Ace Reasoning for Competitive Exams | Master Logical Skills (2024)

Different Types of Reasoning

  1. Deductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning is a process where conclusions are drawn based on given premises or statements that are accepted as true. In this type of reasoning, the conclusions are logically inevitable and can't be false if the premises are true.

  1. Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning involves drawing general conclusions from specific observations or instances. It's less certain than deductive reasoning, as it's based on probabilities rather than guaranteed truths.

  1. Abductive Reasoning

Abductive reasoning is the process of forming the most plausible explanation or hypothesis based on incomplete or limited information. It's often used in situations where there's a need to make decisions with insufficient data.

How to Improve Your Reasoning Skills

  1. Cultivate a Curious Mind

Being curious and open to new ideas and experiences can help improve your reasoning skills. Constantly question and explore the world around you, seek diverse perspectives, and challenge your own assumptions.

  1. Practice Active Listening

When engaging in conversations or debates, practice active listening. Understand the other person's point of view, ask clarifying questions, and consider their reasoning before responding.

  1. Engage in Mental Exercises

Challenge your brain with puzzles, games, and exercises that require logical thinking, pattern recognition, and problem-solving skills. This will help sharpen your reasoning abilities and make you a more effective thinker.

  1. Reflect on Your Decisions

Regularly reflect on the decisions you've made and the reasoning behind them. This self-assessment will help you identify any flaws in your thought process and improve your future decision-making abilities.

Mastering the art of reasoning is essential for personal growth, professional success, and effective communication. By understanding the importance of reasoning, recognizing its different types, and taking steps to improve your reasoning skills, you'll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of life and make informed decisions that positively impact your life and those around you.

Ace Reasoning for Competitive Exams | Master Logical Skills (2024)


Which exam has toughest logical reasoning? ›

CAT is a challenging exam for graduates aspiring to pursue higher education in Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). It assesses candidates' understanding of quantitative ability, data interpretation, verbal ability, and logical reasoning.

What is the secret to logical reasoning? ›

Read each question carefully. Make sure that you understand the meaning of each part of the question. Make sure that you understand the meaning of each answer choice and the ways in which each may or may not relate to the question posed.

How to prepare reasoning for competitive exams? ›

Solve different types of problems to develop speed and understanding. Solve previous years' papers to get a handle on the exam pattern. Practice logic puzzles like Rubik's cubes to sharpen your skills. Try to crack the case before finding the answer when studying a detective novel.

Who is the best teacher for logical reasoning? ›

Ms. Neha Sharma stands out as the best logical reasoning teacher for SSC CGL due to her extensive knowledge of the subject, ability to simplify complex concepts, and her engaging teaching style.

Which competitive exam is toughest? ›

Did you know among the top 3 toughest exams in the world, two of them are Indian: the UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) and JEE Advanced? The selection rate in a few exams is lower than 1%. Only some lucky students manage to pass these hardest exams. The most difficult exam in the world is Gaokao Exam in China.

Does reading improve logical reasoning? ›

By exposing you to many viewpoints, ideas, and arguments and pushing you to analyse, assess, and draw logical conclusions from the information you come across, reading and writing can aid in the development of reasoning abilities.

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