Cookin' Canuck - Onion & Bacon Marmalade Recipe (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Dara · This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. · 16 Comments

Cookin' Canuck - Onion & Bacon Marmalade Recipe (1)

One can never have too many appetizer and hors d'oeuvres recipes. At least that's how my mind works. I would much rather sit down to a tableful of many little dishes than a large meal of one meat, one carb and one vegetable. This is one of the many reasons that I am determined to become close friends with someone who owns a tapas restaurant. Not that I would be using them for their food or anything. Really. In the meantime, I will attempt to squeeze as many hors d'oeuvres onto one miniscule co*cktail napkin as is humanly possible at the next co*cktail party I attend. This caramelized onion and bacon marmalade, preferably heaped onto a melted Brie cheese-laden crostini, would fit the bill nicely.

As much as I would like to take full credit for this sweet and salty concoction, I simply can not tell a lie. I have good reason to believe that Santa is still watching and I am not willing to have my name pencilled onto the "naughty" list so early in the game.

Cookin' Canuck - Onion & Bacon Marmalade Recipe (2)

Rather, it is John of Patio Daddio BBQ that deserves the devotion of all bacon and onion lovers out there. Truly, this recipe is worthy of some serious groveling, as are many of John's other recipes.

Spoon this marmalade onto melted Brie, tuck it into a wrap sandwich or take it intravenously. Just be sure you make some, preferably today. You won't be sorry.

Cookin' Canuck - Onion & Bacon Marmalade Recipe (3)

I am featuring this recipe on the Tasty Kitchen blog, along with step-by-step photos. Head over there for the details.

Cookin' Canuck - Onion & Bacon Marmalade Recipe (4)

Cookin' Canuck - Onion & Bacon Marmalade Recipe (5)

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Reader Interactions


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  1. Feast on the Cheap

    Ummm, these make my Roasted Tomato Crostini look like ugly stepsisters. YUM, I love these.


  2. Kevin (Closet Cooking)

    Those look so good! Bacon would make an onion marmalade even better than it already is.


  3. Jersey Girl Cooks

    Mmmnnn! You are right! There are never too many appetizer recipes. Happy New year!


  4. Deborah

    I am an appetizer lover, too - and this looks like such a wonderful one! Love the flavor combination - need to check out this recipe for sure.


  5. Kiran @

    I've never heard of onion bacon marmalade before -- but this looks so delicious!! Happy New Year, Dara 🙂


  6. Helen @Helen's Cooking

    Greatness is in simplicity! Amazeful recipe and btw. I agree with you: one can never have too much appetizers.I have at least 6 planned for my New Years menu:-)
    Happy Holidays to you and your wonderful family!


  7. Kimby

    "Take it intravenously." 🙂 Dara, I agree with your appetizer philosophy. So many bites, so little time... Happy New Year!


  8. PatioDaddio

    Dara - I am so very honored that you'd try my recipe and post it. Your blog is fantastic, and I so envy your photography. Thank you so much.



  9. Cassie

    This sounds incredible, Dara. Can't wait to check out the post. My family will flip over this for an appetizer!


  10. Barbara | Creative Culinary

    I've made bacon jam with my own home cured bacon and it's to die for. I've made caramelized onion marmalade and served it over brie and it's to die for. BUT combining the bacon and the onions and serving over brie? TO. DIE. FOR.


  11. Cookbook Queen

    I love appetizers too!! They're so cute and small and you don't have to commit to one thing. Headed over now!!


  12. Julie M.

    That looks divine Dara! Anything with bacon has my vote.


  13. Kelley

    I opt for intravenously please. This has my name written all over it. Wow!


  14. Susan

    Onions, bacon, and brie? I've died and gone to heaven.


Cookin' Canuck - Onion & Bacon Marmalade Recipe (2024)
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