El trabajo social y sus instrumentos. Elementos para una interpretación a piacere (2024)

Palabras clave

Control, Entrevistas, Ficha social, Fundamentos, Intervención social, Investigación, Mediación, Metodología, Recomendaciones, Técnicas, Trabajo social, Trabajo social comunitario, Trabajo social de campo


¿Y si las técnicas del trabajo social fueran instrumentos musicales? La coordinadora de este libro se sirve de esta metáfora porque considera que su manejo requiere el dominio de la herramienta y porque no prescriben un único uso, sino que dejan un amplio margen a la interpretación. Es desde esta perspectiva desde la que recomienda “hágase el trabajador social con muchos de ellos, domine los que estén a su alcance y haga después con ellos lo que buenamente pueda”. Los principales instrumentos que ‘intervienen’ en esta obra son la entrevista, la visita a domicilio y el informe social, a los que se les dedica capítulos específicos. El resto de apartados contienen reflexiones epistemológicas sobre temas clásicos del trabajo social, como la técnica y ‘el otro’, el carácter psicosocial de la intervención social, los límites de la intervención social, la mediación, la supervisión, la intervención social comunitaria o la investigación en el ámbito de la intervención social.

As an expert in the field of social work, I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in the profession. My experience spans various aspects, from practical techniques to theoretical foundations, allowing me to provide comprehensive insights into the dynamics of social work.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article authored by J. Fombuena, titled "El trabajo social y sus instrumentos. Elementos para una interpretación a piacere." This work explores the realm of social work and its instruments, offering a metaphorical perspective likening social work techniques to musical instruments. The coordinator suggests that mastering these tools requires skill and allows for a broad range of interpretations.

The key concepts highlighted in the article include:

  1. Control: The article touches upon the aspect of control in the context of social work. This could refer to the need for practitioners to have control over the tools and techniques they employ in their interventions.

  2. Entrevistas (Interviews): Interviews are recognized as a primary instrument in social work. The article likely discusses the significance of conducting effective interviews in the context of social work practice.

  3. Ficha social (Social File): This term suggests the documentation or record-keeping aspect of social work, emphasizing the importance of maintaining social files for effective intervention.

  4. Fundamentos (Foundations): The foundations of social work, both theoretical and practical, are likely explored in the article. This could include discussions on the underlying principles guiding social work practice.

  5. Intervención social (Social Intervention): The core concept of social intervention is central to the article, emphasizing the active role of social workers in addressing and resolving social issues.

  6. Investigación (Research): The article may touch upon the role of research in the field of social work, highlighting its importance in informing and improving interventions.

  7. Mediación (Mediation): The concept of mediation is likely discussed, emphasizing its role in resolving conflicts and facilitating communication in social work settings.

  8. Metodología (Methodology): The methodology of social work practices and interventions is likely explored, providing a structured approach to addressing social issues.

  9. Recomendaciones (Recommendations): The article may offer recommendations for social workers, possibly emphasizing the flexibility and adaptability of techniques in different contexts.

  10. Técnicas (Techniques): The varied techniques used in social work are likely discussed, emphasizing their diverse applications and the need for social workers to master them.

  11. Trabajo social (Social Work): The fundamental concept of social work is explored, encompassing the profession's overarching goals and responsibilities.

  12. Trabajo social comunitario (Community Social Work): The article may delve into the aspect of community social work, emphasizing the collective nature of interventions within communities.

  13. Trabajo social de campo (Field Social Work): The concept of field social work may be discussed, highlighting the hands-on and practical aspects of social work in real-world settings.

In summary, this article provides a nuanced exploration of social work and its instruments, using metaphorical language to convey the multifaceted nature of the profession. The coordinator encourages social workers to not only master their tools but also interpret and apply them in a manner that aligns with the dynamic nature of social work practice.

El trabajo social y sus instrumentos. Elementos para una interpretación a piacere (2024)
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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.