Monster High-Healing the Wound - Chapter 1 - ForbiddenProphecy39 (2024)

Chapter Text

Monster High(Generation 1)- Healing the Wound

Disclaimer- This is a work of fanfiction. I have no rights or claims affiliated with “monster high”. Which is owned by “Mattel”; within this fanfiction are tags concerning these. Violence, Cursing, Sexual Content, Alcohol and Drug usage. Prejudice, fear mongering, growth, giantess, BSDM, bi-sexual, heterosexual, piss, scat, blood, humiliation, underage sex, monsters, pain. Blood, physical and mental abuse, mental breakdown, rape, torture, pregnancy. p*rn with plot; and p*rn without plot. Overall rating: Explicit/ “A”- Adults reading only.

Prologue- (It was always a belief of make believe, superstition, old-wise tale. Only a faint minority with humanity ever told the concept of monsters being real. Sure, holidays like Halloween/ All hallows eve gave recognition to the dead while being a time for wearing costumes and getting candy. Corporations of coursed cashed on holidays like this one. There’s a saying that behind every theory lies a hint of truth. Astrophysicists, chemists, mathematicians, engineers, and others within this group always asks the questions of what if? Is it possible, we won’t know until we try; so, let’s get some money and do some researching? Most major governments of the world may throw some millions of dollars at projects like these. Be it as a distraction for something they really want; or possible wondering if there’s some truth to what their researchers are looking for? Mankind has always been fond of the beyond. Scientist have been studying parts of the globe that have been giving off a faint but similar power signature. With permission from the United Nations a global joint council was formed. Combining the most intellectuals of the different science fields. The goal to study and work on devices that that in unison can harness these fields of faint energy. One fateful night all the devices called “Unified Saber” were all turned on and operated on the same frequency. Each powered by zero-point energy attempted to siphon all the faint energy. However, a shockwave of this faint energy combined with the zero-point energy engines rippled through all over the world. In doing so every location each group of global scientists activated these machines on…. Something happened? Those faint energy signals began to rise and create a vivid dome of energy. Every group around the world were reporting the same thing?! However, each group reported different colors of domes. The military of each nation was already at Death-Con 3 stage. One week within this incident teams of military, scientist, biologists, and so on were going to be sent into these domes of energy. That of course didn’t happen because something else came out from the other side first. Fairytales and mythology were no longer fakes; but real! Beings that look like zombies/fairies/dragons/werewolves emerged also in shock. Not either group said a word; but when a scientist’s frequency adapter malfunctioned it sent out an ultra-high frequency as the werewolves roared in pain. Taking it as a sigh of aggression the werewolves ran on all fours and lunged at the scientist. The next thing you heard was a gun firing. On that date January 1st, 2022, began the first interdimensional world war. Those 5 months of terror became some of the most horrific in all of monster/mankind history. The green light was given by the United Nations to use nuclear warheads. During operation “Burning Sky” a military bomber entered through one of the vivid domes of energy “aka” portals. Upon launching 2 nukes against monster forces on the ground and air the aftermath was certain. Around 750,000 monsters died vaporized from the blasts. Finally, on June 20th, 2022, a cease fire was declared by the monster faction and reached. Humanity and monster race sent emissaries as were as leaders to negotiate peace. Many United Nations wanted to force monster kind into submission complete surrender. However that minority was outvoted by the majority of world leaders wanting a true peace. To help both human and monster kind coexist together interdimensional programs were formed. Selected groups of monsters were allowed to live and learn about humanity. While selected groups of humans were allowed to live and learn about monsters. This was a plan of 2 years in the making. One place that was decided by monster dignitaries was New Salem. At an amazing school that was a leader in accepting diversity among all monsters, Monster High).

Chapter 1- Watch Your Step

Narrator- (One of the “Healing the Wound” interdimensional program locations was Monster High of New Salem. The entire school was told about being selected for part of the “Healing the Wound” program. Monster High Super Attendant Headless Headmistress Bloodgood was preparing the entire school about the news and new protocols. Monster High would be enrolling their first full human exchange student. About half of the student Monsters protested and declared humans have too much bloodshed on their hands! An opinion shared by some Monster High teachers as well parents. With a digital meeting with the monster council which further explained to the school and students the situation and protocols. Lots of security was added to monster high. Gargoyles, werewolves, vampires, minotaur’s monsters. Also, human bodyguards made up of FBI, CIA, and military police. Neither side wanted to cause another interdimensional war/conflict).

(It’s now August 8, 2023; it was a rainy and cloudy day in New Salem. Perhaps it fits the mood of the day. Monster High was expecting the earlier of their 1st fully human exchange student. Tensions were extremely high considering at that has happened. Outside was an entourage of human swat vehicles; 12 to be exact. Monster security and defense force looked like they were ready for battle. One of the vehicles was an armored limousine. Carrying the human exchange student who’s mind blown). This is so unreal; never in my lifetime I believed this would ever happen, stated Tyriant? (Tyriant Hillean- An African American candidate for the “Healing the Wound” program. This young man was selected as the first human/monster education exchange program. He was rocking a 3-piece outfit. The shirt was sleeveless predominantly mint green, with some light orange and cream colors. From the neck opening down to the mid ab area was mint green front and back. From the mid ab area down to the bottom as the shirt was cream color front and back. Lots of small light orange circle designs covered the left and right side of the shirt. Concentrated only in the cream-colored area. Three small words went vertically down the left pectoral muscle area beside each other. “Strength of Earth” in cream-colored words. Tyriant’s bottoms were long length black jean shorts. With a light orange tint on the left side of his shorts having light orange threading. While mint green tint was on the right side with mint green threading? In small cream-colored lettering was 5 small words going vertically down beside the other. “The mountain cannot bow”, on the right side of the thigh area of the long shorts. Ty sported some mint green/light orange/cream/black colored high-top Jordon’s. Wearing short socks; one left light orange sock and one right mint green sock. Having on a black leather belt with metal stubs in it. Finally, he flaunted a jacket that had 4 colors. Cream, light orange, mint green, and black. The arms were crème colored; two ring designs went around the wrist areas. Mint green the right wrist and light orange the left wrist area. The left side of the jacket was light orange as the right side was mint green. A design of a large black mountain was on the back of the jacket. A small black design of the earth was in the mint green area of the right pectoral on the jacket. The collar was cream colored; the outfit was called “Strength of Earth”. He was wearing a 20-carat diamond watch on his left wrist. Hill had brown eyes with a thin mustache, short black hair, and small goatee). The human race didn’t expect this Mr. Hillean; replied Agent Max. (Max Ethan- A captain within the CIA force. He is Ty’s bodyguard and shadow. A Caucasian male as he was flaunting a 3-piece suit. A special designed CIA personnel outfit. It had 4 colors: red, white, blue, and black. His inner dress shirt was white with thin black vertical stripes all over. With a right pectoral pocket. 2 gold cufflinks on each wrist in the shape of small eagles. The opening of the shirt had gold buttons. Ethan’s outwear was a suit coat. Being mostly red with a large white eagle design with black outlining on the back. Inside the eagle design was medium blue flag with 50 small white star designs. The openings of Max’s suit coat where thin white having small blue stripes going down vertically. The suit coat had 2 outside pockets and one inside. 2 white/blue metallic circular cufflinks on each wrist. Max’s bottoms were predominantly black dress pants. His pants had red threading on the ride side and blue threading on the left side. A faint white tint was made into the pants. 3 pockets one on the left and right side. While 1 pocket was on the right back. Ethan was rocking black dress socks and white dress shoes. The shoes had black/red/blue shoelaces in it. Max has short salt n pepper colored hair Actually; Hill has 40 bodyguards but anyway heavily armed)?! Remember Tyriant we have to hold the upmost behavior and respect, stated Ethan. Try not to use any phrases that may sound offensive to them. Easier said than done Mr. Max; even with the months of monster etiquette I went through, said Hillean. We’re here with you Ty if something goes bad, replied Max. Hopefully nothing will go bad; “seconded that, ok Mr. Hillean we’re stopping now”, finished Ethan. (As the US CIA vehicles came to a stop before exiting the limousine. 30 of the security personnel jumped out the vehicles. As soon as Max opened the door exiting followed by Tyriant, he CIA agents got into a formation. 7 agents went to the front while 7 agents moved to the left. 7 agents went to the right and 7 agents the back. Along with 2 agents they walked next to Tyriant and Max. Mr. Hillean was surrounded on all corners as they walked up the stairs of monster high. They could feel the tension and uneasy in the cold rainy atmosphere. Monster High’s security force waited at the top of the stairs. Five 7ft mummies, two 8ft Frankenstein monsters, and three 9ft golem creatures. It was an intimidating site to behold. As the humans got to the top of the stairs agent max steps forward the speak). Greetings and peace to you all; I’m agent Max Ethan of the “USA healing the wound” group. I have with me Mr. Tyriant Hillean the human student exchange candidate. (One of the Mummy security officers took 1 step forward. Looking at agent Max then Tyriant. He simply grunted nodding his head; the monster security force opened the doors for them. They lead the Tyriant and the CIA through the opening hallway. It was amazing; lots of then were in shock that monsters were so modern and advanced in culture. They had reached outside of the principal’s office). This is Headmistress Bloodgood’s office, stated Mummy security guard #1. Only you agent Max and ambassador Tyriant may enter; the rest of your party must remain out here. You’ll understand if some of us also enter stated CIA agent #1. That wasn’t a request human; replied Frankenstein’s monster guard #1! (The CIA agents got into an aggressive position but Ethan through his left hand up). That is quite fine as this is a diplomatic mission that will benefit both parties, said Max. It's good that you understand agent Ethan, replied Mummy security guard #1. (After deescalating the situation Max and Tyriant entered monster high’s principal’s quarters. They walked toward a large wooden table. Two 7ft golems were around the table. One on the left and right of the table. In the chair seemed to be a woman with pale cream-colored skin. She rose up and extend her hand). Greetings, please come closer; I’m thrilled to have you here, greeted Headless Headmistress Bloodgood! (Headmistress Bloodgood- principal of monster high school. She wore a purple sable coat; underneath was a high white collared blouse. Which covered Bloodgood’s GG-cup titt*es; she had a freakishly voluptuous body shape!? Fitted black pants hugging Headmistress Bloodgood’s massive/humongous booty; high red riding boots with a small heel?! If one looked hard enough you could tell Ms. Bloodgood wasn’t wearing any panties. Reason being is that a strong camel toe shape emerged beneath Headless Headmistress’s pants. The Headmistress has a massive/humongous puss*!! A pink necktie and arm bands; Ms. Bloodgood had medium length purple hair. It was tied into a bun in the back. She had icy blue eyes with pink eye shadow, hot-pink nails, and purple eyelashes. Hot pink lipstick and a stunning 6ft 4inches tall, woe)? My name is Headless Headmistress Bloodgood, principal of Monster High. Misses Bloodgood it is an honor to be here, replied Agent Max. (Ethan then shakes Headmistress Bloodgood’s right hand). I do believe you are Mr. Tyriant Hillean I presume, asked Ms. Bloodgood? (She extends her hand to him; Tyriant grabs her hand turning her palm down. Then Hillean gives Headmistress Bloodgood a head bow. His forehand barely touches the back of Ms. Bloodgood’s hand). The pleasure is mine dear Headmistress, said Tyriant. Oh, I’m sorry Mistress Bloodgood I’m being too liberal. (Headless Headmistress Bloodgood chuckled then smiled). Oh, you’re a gentleman Mr. Hillean; it’s quite alright I like that, joked Headmistress. Please gentlemen sit down; (so Ethan and Ty sat down on the other side of Ms. Bloodgood’s desk. Then Headless Headmistress Bloodgood took her big seat again). This is a new age of relations between monsters and humans, stated Ms. Bloodgood. Learning unfamiliar cultures about each of our races. As I believe we have more in common than different. It warms my heart that here at monster high we have a chance to try. (Agent Max and Tyriant were taken back from Ms. Bloodgood’s words. They didn’t sense any deception in her tone. This is a good introduction start between the groups). Ms. Headmistress Bloodgood I’m inspired by your openness and optimism, said Tyriant. I’m thankful that the seeds of growing together are being established here. That’s the spirit Mr. Hillean; you’ll do fine here, said Headless Headmistress Bloodgood. Oh, I’m not being overdramatic; “what I’m sorry Ms. Bloodgood”, interrupted Ethan? Agent Max I’m sorry I’m not talking to you, replied Headmistress Bloodgood. Stop causing a scene in front of our guest! (Ty looked at agent Max with concern. Then Ms. Bloodgood grabs her head; pulling it from her neck?! Then places it on the table as her body walks off with its arms folded)! You can be such a diva, shouted Ms. Bloodgood! I’m sorry gentleman my body sometimes fight with me. (There was a long pause; Hillean’s expression was pale. Like he was having a heart attack. Ethan slumped out of his chair fainting; for real CIA agent Max Ethan!? As Max hit the ground on his stomach, he regains consciousness. Jumping back up shocked and disoriented). Oh, huh I’m up; I… I’m sorry what just happened, asked hysterically Ethan!? Oh my, my, my, my apologizes gentlemen replied Ms. Bloodgood. I should have emphasized my first name Headless. I can detach my head from my body as you can see my body also has a mind of its own. Wow Headmistress I can say we’re shocked, stated Tyriant nervously. When you make a decision do you tend to go with your heart or head? (Then Agent max slaps Hillean’s right arm looking at him like “seriously”, Hillean looks at agent Max and grab’s his right arm with his left hand). Really Mr. Hillean; we have plenty of corn fields in New Salem, said Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. You don’t have to bring any of yours. (The 7ft golem monster security statues started laughing. Then Ms. Bloodgood, Ethan and finally Tyriant. As bad of a joke as that was it managed to lighten up the awkward atmosphere). Hahahaha my we need a good laugh, said Headmistress Bloodgood! Indeed, Headless Mistress Bloodgood, replied Ethan. So, Mr. Hillean I’ve compiled a school schedule for you, stated Ms. Bloodgood. Oh, and also our cooks have thoroughly studied human foods. I’m sure it’ll taste like home; “thank you so much Ms. Bloodgood”, interjected Max. However, My CIA team are all trained chefs, and we have ingredients from our country. No, no, no we went through all this effort for Tyriant, said Headmistress Bloodgood. (Then her body picked up her head and reconnected it to her neck). You wouldn’t make us waste our time cooking and you don’t even try it; would you ask Headmistress Bloodgood? (She leaned down placing her hands on the desk. Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood gave then a belittling glare. Agent Ethan slowly sat back down in his chair nervously). No ma’am we wouldn’t do that, assured Ty. Splendid gentleman, I have a student who’s eager to give you a tour of our facility replied Ms. Bloodgood. (The door started opening up from behind them). Awe here is the ghoul I was talking about. Ms. Stein please introduce yourself to Agent Ethan and our human exchange student Tyriant Hillean. (As the men turned their chairs to greet Ms. Stein both were shocked. Frankie Stein- Grand-daughter of Dr. Frankenstein. She had faint green skin w/ long black and white straight hair. She had 2 metal bolts 1 on each side of her neck left/right. There were stitches all over her body; some on her right cheek too? Frankie rocked a one-piece dress having black, white, and blue colors in it. The top portion of Ms. Stein’s dress had a dress-colored design as reached down from the neck to her breasts. That portion was white as she wore a long black, white and bed tie. Which was predominantly black having white and blue star design? From the breast area the on down to the short skirt had black and blue checker designs all over. Thin white outlining went in between every blue and black checker. Frankie Stein wore a big black bet with metal stubs going horizonal. Two rows 1 at the top the other at the bottom. A medium sized metal lightning bolt was at the center of the belt in front. Ms. Stein footwear was blue/black/white high heel pumps. The short design of Frankie Stein's skirt barely hid her big ass. While her blue panties hid that pudgy puss*? The dress mashed her EE-cup titt*es together what!? Frankie Stein has a ridiculously voluptuous body shape! She had 2 different colored eyes; right blue and left faint green. Wearing light red eyeshadow, black eyelashes, dark red lipstick, and nails. Frankie was around 6ft tall. This made Hillean and Ethan realize that compared to monsters they both were short. They stood up as not to be rude). Oh, my monster it’s great to meet you both, exclaimed Frankie! (Then without thinking she hugged both men instead of shaking their hands. Ms. Stein was very friendly as she lifted them off the ground accidentally)? Ms. Stein calm yourself this is no way to greet guest in this school, stated Headless Headmistress Bloodgood! Oh, replied Frankie; (she didn’t realize what she had done and put agent Max and Tyriant down). Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry; I act before thinking, apologizing Frankie Stein. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dump; “Ms. Stein it’s ok please don’t beat yourself up”, interjected Tyriant! No, no this is an important hill to climb for monster/human relations, replied Ms. Stein! This is an awful start; (then Hillean stepped in front of Frankie and grabbed both her hands). Everything is fine here; I’m nervous too, admitted Tyriant. However, your warm friendly welcome helps put me at ease. (Frankie then calmed down and smiled at Hillean. He returns the smile as Ms. Stein then starts staring into Tyriant’s brown eye. There’s a short silence until); “ok Tyriant you can let go of Ms. Stein’s hands now, interjected Max. Oops I’m sorry now I’ve lost myself ha-ha, replied Tyriant. (He lets go of Frankie Stein’s hand. Going on unnoticed Frankie blushes looking down at the floor). Ms. Stein is a fine student at monster high, bragged Headmistress Bloodgood. Her drive and friendly positivity helps this school. As a symbol of not just education but of compassion and acceptance of all not just some. Thank you, Headmistress that means a lot, coming from you, said Frankie. I just call it like I see it; now I’ll leave these gentlemen in your capable hands, replied Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. Just as long as they don’t fall off ha-ha, stated Ms. Stein. Looks like your jokes aren’t the only bad ones Tyriant, joked Max Ethan. Actually Mr. Ethan my hands do fall off from time to time, corrected Frankie. You know stitches don’t hold sometimes. (Ethan and Tyriant had a stupefied look in their faces). You know I shouldn’t be surprised by that, (Tyriant’s thoughts). Alright everyone off you go and enjoy your time at monster high, stated Ms. Bloodgood. Thank you for your time and hospitality Headmistress Bloodgood, replied Max. (Max then shook Headmistress Bloodgood’s hand. Then extended her hand to Tyriant with her palm down. Hill smiled and grabbed her hand and did another head bow. His forehand gently touching Headless Headmistress Bloodgood’s right knuckles. Once again Ms. Bloodgood smiles and giggles. Then Frankie leads agent Ethan and Tyriant back out of Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood’s office). I believe this will be a good outcome said Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. They’re humans madam Bloodgood; an angry and backstabbing people, replied Golem security guard #1. Much pain has been spread through the 5-month war. This could be a means for the humans to find out weaknesses about us monsters, stated Golem security guard #2. No, no I refuse to believe that this major step is a means to another war replied Headmistress Bloodgood. Besides, I sensed nothing but sincerity from those 2. Besides we lost the war; humanity could’ve enslaved us but didn’t. We can’t afford to abuse this opportunity for lasting peace. We’ll treat them with our full respect understood. (Then 2 golem security guards grunted in agreement grudgingly. Out down the great hall Frankie Stein was in full tour guide mode. Although all of Hill’s CIA security escort formed in a big circle formation surrounding agent Max, Tyriant, and Frankie Stein. Other monsters within the school were looking at them. Of course, lots of things were running through Hillean’s and Ethan’s mind). This classroom right hear is Hiss-tory, stated Frankie. This is the 2nd class of your schedule here at monster High! So, I’m learning about yawls history; monsters I mean, asked Tyriant? Uh huh I’m sure you’ll find us fascinating once you start, replied Ms. Stein!? Hum, I already do Frankie; not because you’re different from us humans stated Tyriant. So, who’s the teacher for Hiss-tory? To find out that what came up as Halloween stories for us. Actually, has truth to it; however, I notice a difference from the monster movies though. May I know what Ty; “even though you’re the granddaughter of Dr. Frankenstein you’re far from a scary monster. Very attractive too if I may say so? (Frankie giggled softly as she then wrapped her left arm around Hillean’s right arm. Tyriant smiled back at her; he was a smooth talker but very sincere). “Boy what the hell are you doing, (Max’s Thoughts)? Is Ty playing some game or trying to lower that female monster’s guard? Either way he’s complicating our mission. When we drive back to the embassy the monster’s granted us, I’m putting him straight". To our left here is the AH classroom, said Frankie. Ah, “dead languages; yes, Ty and agent Max”, stated Ms. Stein. This course teaches the languages of different monster races. This will be your 1st class actually; “how are the teachers here Frankie”, asked Hillean? Oh, they’re really great some can be difficult though, replied Frankie Stein. I believe Mr. Rotter will be your teacher in dead languages class? Which monster is he Frankie, asked Ethan? Oh, he's a ghoul; “what, you mean the kind that ohhhhhhs a lot Ms. Stein”, replied agent Ethan? Yes, but don’t do that in front of him though, stated Frankie. Never Ms. Stein it’s not our intention to mock any one man or monster, replied Max. I believe you sir; it’s just when you said ohhhhhhs, stated Frankie. You basically said I want to sh*t in each of your mouths. "What" replied Tyriant and Ethan in unison? Exactly so not try to speak monster talk until you know what they mean. Oh yes in fact I think I’ll just nod yes and no to be safe, said Tyriant. Bahahaha no silly don’t be scared; just mindfully, replied Frankie. Soooooo, Ty you must be popular with the girls back home? Ha-ha I don’t think so dear Frankie, replied Hillean. You don’t have to be modest on my account, assured Frankie. (Then Frankie got really bold and asked Tyriant). So, do you think I’m attractive being a monster, asked Frankie shyly? (Tyriant coughed a little about to choke with surprise from Ms. Stein’s question). Now, now enough joking let’s continue the tour shall we stated Ethan. Actually, Frankie you’re sweet, funny, and bold replied Tyriant. Actually, yes you are quite attractive. (Frankie blushed and smiled at Tyriant Hillean). You know we have lots of places to hang out outside of monster high, said Frankie. Perhaps we can do something together? I’m not sure Mistress Bloodgood would approve of that, disagreed agent Ethan. (Tyriant gave Max a “really” look. Next thing you know 8 of the CIA agents went through a wall. Landing outside the school). What the hell; “what happened to the agents Ethan”, replied Hillean? (Then 10 more CIA agents went through the other walls. Being thrown inside a gymnasium; then a steel bar went across the door handles outside the gym door. A ghostly figure just patted her hands together). If you humans think you can invade our school, you’re sad and stupid, shouted Spectra Vondergeist! (Spectra Vondergeist- is a female ghost student of monster high. Spectra’s pale white skin of course having the ability to go through walls. Ms. Vondergeist rocked a one-piece short black skirt dress that covered hard medium sized ass. Having some purple and pink colors too. 1 wide strap went over each of Spectra’s shoulders. Mostly black with a thin pink strip on the outside of each shoulder strap. Down from her D-cup titt*es to her hips a medium sized pink line went vertically down the center of Spectra’s dress. Having thin purple lines forming “+” shapes within. Not wearing any panties her fair/small puss* was exposed. Ms. Vondergeist has a highly voluptuous body shape. A smaller sized pink line went down the left and right sides of the dress with similar designs. The rest of Vondergeist dress was black. She had 3 thin metal chains going horizontally across her dress. Small patches of silver glitter went down the skirt portion all over. Spectra wore white high heel pumps with purple/pink soles. Metallic ankle bracelets and a left wrist metallic bracelet. Her retinas were light purple while Spectra’s eyes were white with a faint icy blue color. She wore baby blue eye shadow and had on purple lipstick. Spectra had exceptionally long purple hair w/ lavender and pink thin streaks. Vondergeist was 5ft 9inches tall; now only 12 CIA security agents remained with Hillean and Ethan)!? Frankie what is this; “Tyriant I promise you I don’t know”, answered Ms. Stein!? (Then next thing you know a long flame shoots out behind them. A wall of fire about 10ftx10ft; next 2 monsters came from a hallway out of the left). Here’s what going on human; we don’t like your kind, stated Heath Burns intimidatingly. (Heath Burns- A fire elemental monster; a current student of monster high. He’s a slender built monster; having medium auburn hair in a flame style. Having auburn-colored eyes and pale yellowish skin. He was wearing a charcoal-colored t-shirt, and charcoal-colored pants in a blue jean design. Burn’s pants have an auburn color tint in them. Heath flaunted black short top tennis shoes with a medium sized red/yellow flame design on the toe portions. Rocking a jacket which was predominantly black w/ some hot-pink/white/red/yellow colors. Around the wrist portions was a medium sized red/yellow flame design. The chest opening along the jacket was white having hot-pink buttons. 2 thin strips went across the shoulder area. One hot pink and the other white; the collar as has 1 hot-pink and 1 white stripe. Heath Burns stood at 5ft 7inches). So, get out walking or get out in a casket, yelled Manny Taur! (Manny Taur- a minotaur with a monstrous muscular frame. A caramel-colored minotaur w/ a big brown nose having a large hoop nose ring. Manny rocked a tight fitted red short exposing his gigantic pecks and large 8 pack abs, damn! Sporting tight fitting blue jeans that barely covered his huge thighs and calves. Taur wore medium top brown boots with red laces in them. Manny Taur hand short blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Of course, his white head horns; this monster was 6ft 5inches)!! Look here young man, bull; we are not your enemy said agent Max! You humans are our enemies; all you do is take, replied Manny! Killing everyone and thing that is different from you! You all started the war and killed thousands of our kindred, yelled Heath! We’re here on peaceful terms; let us prove ourselves, replied Tyriant! Listen you guys this is madness; don’t you really want peace between our people to fail, shouted Frankie!? That’s the problem with you Frankie, replied Taur. You’re too nice and trusting; no wonder people walk all over you. Watch your mouth bull; you don’t disrespect her, demanded Hillean! I’m going to grind you into dirt bitch, replied Taur! No please no fighting anyone; “sorry Frankie, but you’re on the wrong side”, interjected Burns. Spectra move Frankie to safety please. What, exclaimed Ms. Stein; (then a ghostly Ms. Vondergeist grabs Frankie, and they phase through the ceiling. Leaving Tyriant, Ethan, and the CIA security agents; against Heath Burns and Manny Minotaur). Diplomacy isn’t working Mr. Hillean get behind us, yelled CIA agent #1! Too late asshole replied Burns; (then he shoots fire at the group. Tyriant’s group ducks and spreads out; the CIA agents lifted their riot shields. Heath’s flames couldn’t burn their riot shields. Being insolated with fire resistant coating. CIA agents #’s 1, 2, and 3 pulled out their magnums)? No killing just neutralizing the hostiles, commanded Ethan! Move agent shouted Tyriant; (Ty dives tackling agent Max left side. Manny barely misses ramming Ethan. Manny hits the walk with his horns; then turns back around with some of the stone wall still on his horns!? Taur just pulls it out and yells at Ethan and Tyriant. Manny begins charging at them; Agent Max detaches 2 metal batons from his pants. Pressing a button at the end of each baton there’s a humming noise. Followed by a crackling noise; Ethan ran at Taur. Max jump stepped to the left side; now Manny is beside him. Agent Max hits Taur’s right kneecap also shocking Manny. Apparently, Ethan’s batons were electric sending jolts of pain. Manny slows down and shakes his leg but isn’t hurting much. Taur throws a left punch at Max who leans right avoiding it. Also cutting a 360 left spin going forward. Agent Ethan then strikes Manny’s left shoulder with the left electric baton. Following up with a low baton strike to Taur’s left rib cage with his right baton. Manny grunted shaking his head clear ignoring the pain. Manny Taur pivots left doing a back left elbow on agent Ethan. Thankfully, Max jumps back avoiding Taur’s blow. Frustrated Manny breaks off a bigger piece of the stone wall and hurls it at agent Ethan!? Agent Max drives right rolling back to his feet. However, Manny was a foot away from Max. Ethan didn’t have time to react as Taur hits him with a right shoulder tackle. Max is sent 10ft back rolling on the ground before his back hits a wall. The wind got knock out of agent Max). Ahhhh sh*t; damn that hurts, grunted Max Ethan. You’re dead old man replied Manny. Hey what about me, asked Hillean insultingly? I haven’t forgotten about you sh*t stain, replied Taur. I’m going to stick my boot up your ass! You can kick that high, asked Tyriant insultingly? (Manny roared and charged at Hillean. Tyriant ran at Taur as they got close Hill dives forward rolling into a ball. Hitting Manny in the foot and calves tripping up Taur? The minotaur falls forward sliding into another wall hard. Tyriant Hillean rushes back up to face Taur; Manny gets back up. Manny runs a Tyriant again; Hillean stands his ground? However, Taur jumps up 9ft in the air coming down with a double hammer fist. No time to move Mr. Hillean braces himself forming an overhead cross block, Bam!!! Tyriant’s hit with tremendous force as the ground underneath him caves in 5ft? Tyriant's knees are bent as he amazingly absorbs the blow. Even Manny himself was thinking); the f*ck, stated Taur?! Surprised, so am I replied Tyriant?! (Then Tyriant does a back flip kick hitting Manny Taur’s neck and chin with his left foot! The minotaur takes 2 steps back. Taur rubs his throat while Tyriant takes his left foot and stoops on Manny’s big right foot. Taur jumps back a little, with Manny’s right knee in the air. Hillean quickly does a front left sweep kick hitting Taur’s left inner shin. Next performs a jump mid-right round house kick to Manny’s outer left thigh. Taur is off balance closing his eyes for a few seconds. Tyriant takes advantage jump steps toward the minotaur. Then jumping straight up at Manny as Hillean was also 9ft in the air?? Mr. Hillean came down with a downward left elbow right on the forehead! Taur leaned back up in a daze as Tyriant quickly ran behind a stumbling Manny Taur. Hillean grabs around the minotaur’s massive waist leaning back performing a German Supplex on him? Which is ridiculous Manny being a 681lb minotaur!!? Taur hits the stone floor hard on his upper-back and head. Still leaned back on his tip toes Tyriant Hillean releases Taur quickly roll on his stomach going left. Every monster and human that witness that fight was speechless. They were amazed how the human agent Max and Tyriant stood up to Manny. Even more impressed that Tyriant beat Manny Taur. Hillean was breathing hard as that fight was intense. Max was back up too; they looked back toward the other agents. They seemed to be fine; Heath Burns was incased in big foam ball? Apparently, the CIA security agents used adhesive grenades? On impact that explode anything they hit. The foam balls become hard when they impact on something hot, ah)? Target neutralized sir: “excellent job agents”, finished Ethan! Are you ok Mr. Hillean; “I’m shaken but fine”, answered Tyriant? How are you doing though? Never had this kind of experience before, chuckled Max? Still, I’m fine nothing serious; however, you were stupid! If you got killed another war would’ve broken out. Don’t give me that bull agent Ethan, shouted Tyriant! You needed help and I wasn’t going to let you go in it alone! (The 2 were arguing back on forth about the situation. The crowd of monsters couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Five minutes later a huge group of monster security along with headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood arrived. Ms. Bloodgood didn’t find out soon enough about what was going on. Another student had run to her office alerting her of the fight taking place). Everyone stop this instance, shouted Headless Headmistress! What’s going on here; “Mistress Bloodgood these humans attacked us”, lied Burns! Lying bitch, you shot fire at us; be thankful the captain refused using lethal force, replied CIA agent #4! See, see these human fools are too savage shouted Taur! They don’t belong here with us; get them out, yelled a monster student! (Tensions were getting worse as the crowd was frantic. A few minutes later Frankie run down the other end of the hall with 2 other people). No, what happened is Ty ok, asked Frankie worriedly!? Ty, (before he could answer Frankie hugged him off the guard. Frankie Stein was smiling then kissing Hillean on the left cheek repeatedly. Everyone watching was surprised; especially Tyriant although he didn’t mind. She finally put Tyriant Hillean down noticing that Frankie’s eyes were teary. He returns the hug trying to claim the sweet Frankenstein’s monster down). Don’t be upset Frankie we’re ok; dry those lovely eyes, said Tyriant soothingly. (Hillean then help wipe the tears from Ms. Stein’s lovely face. The person who had accompanied Frankie seemed to be a human male)? It’s a good thing that this didn’t turn into a major calamity, said Jackson Jekyll. (Jackson Jekyll- a student of monster high. He was the only human student enrolled in monster high. A Caucasian male with a slender build 6ft tall. He wore a yellow dress long sleeve shirt tucked in with a light blue bow tie. Wearing a knit style vest over it; having black, lime green, ad grey checkers all over it. The openings along the neck/arm/bottom portions of his vest was black. Jekyll’s bottoms were long grey pants in blue jean style. Jackson flaunted high top tennis shoes having white, light blue, and lime green colors. Jackson Jekyll had short length brown hair with yellow streaks. Blue colored eyes as Jekyll wore black rectangular glasses). Until this is straightened out everyone involved must be detained, stated Headless Mistress Bloodgood. Monster and human alike; “ahahahaaaahhhhhh”, intervened Ghoulia! (Ghoulia Yelps- A female zombie student of monster high. Having pale grayish skin and very long fluffy baby blue hair with blue streaks running down all around. Ghoulia was rocking a tight fitted long sleeved black/white striped shirt with red tint. Ms. Yelp’s shirt didn’t cover her shoulders or neck areas. The sleeves stopped below her elbows. However black fish neck sleeves were made into that shirt, which had a thumb hook. Ghoulia had over her inner shirt was a bikini style bra top. It was mainly white with some small red rose w/ green stem designs all over it. Two medium styled red straps held the bikini style bra outerwear over her DD-cup titt*es, what!? Ghoulia bottoms were long red pants that reached down to her upper calves. They were loose pants giving Ms. Yelps’ large/plump ass to move easily? Wearing red/white panties that covered her big puss*!? They had small black dots all over. Two black mediums sized vertical line designs went down over the pants thigh area. 1 pant line on each thigh; Ghoulia’s footwear were long black and white high boots? With a long red heel and red laces as the inner sole of her boots were white. Ms. Yelps had on a medium width piano key design belt. Ms. Yelps wore red nail polish and red lipstick. Also having blue eyes with blue eye shadow. White eye shaped glasses and a green hair band; Ghoulia Yelps stood at 5ft 6inches with a ridiculously voluptuous body). What do you mean evidence that Manny and Heath Burns started it, asked Ms. Bloodgood? Ahahhhhhaaaahhhahahhahahhha, replied Yelps. Camera surveillance Ghoulia; “that’s not possible Headmistress”, interrupted Spectra Vondergeist! I tried to use the cameras as the feed was blocked off. You know it’s against the rules for students to use the cameras Ms. Vondergeist, asked Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood? Yes um, sorry about that; still there can’t be any surveillance replied Spectra. Actually, Spectra even if camera feed is blocked off the central security monitors always run without issue, said Jackson. How would you know that Jackson, replied Ms. Vondergeist disrespectfully? Only because I had a hand in designing the security measures, claimed Mr. Jekyll. (The entire crowd was whispering loudly. Manny, Heath, and Spectra had shocked expressions on their faces). With the help of Ghoulia here she was able to pull in monster signals within the central computer, stated Jackson. Meaning despite what type of monster you are the monster signals will still identify them, even ghost types. (Next thing you know Ms. Bloodgood walked to the massive monitor built on a big obelisk statue. Next, she nipped her left index finger squeezing a little purple blood out? Placed her left hand with blood on the obelisk. Glowing from grey to rose power surges sending magic waves of energy throughout the entire school. Everyone’s eyes are glowing rose colored. Then the big monitor turned on as now everyone in the entire school could see the images. Whether they’re physically watching the monitor of seeing it within their minds. Throughout 10 minutes of the security feed playing everyone witnessing the monsters starting the altercation). Manny Taur, Heath Burns, Spectra Vondergeist I’m deeply ashamed of you all shouted Ms. Bloodgood! Bababa but, headless headmistress; it's all a trap replied Burns! They’re just spying on us getting intel, pleaded Taur! Stop lying you 3; and the rest of your ghost group Ms. Vondergeist will answer for this, replied Ms. Bloodgood! All I was doing was saving Frankie from being hurt, lied Spectra! The footage doesn’t show me involved in the fight. How could you Spectra you’re better than this, stated Frankie. (Next thing you know Ms. Stein pulls out her cellphone. Then hits playback on it); “Frankie you’re dumb these humans are dangerous, argued Ms. Vondergeist. No, we don’t know them yet; that’s why we should welcome them, replied Ms. Stein. Forget that Frankie all they need to know is that monsters can be scary, said Spectra. Manny and Heath are going to show them that humans don’t stand a chance against us. Once they’re dead humans won’t think twice about attacking us”, end playback. Ethan and Tyriant look at Frankie as Ghoulia walks putting her hand on Ms. Steins right shoulder for comfort). You traitorous bitch I was fighting for you, yelled Spectra Vondergeist! All monster kind; you’re a sad sellout! (Then with quick relaxes Frankie hits Spectra with a right superman punch. Right on her left temple as Vondergeist hits the ground hard! Damn right Frankie get you some)! MH security take them and restrain these monsters, ordered Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. (One of the monster high security forces was a goblin sorcerer. He chanted a magic spell that bounded Manny's group in levitating bubbles. The MH security force then pushed them through monster high down to the dungeon deeps). They shall be dealt with gentlemen, assured Mistress Bloodgood. Also, I will alert our high council of united monsters of this evil plan of attack. Thank you, Headmistress Bloodgood, said Max. We of course will let our president know of what transpired. (The monsters were getting nervous; what if this action brings out another war)? Agent Max may I, asked Tyriant Hillean? (So, Ethan came up to Tyriant as they walked away from the others). What are you going to tell the president, whispered Hillean? That a group of rogue monsters attacked us; we suffered some injuries, replied Agent Max Ethan. Is there a way to tell it to the president assuring him that military action isn’t necessary, whispered Ty? I know how you feel Mr. Hillean; so far Frankie and the Headless Headmistress seem very honest, replied Ethan. Those 2 other monster students seem on the upright. It wasn’t an easy decision for them to tell the truth, whispered Hillean. Think about it how much some monsters don’t like us. Imagine how they, Frankie, and Ms. Bloodgood are going to be looked at for defending us? Hum, we need some assurance just in case it goes south Tyriant whispered agent Ethan. Agreed replied Tyriant; (after for talking for 6 minutes they walk back towards Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. The atmosphere is on edge; you can see the nervousness in Ms. Bloodgood’s’ eyes. Frankie had a sad kitten face as Jackson and Ghoulia looked in suspense). Headmistress Bloodgood, may we have a copy of the attack we were involved with asked Tyriant? (Headless headmistress Bloodgood blinked her eyes taking a deep breath). Of course, Tyriant, you deserve to share the truth with your people, agreed Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. (She nodded to Jackson who led the group to one of monster highs’ computer rooms. Jackson Jekyll sits down and downloads the information on an M-drive; (E-drive known to humans). Finishing he then gives it to Ms. Bloodgood who gives it to Mr. Hillean. Tyriant looks at it and gives it to Agent Ethan. A CIA security agent pulled out a medium sized box with a scanner and letter/number keys. Agent Max places the M-drive inside the box. It closes itself as Ethan uses the number/letter keys. Next, he leans into the scanner getting a retinal scan. Tyriant does the same thing imputing his password and retinal scan). You 6 go back through the portal with this drive, stated Agent Max. Understood sir, we’ll come back with more reinforcements replied CIA agent #4. (Then CIA agents #’s 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 took one of the armored vehicles leaving for the portal back to the human world). I’m truly sorry for all of this Ty, apologized Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. Well we can’t undo the past; just learn from it, replied Tyriant. That drive is heading back to the human world to our country, stated Agent Ethan. My agents will know what do to with it. Still, our commander and chief hasn’t been briefed yet. Yes, so you’ll go back and talk with your leaders asked Ms. Bloodgood? Well, we always keep communication with him replied Mr. Hillean. Just maybe not every detailed is shared right away. Ahhhahahahaahahah; “I’m with Ghoulia what are you trying to say”, finished Jackson Jekyll? That the president will see the contents of that drive when deemed necessary, replied Max. (All the monsters were surprised as Ms. Bloodgood, Frankie, Jackson, and Ghoulia were in a state of relief). So, you won’t tell your leader, asked Ms. Stein?! Like I said Ms. Frankie only when necessary, replied Agent Ethan. Well actually Tyriant gave me the idea. You have given us a true sincere welcome Frankie. You and Ms. Bloodgood; we won’t let a minority faction dictate labeling an entire society, said Tyriant Hillean. Ty yelled Frankie; (She then grabbed his face planting a passionate kiss on Hill’s lips? Frankie tasted like cherry-mint chocolate taking Hillen by surprise. Frankie released his face a looked intimately into Tyriant’s brown eyes. Mr. Hillean was caught off guard as the rest of the monsters awed). You deserved that, Ty; “only if you want to give it to me Frankie”, finished Hillean. As much as I’m relieved at this outcome there’s work to be done stated Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. Besides your group should call it a day and retire at the mansion. Honestly dear lady, I mean headmistress; I wouldn’t mind still getting a full tour suggested Tyriant. Really after all that’s happened Tyriant, replied Ms. Bloodgood? Sure, I’m more determined to learn about you all, assured Hillean. This goes against my judgement; however, you can do it, replied Agent Max. As we go along too; “I didn’t expect you to leave Ethan”, replied Hillean. Mr. Hillean a private word with you, asked Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. Well of course headmistress; (so Ty walked with Ms. Bloodgood behind a wall). You keep surprising me Ty, said Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood. You are a noble and strong young man. Well, my mother raised me right; and you’re a wonderful example of a strong woman, said Tyriant. (Surprisingly Ms. Bloodgood grabbed Ty’s face and passionately French kissed him?! Headmistress Bloodgood’s tongue wrestles with Hillean’s. Instinctively Tyriant grabs the waist and pulls her closer. She breaks the kiss and starts licking and whispering into Mr. Hillean’s right ear). I’m so glad you’re staying; because there’s some many things, I want to do to you, whispered Ms. Bloodgood intimately. Sadly, we don’t have enough time but later we will. (Then Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood gives Tyriant 1 more passionate kiss and leads him back to the others. Ty had a smile across his face; Ethan looked and planned on getting the 411 from Tyriant). Ms. Stein continue giving our honored guest a great tour, stated Ms. Bloodgood. With pleasure ma’am you can count on me, replied Frankie! (Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood giggles and leaves leaving Ms. Stein, Max, Ty, Mr. Jekyll, and Ms. Yelps by themselves). I’m so glad you stayed with me; I mean us, corrected Frankie. Thank you for testifying on our behaves, replied Tyriant. Can we know the names of our witnesses? Hi hello I’m Jackson Jekyll; (then Tyriant shook Jackson’s hand). Nice to meet you Mr. Jekyll, said Tyriant. This shy but smart ghoul right here is Ghoulia Yelps, replied Frankie. Ms. Ghoulia this is a pleasure, replied Tyriant. (Ghoulia extended her hand as Tyriant took it. Also nodding his head softly on Yelp’s knuckles like with Ms. Bloodgood’s). aaaahaahhaahhahaha, said Ghoulia. (Tyriant and Ethan had a stupefied look); I’m sorry dear Ghoulia I don’t understand yet, apologized Hillean? It’s ok baby; Ghoulia says it’ s great to meet you, replied Frankie. You’ll learn how to understand and speak zombie in no time. Ahhaaahahhh; “what do you mean if it doesn’t work out with Ty, you can have him Ghoulia”, interjected Frankie!? (Tyriant was shocked by what was translated to him. Then agent Max bust out laughing). This is going to be dangerous but interesting, giggled Ethan. Still Ty be careful; “of course agent Max still, let’s have fun along the way”, whispered Tyriant Hillean.

Body Chart Measuring Guide

puss* and Ass Sizes

(1)Flat (2)Tiny (3)Small (4)Fair (5)Medium (6)Pudgy (7)Plump (8)Big (9)Large (10)Fat (11)Huge (12)Humongous (13)Massive (14)Gigantic (15)Enormous (16)Ginormous (17)Monstrous (18)Behemoth (19)Gargantuan (20)Colossal (21)Titanic (22)Leviathan (23)Quantum (24)Galactic (25)Astronomical (26)Infinite (27)Void-less (28)Goddess



Titty Sizes





=23.5/X=24/XX=24.5/Y=25/YY=25.5/Z=26/ZZ=26.5, AAA=(27-101.5), BBB=(102-

176.5), CCC=(177-201.5), DDD=(202-276.5), EEE=(277-351.5), FFF=(352-426.5),

GGG=(427-501.5), HHH=(502-576.5), III=(577-651.5), JJJ=(652-726.5), KKK=(727-

801.5), LLL=(802-876.5), MMM=(877-951.5), NNN=(952-1,027.5), OOO=(1,028-

1,103.5), PPP=(1,104-1,179.5), QQQ=(1,180-1,255.5), RRR=(1,256-1,331.5),

SSS=(1,332-1,407.5), TTT=(1,408-1,483.5), UUU=(1,484-1,559.5), VVV=(1,560-

1,635.5), WWW=(1,636-1,711.5), XXX=(1,712-1,787.5), YYY=(1,788-1,863.5),


Body Shape



Very Voluptuous=(16-23.5)

Strongly Voluptuous=(24-31.5)

Highly Voluptuous=(32-39.5)

Ridiculously Voluptuous=(40-47.5)

Insanely Voluptuous=(48-55.5)

Dangerously Voluptuous=(56-63.5)

Freakishly Voluptuous=(64-71.5)

Monstrously Voluptuous=(72-79.5)

Extremely Voluptuous=(80-87.5)

Impossibly Voluptuous=(88-95.5)

Quantum Voluptuous=(96-103.5)

Astronomically Voluptuous=(104-111.5)

Void-less Voluptuous=(112-119.5)

Goddess Voluptuous=(120 and up)

Add Titty, puss*, and Ass sizes to total body shape.

Chapter 1 Character bios and index

Tyriant Hillean: Sex-Male, Wt.-181lbs, Ht.-5ft 7inches. Body Frame- Very Muscular; Nationality- American, Race- African American/Black, Hometown- Orangeburg, South Carolina. Hair- Short Black bald fade; Facial Hair- Thin black mustache & small goatee, Irises- Brown, Eyes- White; Known Age- 17. Occupation- USA ambassador & exchange student for a “Healing the Wound” project. Special Skills: Martial Arts- Taekwondo(2nd degree black belt); Hapkido(4th degree black belt). Judo(1st degree red belt), Jujitsu(3rd degree black belt); Muay Thai(1st degree black belt). Education: Business(Batchelor’s), Psychology(Doctorate); Piloting(Advanced). Weapons: Sword(Advanced), Staff(Expert), Knuckuks(Beginner); Kali Sticks(Expert).

Max Ethan: Sex-Male, Wt.-220lbs, Ht.-5ft 11inces. Body Frame- Muscular; Nationality- American, Race- Caucasian/American, Hometown- Jersey City, New Jersey. Hair- Short black and white, Irises- blue, Eyes- White; Age- 47. Occupation- Captain of CIA/Special Forces/Bodyguard. Special Skills: Martial Arts- Karate(3rd degree black belt), Judo(2nd degree black belt); Krav Maga(6th degree black belt). Education: Linguist-French/German/Russian/Korean/Chinese/Japanese/Italian/Arabic/Spanish, (fluent). Criminal Justice(Doctorate); Military Serves: Captain of CIA(active), Special Forces(active), 2nd Lieutenant Marine(retired). Weapons: fully/semi-automatic weaponry(Professional), Knives(Expert); Batons(Master), Swords(Advanced).

Headless Headmistress Ms. Bloodgood: Sex-Female, Wt.-161lbs, Ht.-6ft 4inches. Titty Size- Double G/GG cups, puss* Size- Massive, Ass Size- Massive; Body Shape- Highly Voluptuous (33.5)- score. Race- Dullahan/Headless rider, Hometown- New Salem; Known Age- 34 (real age- 410). Hair- Medium length purple hair tied into a high bun; Eyes- White, Irises- Icy Blue. Make Up: Eye Shadow- Pink, Eyelashes- Purple; Lipstick/Nails- Hot Pink. Occupation- Principal of “Monster High”. Special Skills: Education- Teaching(Doctorate), Car Racing(Professional); Horseback Riding(Expert). Weapons: Rifle Marksmen(Expert), and Sword/Fencing(Advanced).

Frankie Stein: Sex-Female, Wt.-123lbs, Ht.-6ft. Titty Size- Double E/EE cups, puss* Size- Pudgy, Ass Size- Plump; Body Shape- Very Voluptuous (18.5)- score. Race- Frankenstein Monster; Hometown- New Salem, Age- 1 year old. Hair- Long straight black and white hair. Eyes- White, Irises- right(blue) left-(faint light green). Make Up: Eye Shadow- Light Red, Eyelashes- Black; Lipstick/Nails- Dard Red. Occupation- Sophom*ore student at “Monster High”. Special Skills: Education- Motivational Speaker(Expert) and Psychology(Advanced).

Spectra Vondergeist: Sex-Female, Wt.-101lbs, Ht.-5ft 9inches. Titty Size- D cups, puss* Size- Fair, Ass Size- Medium; Body Shape- Voluptuous (13)- score. Race- Ghost, Hometown- New Salem; Death Age- 16. Hair- Very long length straight purple hair w/ lavender and pink thin streaks. Eyes- Faint Light Purple, Irises- White w/ faint icy blue color. Make Up: Eyeshadow- Baby Blue, Eyelashes- Black; Lipstick/Nails- Purple. Occupation- Sophom*ore student of “Monster High”. Special Skills: Reporting(Advanced) and Journalism(Advanced).

Heath Burns: Sex-Male, Wt.-137lbs, Ht.-5ft 7inches; Body Frame- Lean/Slender. Race- Pyro/Fire Monster, Hometown- New Salem. Hair- Medium length auburn hair in a flame design style. Eyes- White, Irises- Auburn; Age-17. Occupation- Freshman student of “Monster High”. Special Skills: Sports- Skateboarding(Expert).

Manny Taur: Sex-Male, Wt.-681lbs, Ht.-6ft 5inches; Body Frame- Massively Muscular. Race- Minotaur, Hometown, New Salem; Hair-Short Blonde. Eyes- White, Irises- Blue; Age- 17. Occupation- Freshman student of “Monster High”. Special Skills: Education- Masonry(Advanced); Sports(Advanced).

Jackson Jekyll: Sex-Male, Wt.-143lbs, Ht.-6ft; Body Frame- Lean/Cut. Nationality- European, Race- Caucasian/British; Hometown- London/Britain. Hair- Short length brown hair w/ blonde highlights. Eyes- White, Irises- Blue; Age- 16. Occupation- Junior student of “Monster High”. Special Skills: Education- Mathematics(Genius), Science(Expert); Chemistry(Expert), Video Gamer(Pro).

Ghoulia Yelps: Sex-Female, Wt.-111lbs, Ht.-5ft 6inches. Titty Size- Double D/DD cups, puss* Size- Big, Ass Size- Big; Body Shape- Very Voluptuous (20.5)- score. Race- Zombie, Hometown- New Salem; Hair- Very long length fluffy baby blue hair w/ blue streaks running down. Eyes- White, Irises- Blue; Age-16. Make Up: Eye Shadow- Blue, Eyelashes- Black; Lipstick/Nails- Red. Occupation- Junior student of “Monster High”. Special Skills: Education- Biologist(Expert), Mathematician(Expert), Chemistry(Batchelor level); Archeology(Advanced), Video Gamer(Pro).

M-Drive- Exactly like an E-Drive used to store digital memory compatible with computers.

Electric Baton- A mechanical law enforcement weapon having circuitry inside hooked up to coils and battery. It can be set between 500-1200 volts. Rubber handle grips prevent the wielder from frying their hands.

Adhesive Grenade- An explosive device that is triggered by extreme heat. Releasing fire resistant foam with encases/smothers fire. The blast radius range can be over 15ft in circumference.

Monster High-Healing the Wound - Chapter 1 - ForbiddenProphecy39 (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.