Japanese knot bag pattern (2024)

Cutting out

Step 1

From the main fabric cut:

  • Outer Bag: two using template 1
  • Handle Lining: two using template 2
  • Outer Base: one using template 3

Step 2

From the interfacing cut:

  • Outer Bag Interfacing: two using template 1
  • Handle Interfacing: two using template 2
  • Base Interfacing: one using template 3

Step 3

From the lining fabric cut:

  • Base Lining: one using template 3
  • Main Bag Lining: two using template 4

Step 4

Press the interfacing to the backs of the Outer Bag and Base and Handle Lining.

Step 5

Place the Outer Bag and Handle Lining pieces right sides (RS) together. Measure 5cm from the top of one side of the handles and cut a piece away.

Japanese knot bag pattern (1)

Making the outer and the lining

Step 1

Pin the Handle Lining and the Main Bag Lining RS together to make a full bag piece. Stitch using matching thread. Repeat to sew the other Handle Lining and Main Bag Lining pieces together in the same way.

Japanese knot bag pattern (2)

Step 2

Pin the two assembled lining pieces RS together. Stitch from the bottom of the handle to the base on one side. Stitch the other side in the same way, leaving an 8cm gap. This will allow your hand to get through later when you are adding the beading.

Japanese knot bag pattern (3)

Step 3

Assemble the main fabric Outer Bag pieces in the same way but this time leave no openings. Press seams open.

Step 4

Pin then sew the circular Base Lining to the bottom of the Lining pieces. Repeat to sew the Outer Base to the Outer Bag.

Japanese knot bag pattern (4)

Step 5

Turn both the Lining and Outer wrong sides (WS) out and place the Lining inside the Outer. The RS of the fabric should be facing. Stitch from the bottom of the handle to the top, leaving a 5cm gap at the top.

Japanese knot bag pattern (5)

Step 6

Repeat inside the handle, stitching around the centre and back up to the handle on the other side.

Japanese knot bag pattern (6)

Step 7

Turn your bag RS out to check everything. Turn the handles RS out through the top opening and the rest can be turned out through the opening which was left on the side of the lining. Make any necessary amendments then turn WS out again.

Step 8

Snip into the seam allowance around the Base pieces and also around the curve at the centre of the handles. You can also trim some of the seam allowance away to make it less bulky.

Finishing the handles

Step 1

Turn your bag RS out. Align the tops of the Handle Lining pieces with RS together then stitch across the top.

Japanese knot bag pattern (7)

Step 2

Repeat to join the Outer Bag handles with RS facing. This one is a little tricky because you will have to pull the fabric around to match them up.

Japanese knot bag pattern (8)

Step 3

Once all the handle tops are stitched, finger press the seams open. You’ll notice how these seams fall into place tucked inside the handle. This will allow you to press the seams all around the handles and pin ready for the topstitching.

Step 4

Topstitch 1–2mm from the edge of the handles (both the inside and outer edges) following the curve along to other side of the bag handle.

Japanese knot bag pattern (9)

Embellishing the bag

Step 1

Using the opening left in the lining you can gain access to easily bead the fabric. Use a range of seed beads and bugle beads to bead the flowers.

Japanese knot bag pattern (10)

Step 2

Use embroidery stitches to enhance the flowers.

Japanese knot bag pattern (11)

Step 3

Once the beading/embroidery is complete, neatly close up the opening in the lining using a matching thread.

Japanese knot bag pattern (12)

Japanese knot bag pattern (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.