advantages of a later starting time for high school students significantly outweigh the disadvantages. A later starting time would allow teens more time to sleep--something that is important for their physical and mental health--and ultimately improve their academic performance and behavior. The added transportation costs that result from this change can be absorbed through energy savings. The beneficial effects on the students’ academic performance and behavior validate this decision, but its effect on student motivation is still unknown. I would encourage an in-depth look at the reactions of students to such a change. This sort of study would help determine the actual effects of a later start time on the time management and sleep habits of students.

Academic Guides: Writing a Paper: Conclusions (2024)


Academic Guides: Writing a Paper: Conclusions? ›

DON'T introduce new information. Instead, your conclusion should restate your main points and provide closure. You may also offer suggestions on how your research can be expanded or improved. DO mention the limitations of your study and their implications if not already addressed in the discussion section of the paper.

How to write a conclusion for an academic paper? ›

DON'T introduce new information. Instead, your conclusion should restate your main points and provide closure. You may also offer suggestions on how your research can be expanded or improved. DO mention the limitations of your study and their implications if not already addressed in the discussion section of the paper.

How do you write a conclusion guide? ›

An effective conclusion is created by following these steps:
  1. Restate the thesis. An effective conclusion brings the reader back to the main point, reminding the reader of the purpose of the essay. ...
  2. Reiterate supporting points. ...
  3. Make a connection between opening and closing statements. ...
  4. Provide some insight.
Jul 31, 2023

What is the common way to conclude a research paper? ›

In the conclusion, you should restate the thesis and show how it has been developed through the body of the paper. Briefly summarize the key arguments made in the body, showing how each of them contributes to proving your thesis.

What is a good example of a conclusion? ›

Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as we have seen, a pioneer in American education, proving that education was a major force for social change with regard to slavery.

What makes a good academic conclusion? ›

The best conclusion will include a synthesis, not just a summary—instead of a mere list of your major points, the best conclusion will draw those points together and relate them to one another so that your reader can apply the information given in the essay.

What 5 things a conclusion in an essay should include? ›

Restate your thesis: remind readers of your main point. Reiterate your supporting points: remind readers of your evidence or arguments. Wrap everything up by tying it all together. Write a clincher: with the last sentence, leave your reader with something to think about.

What is the general rule in writing a conclusion? ›

When writing the conclusion to your paper, follow these general rules: State your conclusions in clear, simple language. Do not simply reiterate your results or the discussion. Indicate opportunities for future research, as long as you haven't already done so in the discussion section of your paper.

What are the 5 parts of a conclusion? ›

An effective conclusion will contain all five elements of summing up your research paper:
  • Restate your research topic.
  • Restate the thesis.
  • Summarize the main points.
  • State the significance or results.
  • Conclude your thoughts.
Mar 29, 2023

What is the proper structure of a conclusion? ›

After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research.

What are the 3 types of conclusions for research papers? ›

Below are a few types of conclusions.
  • The Frame. This conclusion takes readers back to an issue, viewpoint, story, question, or example from the introduction. ...
  • The Expansion. This conclusion takes readers beyond the specific ideas within an essay. ...
  • The Summary. ...
  • Dos and Don'ts of a Conclusion.

What is the difference between a summary and a conclusion? ›

A summary is a condensed version of previous facts while a conclusion is a deduction or inference based on those facts. This portion of a document does not introduce new facts or arguments, it simply reviews and lists facts and arguments previously presented and then draws conclusions based on those facts.

How to write a conclusion in APA format? ›

The concluding paragraph(s) appear at the end of the body section without the heading of “Conclusion” and includes information about findings or conclusions revealed through the research process. You may briefly include suggestions of future research related to your research.

What is the best sentence to start a conclusion? ›

Examples of conclusion paragraph starter words and phrases include:
  • all things considered.
  • clearly.
  • given these points.
  • I feel we have no choice but to conclude.
  • in conclusion.
  • in drawing to a close.
  • in general.
  • in light of this information.
Jul 19, 2022

What is the best format for a conclusion? ›

The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis, summarize the key supporting ideas you discussed throughout the work, and offer your final impression on the central idea. This final summation should also contain the moral of your story or a revelation of a deeper truth.

What is a better sentence for in conclusion? ›

One of the simplest synonyms of in conclusion is in summary. This transition phrase signals that you are going to briefly state the main idea or conclusion of your research. Like in conclusion, it is formal enough to be used both when writing an academic paper and when giving a presentation.

How do you write a good conclusion for an APA paper? ›

In a general way,
  1. Restate your topic and why it is important,
  2. Restate your thesis/claim,
  3. Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,
  4. Call for action or overview future research possibilities.

How long should a conclusion be in an academic essay? ›

The conclusion is usually about 10-15% of your paper (e.g. around 250 words in a 2,000-word essay).

How do you write a conclusion for an academic book? ›

The first is to summarise and bring together the main areas covered in the writing, which might be called 'looking back'; and the second is to give a final comment or judgement on this. The final comment may also include making suggestions for improvement and speculating on future directions.

How do you write a conclusion for an admissions essay? ›

Explain why your essay is important.

In your conclusion, you should also explain why your essay is important and why the reader should care about your argument. This can be done by connecting your thesis to a larger issue or problem, or by discussing the implications of your argument.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.