NDPERS Member Self Service Guide Member Self Service Guide Employee Guide ... If your ND Login is successful, you will see the PERSLink Member Self Service login page as shown below: - [PDF Document] (2024)

NDPERS Member Self Service Guide

Employee Guide

(Rev. 03-2018)

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Table of Contents

Getting Your NDPERS Member ID……………………………………………………………………………………….……Page 2

Instructions for Logging into PERSLink Member Self Service (MSS)……………………………………….….Page 3 – 13

What is a North Dakota Login ID?, Page 3

Section 1 – ND Login ID – New Account, Page 4

Section 2 – ND Login ID – Existing Account, Page 7

Section 3 – Login to PERSLink Member Self Service (MSS), Page 8

Section 4 – Problem/Error Resolution, Page 11

Your Benefit Enrollment Process………………………………………………………………………………………..……Page 14

Benefit Plan Enrollment Deadline Dates………………………………………………………………………………….Page 15

Benefit Plan Enrollment Question or Problem Resolution……………………………………………………….Page 15

Member Personal Data Checklist…………………………………………………………………………………………....Page 16

Member Self Service Features…………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 17

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Getting Your NDPERS Member ID

1. For new hires after 10/1/2010, NDPERS mails your Member ID to your home address 3 to 5 business

days after your employer notifies NDPERS

a. Employees hired prior to 10/1/2010 were mailed their Member Id in October 2010

2. You may request your Member ID online by following the instructions in Section 4-Problem/Error

Resolution beginning on page 11

3. Your employer can get your Member ID by logging into their NDPERS Employer Self Service

4. You may call NDPERS to get your Member ID

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Instructions for Logging into PERSLink Member Self Service (MSS) System Requirements For optimum performance, Microsoft Windows XP or higher and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.5 or higher are recommended. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or 9, please add the PERSLink Member Self Service (MSS) web site to your “compatibility view” settings by selecting “Tools” => “Compatibility View Settings”. Please add PERSLink MSS to your pop-up blocker’s “allowed sites” or temporarily turn off your browser’s pop-up blocker for this site. The application has also been successfully tested using Google Chrome, Opera 11.50 and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 and higher. In addition, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing/printing the documents on this site.

Login Instructions The first step to logging in to PERSLink is to set up a North Dakota Login ID. If you do not currently have a ND Login ID, continue to section #1. If you do currently have a ND Login ID, skip section #1 and proceed to section #2. What is a North Dakota Login ID?

A North Dakota Login ID is a unique account created by a user via the State of North Dakota Login System (self-registration system) that provides access to multiple North Dakota Online Services. The current personal Online Services are:

• - Department of Human Services - Online Child Support

• - ND Game and Fish - Online Services

• - Job Service ND - Unemployment Insurance Internet Claims Entry System (UI ICE)

• - ND Public Employees Retirement System - Online Services

• - ND Parks and Recreation Online Services

• - ND Retirement and Investment Office - Member Teachers' Fund for Retirement (TFFR)

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Section 1 – ND Login ID – New Account

Copy and paste the following link into the address bar of your web browser and press Enter:


You should see the page below:

Figure 1.1 – ND Login Screen

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At the login screen, select the link titled, ‘Register Now!’ which is located in the middle of the page. The following page should display:

Figure 1.2 – ND Login Profile Screen Complete the Login Details section. All sections marked with an asterisk (*) are required. The North Dakota Login is a unique login name that you will need to select. Please see the section titled ‘North Dakota Login Requirements.’ If the login name that you select is already in use, you will receive an error message requesting that you choose another login-id. Password is a unique password of your choice as long as you follow the rules outlined in section titled ‘Password Requirements’. Email must be an active email account. This is required so that a confirmation/verification notice can be sent to you when you complete the North Dakota Login Account information. Complete the Personal Details section and Security Questions. After you have completed the North Dakota Login ID Account Details, select the check box in the ‘Terms of Use’ section indicating that you agree with the terms.

Select the ‘Create Account’ button at the bottom of the page. After you have created your account, you will receive an email message requesting that you “activate your account”. See figure 1.3 below.

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Figure 1.3 – Activate Your Account

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Activating your account will allow you to use your newly-created ND Login credentials.

Figure 1.4 – Account Activation Confirmation

Section 2 – ND Login ID – Existing Account If you currently have a ND Login ID, you must check the ‘Login Details’ on the ‘Personal Account Details’ screen of the ND Login registration page to ensure accuracy. To do this, paste the link below into the address bar of your browser and press Enter. https://perslink.nd.gov/PERSLinkWSS/wfmLoginME.aspx Next, select ‘Update your account’.

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Figure 2.1 – Update Your Account First, make sure that the email address in your ND Login profile is an active email account. Changing your email address will result in a confirmation message being sent to the new email address. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your changes. Next, if you are now married, or for some other reason have changed your last name since creating the ND Login ID, you will need to make sure that the last name in the Personal Account Details is correct. To do this, select ‘Update your account’ then select ‘Edit Details’ located towards the bottom of the next screen. Select ‘Update’ after you have finished your changes. You will see the message ‘Your profile details have been successfully changed and a notification email has been sent to [emailprotected]’. Select the ‘Continue’ button to proceed. When you have finished with your edits, go to section #3.

Section 3 – Login to PERSLink Member Self Service (MSS) If your ND Login is successful, you will see the PERSLink Member Self Service login page as shown below:

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Figure 3.1 – PERSLink MSS Authentication Screen Here, you will need to supply your ‘PERSLink Member ID’, the last four digits of your Social Security Number along with your date of birth. If you do not know your PERSLink Member ID, please see Section 4 Problem/Error Resolution.

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After you have supplied the information requested, select the ‘Request Online Access’ button and you will be directed to PERSLink Member Self Service (MSS) as shown below. Figure 3.2 shows the home page for active members.

Figure 3.2 – PERSLink MSS Home Page – Active Members Now that you have set up your credentials with PERSLink, the next time you log on to MSS, you will only need to use your ND Login ID and password.

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Section 4 – Problem/Error Resolution If you receive errors or have other problems with the North Dakota Login ID process, please contact the ITD Service Desk by selecting the ‘Service Desk’ link which can be found on the ND Login page (see below).

Figure 4.1 – Contact the ITD Service Desk

If you do not remember your PERSLink Member ID, you will not be able to log on to PERSLink Member Self Service at this time. You may request that your Member ID be mailed to your current postal address on file at NDPERS. To request your Member ID, select the link titled “Forgot Member ID?” (Figure 4.2). You will be directed to the “Retrieve Member ID” screen where you will need to enter your last name; the last four digits of your SSN; and your date of birth. After you have entered all of the correct information, select the button “Retrieve Member ID” (Figure 4.3).

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Figure 4.2 – Forgot Member ID

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Figure 4.3 – Retrieve Member ID

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1. Review the Section PERSLINK MEMBER SELF SERVICE (MSS)—“GET STARTED”, 2. Review the Section BENEFIT PLAN ENROLLMENT DEADLINE DATES 3. Review the MEMBER PERSONAL DATA CHECKLIST of information you may need to gather to complete


1. Go to the NDPERS Website at https://ndpers.nd.gov/and click on the orange icon labeled “Member/Employer LOGIN”.

2. If this is the first time you are accessing PERSLink MSS, follow the “Instructions for Logging into PERSLink MSS”.

3. Once you are logged into PERSLink MSS, on Your Homepage, under NDPERS Plans, Click “Enroll, Update,

or View Plans” link. The next screen will display the benefit plans you are eligible to enroll in or are enrolled in. Before you start your enrollment process, please review the links to Plan Details and Plan Highlights. This is information regarding plan eligibility, enrollment periods, effective dates, plan highlights and if applicable, contribution & insurance rates.

4. Select the Benefit Plan you wish to enroll, waive, or update by clicking on the Plan Name link.

a. Review the summary of the steps you will navigate through to complete your enrollment

information. Go to the bottom of your screen and select a Plan Enrollment Option. The process will take you through the steps necessary to complete your enrollment for that plan. If you exit out of the enrollment steps before completing your enrollment, you will need to begin your enrollment process over for that benefit plan.

b. Once you have finished your enrollment, your enrollment request will be sent to NDPERS to process. The status of your request will display beside the plan on the NDPERS Plans page.

c. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until you have enrolled, waived, or updated participation in each of the benefit plans you are eligible for.

5. There are forms you will also need to complete and mail to NDPERS, if applicable. You can find links to

the forms within your enrollment process or you may access them using the Forms Tab on the upper right hand corner of your Member Self Service. The forms are:

a. Designation of Beneficiary for the Group Retirement Plan SFN 2560 b. Life Insurance Designation of Beneficiary SFN 53855 c. Evidence of Insurability for the Group Life Plan d. UNUM Long Term Care Enrollment Application

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Following is a chart that shows the deadlines for enrolling in the benefit plans offered by NDPERS. You are only eligible to enroll in the plans that are being offered by your employer. Political subdivisions within the state of North Dakota are not eligible to participate in the NDPERS Dental, Vision, Long-Term Care, Employee Assistance, and Flexible Compensation Plans (with the exception of the health units).

Benefit Plan You Must Enroll or Waive… If You Do No Action...

Retirement Immediately Enrollment is Mandatory Deferred Compensation Anytime, enrollment must be

made in the month prior to the pay period in which salary is earned

You do not vest in the employer contribution (PEP)

Health Within 31 days of hire No Coverage – Waived. Next opportunity to enroll will be during Annual Enrollment or Qualifying Event

Dental Within 31 days of hire No Coverage – Waived. Next opportunity to enroll will be during Annual Enrollment or Qualifying Event

Vision Within 31 days of hire No Coverage – Waived. Next opportunity to enroll will be during Annual Enrollment or Qualifying Event

Life Within 31 days of hire $7,000 Basic Life coverage provided by employer at no cost to you. You can apply for additional coverage. If no additional coverage – Waived. Next opportunity to enroll will be during Annual Enrollment or Qualifying Event

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Mandatory Enrollment Coverage provided by your employer at no cost to you

Long Term Care (LTC) Anytime Coverage must be medically underwritten and effective 1st of the month following approval

FlexComp Within 31 days of hire No reimbursem*nt account. Next opportunity to enroll will be during Annual Enrollment or Qualifying Event


If you have a question or encounter a problem on your Member Self Service, contact your payroll/human resource office. If the question or problem can not be resolved, please contact the NDPERS Member Service Unit at (701) 328-3900 or toll-free at 1-800-803-7377.

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Member Personal Data Checklist

*In compliance with the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, the disclosure of the individual's social security number ismandatory pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Section 3402. The individual's social security number will be used for taxreporting and as an identification number.

Person Item Data

Spouse Name (First, Middle, Last)

Social Security Number*

Spouse Date of Birth

Spouse Gender

Dependent Children Name (First, Middle, Last)

Social Security Number*

Date of Birth


Name (First, Middle, Last)

Social Security Number*

Date of Birth


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Member Self Service Features Tabs upper Right Hand Corner Home Navigates you back to your home page Forms Forms Directory Contact Us Send NDPERS a Contact Ticket to request information Switch Accounts This is only visible if you have had a payment from an NDPERS retirement plan &

are also an active employee Logoff Log off your Member Self Service Homepage Alerts & Messages Messages regarding your plan enrollments

Status of any on-line requests sent to NDPERS Personal Profile View your personal information on record at NDPERS

Update your Name and/or Marital Status Update your Address, Telephone numbers, and Email


Displays all the NDPERS benefit plans you are enrolled in or are eligible to enroll in View Plan Details Document View Plan Highlights Video Provides link to each Benefit Plan:

For Plans Enrolled In: View details of the plan as well as ability to make on-line updates to Plan Enrollment

For Plans Eligible to Enroll In: Ability to enroll on-line Member Account Balance Provides a direct link to Retirement Plan member account balance details Benefits Estimates

Request an official retirement benefit estimate from NDPERS Calculate a Benefit Estimate on-line View Benefit Estimate you performed

Service Credit Purchase

Request an official Service Purchase Cost from NDPERS Calculate a Service Purchase Cost Estimate on-line View any Service Purchase Contracts you have. Not available for service purchases completed prior to 10/1/2010

Annual Statements View & Print your yearly Member Annual Statement Left Side Menu Links Back To:

Alerts & Messages Home Page NDPERS Plans Member Account Balance Service Purchase Contracts Benefit Estimates Personal Profile

Spouse/Designated Contact View & Update Spouse or alternate personal contact information Upcoming Seminars View upcoming Seminars sponsored by NDPERS Schedule an Appointment Request an Appointment with NDPERS staff Report a Death Report a Death of a spouse or covered insurance dependent

NDPERS Member Self Service Guide Member Self Service Guide Employee Guide ... If your ND Login is successful, you will see the PERSLink Member Self Service login page as shown below: - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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