How to Beat Monkey Meadow on CHIMPS - BTD6 2023 (2024)

Welcome to the guide to conquering Monkey Meadows on CHIMPS difficulty in Bloons TD 6!

Throughout this guide, you'll learn both how to beat Monkey Meadows on CHIMPS difficulty and learn a few basic tips and strategies you can use on any map to consistently tackle CHIMPS difficulty elsewhere.

...but before we begin:

The strategy shared in this guide is by no means the best strategy, and many aspects can certainly be improved. Some towers may even be overkill. Our goal is to show you what worked for us - we encourage you to experiment and improve where you can!

Finally, this footage was recorded on BTD6 Version 39. If you find this strategy no longer works on future patches, please let us know!

With that out of the way, let's get started.

The Final Build

If you'd like to see the final Monkey Meadow CHIMPS build now and reverse engineer it yourself, here's a screenshot along with the list of towers used in this guide:

How to Beat Monkey Meadow on CHIMPS - BTD6 2023 (1)

  • Sauda (Hero)
  • Bomb Shooter (2x)
  • Monkey Village (2x)
  • Druid
  • Spike Factory (2x)
  • Heli Pilot
  • Beast Handler (4x)
  • Alchemist
  • Wizard Monkey
  • Glue Gunner (2x)

Early Game & Starting Towers

In classic fashion, our first tower placed will be the hero Sauda.

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With a calm fury, Sauda can carve Bloons up with her twin razor-sharp swords.

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Sauda is a fantastic hero for beginner maps, as she has the ability to solo many of the early CHIMPS rounds and handle early Camo Bloon rounds. And when combined with other basic early towers, you can speed through early rounds untouched.

Round 6-7

Start by placing Sauda directly on the edge of the right side of the first vertical pathway at the center of the map.

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This placement gives Sauda three opportunities to hit Bloons - one on initial entrance, another upon the first loop, and another upon the second loop.

While Sauda could almost certainly solo many of the early rounds, we'll be proactive and place another one of our core towers for this run.

Round 8

At the start of Round 8, place a Glue Gunner on the opposite side of the first vertical path (i.e. to the left of Sauda) and upgrade to Bigger Blobs once you have the gold, which should be almost immediately.

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The Glue Gunner with Bigger Globs will allow us to slow many Bloons in the early rounds of the game, giving Sauda plenty of attack opportunities. It will also be one of our Lead Bloon poppers later in the game.

These two towers can carry you far, but we'll continue our proactive play on Round 12.

Round 12

Towards the middle of Round 12, place a Wizard Monkey directly to the left of your Glue Gunner and upgrade it to Fireball.

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The Wizard Monkey with Fireball gives us some extra early popping power - and it gives us the ability to pop Lead Bloons.

Later on, we'll use the Wizard Monkey's "Shimmer" ability to help reveal Camo Bloons to the rest of our towers.

Proactive play for the win!

Round 14

At the start of Round 14, upgrade your Glue Gunner to Corrosive Glue - the second ability in the top path.

Corrosive Glue will allow us to pop any Lead Bloons the Wizard Monkey misses, soak through and pop Black Bloons, and help pop any bloons that manage to sneak past Sauda and progress to the later parts of the map.

Early Mid Game

The three starting towers above should easily carry you to Round 25 - and possibly beyond - but we'll continue our proactive strategies anyway.

Round 25

You should have slightly more than ~$3,000 gold at the start of Round 25.

We'll use this gold to purchase a Bomb Shooter, and we'll place it directly to the right of Sauda.

Additionally, we'll upgrade the Bomb Shooter to 0 / 2 / 3, with Missile Launcher in the middle path and Cluster Bombs on the bottom path.

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The reason?


The Missle Launcher combined with Cluster Bombs allows for quick-shooting, multi-explosion attacks that shred early bloons and prep us for MOABs on Round 40.

Speaking of MOAB prep...

Round 32

Towards the beginning of Round 32, place another Bomb Shooter within the first loop directly above your first Bomb Shooter.

Then, upgrade it to 2 / 3 / 0 as you recieve more gold (Heavy Bombs on the top path and MOAB Mauler on the middle path).

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Combined with our first Bomb Shooter, this upgrade gives us much of the MOAB popping power we need for Round 40.

Round 36

During the early-middle portion of Round 36, once you've built up $3,025 gold, purchase Recursive Cluster on your first Bomb Shooter (the one to the right of Sauda).

The Round 40 MOAB will wish it never came.

Round 37

Towards the end of Round 37, a wave of Camo Bloons arrives.

Sauda can handle these Camo Bloons - but we want to play it safe.

Once you have $650 gold saved on Round 37, purchase Monkey Sense - the second ability on the bottom path of the Wizard Monkey.

This allows the Wizard Monkey to target Camo Bloons. Paired with Sauda's camo detection, these Camos (and many others) will meet their end.

Finally, this puts us a bit closer to the Wizard's "Shimmer" ability, which will provide us with even more Camo detection down the road.

Round 40

The MOAB on Round 40 and the resulting bloons will make it towards the middle of the first verticle path; but don't worry.

The Towers we have on board now will handle the MOAB just fine!

Now we've entered the Mid Game.

Mid Game

Congratulations - you've made it past the first MOAB!

Now we're going to do more prep work to ensure we can handle even more.

Round 41

Towards the end of Round 41, place a Heli Pilot in the bottom right of the map and upgrade it to 2 / 0 / 2 - Pursuit on the top path and Faster Firing on the bottom path.

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On top of giving us more popping power, this allows us to work towards the Heli Pilot's "MOAB Shove" ability, which pushes MOABs back and occasionally halts them on their path.

The more we can slow and halt MOABs near our main towers, the better.

Round 42

At the start of Round 42 (or even at the end of Round 41), purchase Shimmer and Wall of Fire on the bottom path of the Wizard Monkey.

Now we have extra Camo detection and popping power.

Round 45

At the start of Round 45, purchase MOAB Shove on the Heli Pilot in the bottom path.

But we aren't done with the MOAB protection.

On top of MOAB Shove, purchase another Glue Gunner and place it to the left of the MOAB Mauler Bomb Shooter on the opposite side of the path.

Then, upgrade it to Glue Splatter on the middle path and Stronger Glue on the bottom path.

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This will prepare us to purchase MOAB Glue - along with further bottom path Glue Gunner upgrades.

Glue Splatter will also boost the bottom path of our new Glue Gunner substantially.

Round 49

The above upgrades should allow you to cruise through the rounds after 45, so we'll just save up some gold until Round 49.

On Round 49, purchase MOAB Glue and Relentless Glue on your second glue gunner. They're the third and fourth skill on the bottom path.

Now, not only will the second glue gunner slow MOABs - which in combination with the Heli Pilot's MOAB Shove will make it hard for them to progress - but they will also place extremely sticky glue on other regular Bloons which freezes them in place.

The MOAB that arrives on Round 50 will barely make it out of the starting strip of the map!

Round 50

Our next purchase may be a bit unnecessary; however, it's a fun ability and will help us to secure the win even further in later rounds.

Towards the start or middle of Round 50, purchase Necromancer: Unpopped Army on your Wizard Monkey.

This will spawn Zombie Bloons that move backwards along the track to help pop any stragglers that make it through our initial defenses. Moreover, it puts us a bit closer to the Wizard's max upgrade, Prince of Darkness.

Late Game

Now that we're moving towards the late game, it's important we start to buff our towers that will be partially carrying the rest of the game.

Round 52 - 58

At the start of Round 52, place a Monkey Village to the left of your first Bomb Shooter and Sauda, and upgrade it to 3 / 1 / 0, or Primary Training in the top path and Grow Blocker in the middle path.

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The extra range from the top path upgrades should encapsulate both Bomb Shooters and Sauda, and the Grow Blocker will help prevent Regrow Bloons from sneaking past our defenses.

We're going to place another Monkey Village on the other side of our defenses - directly to the left of the Wizard Monkey - on Round 53. We'll also upgrade this Village to 3 / 1 / 0.

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Now we have every tower on the map buffed with extra attack speed (and plenty of anti-Regrow to go along with it).

And finally, as soon as you can afford it, place an Alchemist directly to the left of your MOAB Glue Glue Gunner and upgrade it to 4 / 0 / 1, or Stronger Stimulant in the top path and Faster Throwing in the bottom path, as you earn the gold throughout Rounds 56-58.

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Now our buffs are looking great!

Round 61

At the start of Round 61, place a Druid towards the back of the map to the left of the Heli Pilot and upgrade it to 2 / 3 / 0.

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Druid of the Jungle will give us whole-map coverage with trapping vines to protect us against any sneaky bloons, which is why it's OK to place him in the back of the map. Heart of Thunder will give us a little extra popping power for the same reason.

This druid, as you'll soon see, will start to rake in tons of pops!

Round 63

Round 63 is a notoriously hard round.

With our setup, however, it becomes easy.

We'll still do some upgrades though. Towards the middle of Round 63, upgrade your Druid to Jungle's Bounty, make it a 2 / 4 / 0.

While Jungle's Bounty won't actually allow us to gain lives or generate gold with its ability, it will buff Druid of the Jungle quite a bit.

Round 70

At the start of Round 70, upgrade your MOAB Mauler Bomb Shooter located in the first loop to MOAB Assassin, or 2 / 4 / 0.

This will give us an ability that helps us pop tough MOABs.

Moreover, you can upgrade your Monkey Village to the right of Sauda to Primary Mentoring - or 4 / 1 / 0 - for increased Tower range and lowered ability cooldowns for both Sauda and the MOAB Assassin.

Round 72.

When the second Red MOAB (or BFB) arrives on Round 72, you can use your MOAB Assassin ability to quickly take it out.

Round 75

For a bit of extra prophylactic play, on Round 75, we'll place a Spike Factory at the last bend of the map and upgrade it to 3 / 2 / 0.

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Round 78

At the end of Round 77, you may think about disabling "Auto Start" if you have that enabled, because we're going to do some setup with Beast Handlers.

Here's what we're going to do (image reference to follow):

  1. Purchase 3 Beast Handlers and place them surrounding your Alchemist.
  2. Place the third Beast Handler to the left of the Alchemist so that it's in range of your left-hand Monkey Village.
  3. Upgrade your 3rd Beast Handler to 0 / 4 / 0, or to the T-Rex.
  4. Upgrade your other two Beast Handlers to 0 / 2 / 0 (Adasaurus), and merge both of the Adasaurus into the 3rd Beast Handler to give its T-Rex increased power.
  5. Finally, move your T-Rex directly to the right of your first Glue Gunner. There should be a tiny space for them to fit there - if not, place the T-Rex in the lower left-hand corner of the first loop, next to your MOAB Assassin Bomb Shooter.

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We'll continue upgrading the other Beast Handlers in later rounds to strengthen our T-Rex, along with its Stomp ability.

The Stomp ability will be extremely useful for large groups of Bloons, as well as fast-moving DDTs in later rounds.

Round 79

When the second Red MOAB appears on Round 79, feel free to use your T-Rex Stomp ability to clear its health.

You should also upgrade both of your 0 / 2 / 0 Beast Handlers to 0 / 3 / 0 to give the T-Rex more strength as you get more gold throughout Round 79.

You can use the T-Rex Stomp ability again when the Reinforced Red MOABs appear.

Round 80-83

When the ZOMG MOAB appears on Round 80, use your MOAB Assassin ability to take its health down at the start of the round.

You can also use your T-Rex Stomp ability to do extra damage.

Finally, upgrade your 0 / 4 / 0 Beast Hander - the T-Rex Handler - to Horned Owl, or 0 / 4 / 2. You can also upgrade your other beast handlers to 0 / 3 / 2 and merge one of the birds into your main Beast Handler.

Finally, on Round 83, upgrade your 2nd Beast Handler (the one directly above the Alchemist) to T-Rex.

This T-Rex should be automatically merged into your 3rd Beast Handler, giving your main T-Rex even more popping power.

Note About Ability Usage

Throughout the later rounds, feel free to use both your T-Rex Stomp and your MOAB Assassin abilities when MOABs, Reinforced MOABs, and DDTs enter the screen and enter the radius of your T-Rex.

This will help shred them quickly as they enter your main line of defense to secure the kill.

Round 84

On Round 84, upgrade your left Monkey Village to Primary Mentoring to give towers lowered ability cooldowns and extra range.

This will allow you to use your T-Rex stomp ability more frequently.

Round 86

At the start of Round 86, upgrade your 1st Beast Handler to T-Rex. This will make it so that two other T-Rex's are merged into your main Rex, increasing its power.

Round 89 - 90

You may think about conserving your T-Rex Stomp and MOAB Assassin abilities on Round 89 if you can (or just use them early in the round), as Round 90 will have DDT MOABs.

On Round 90, if you have the two abilities, use them when the DDTs get near your T-Rex and MOAB Assassin to clear the DDTs. Your MOAB Glue from the Glue Gunner should hit the DDTs as well, making them easy to clear on Round 90.

Round 92

On Round 92, upgrade your Spike Factory in the back of the map to Spiked Mines, or 4 / 2 / 0.

This will help protect us against any DDTs and Bloons that sneak past our main defenses.

Finally, place another Beast Handler to the left of your main T-Rex Beast Handler - within range of your left-hand Monkey Village - and upgrade it to 0 / 3 / 0. Then, merge it with your main T-Rex Beast Handler.

We're going to upgrade this Beast Handler to a T-Rex when we have the gold.

Round 93.

Round 93 has another round of DDT MOABs. You can use your T-Rex Stomp ability when they're close to stun them and clear them out.

Round 95

Upgrade your 4th Beast Handler to T-Rex. You can also upgrade the bird path and merge the bird with another Beast Handler if you so choose.

Be careful - there are more DDT MOABs on this round.

Round 97

If you'd like, you can purchase Acid Pool on your Alchemist - this is what we did in our run, but it may not be totally necessary.

If you want to play it safe, feel free to follow our footsteps.

Moreover, you can purchase another Spike Factory and place it within the second loop. Then, upgrade it to Spiked Mines - 4 / 0 / 0.

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You can then upgrade that spike factory to 4 / 2 / 0 when you have the gold for faster mine production.

Round 98 - 99

There are many MOABs and DDTs that appear on Round 98 & 99 - just like previous rounds, use your Stomp and MOAB Assassin abilities wisely to stun and clear them out.

Finally, at the end of Round 99, quickly place a Super Monkey above your MOAB Assassin Bomb Shooter and upgrade it to 2 / 0 / 1.

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This Super Monkey will give us a bit of extra popping power against the final MOAB on Round 100.

Round 100

This is the final stand!

  1. Use your T-Rex stomp at the very start of the round.
  2. Use your MOAB Assassin ability as it comes off cooldown each time.
  3. Use your T-Rex Stomp again right as it comes off cooldown.
  4. Use your T-Rex Stomp again as the MOAB finishes the first loop. You can also use Sauda's first ability here.
  5. Use your T-Rex Stomp again as the MOAB enters the bottom part of the second loop.

The final MOAB will make it through the first and second loops of the map. It will begin burning from your Spiked Mines in the second loop, and should die right at the end of the second loop if you used your abilities correctly.

When the main MOAB dies, IMMEDIATELY use your T-Rex stomp to stun the ensuing MOABs.

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Once the ZOMG and other MOABs are stunned, continue using your MOAB Assassin ability.

This should allow you to clear out the final MOABs!


And that's it! No doubt, there are many things to improve on this run.

  • Gold saving. You may think about saving more gold in earlier rounds to purchase max upgrades instead of just adding more towers. No doubt, many of the early and mid-game setups could carry us through more rounds without spending as much gold.
  • Better upgrade selection. For instance, we upgraded the Druid to Jungle's Bounty - this does give Druid of the Jungle considerably more popping power, but was it the best upgrade (or the best tower?) since we can't make use of the gold generation? Good question - and one that requires some more exploration! Jungle's Bounty + DOTJ is a great combo nonetheless.
  • Some of our towers likely were not in range of our Alchemist and Monkey Villages. How could we have placed the towers so that more of them received the buffs?

And much more, I'm sure. But what matter's now is that you won!

Thanks for reading. If you found this guide helpful, feel free to share it around for others who may be struggling with this map.

Finally, if you find that you are not able to beat the map using this guide, please let us know so that we can review further and update the guide!

How to Beat Monkey Meadow on CHIMPS - BTD6 2023 (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.