The top 6 reasons why teams underperform and how to fix them (2024)

Krishna Rajagopal is the Chief Facilitator of Great Outcomes atNarish International. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics, an MBA, and a master’s in information systems management. Krishna’s mission is to help organizations leverage their potential.

Poor team performance has many negative effects on companies; it sets a bad example for others, leads to work not getting done well or on time, and eventually impacts the company’s bottom line. Subpar team performance needs to be addressed at the earliest possible stage, but first, its cause must be understood.

Here are six common reasons why teams underperform.

1. Poor communication

Lack of communication is a major reason why teams might underperform. Without effective communication, it’s unlikely that people will understand the tasks they are expected to do.

At best, this confusion will lead to delays in getting projects done. At worst, it could result in employees developing poor attitudes—or deciding to leave the company altogether.

A personalized leadership approach for each team member.

PI’s behavioral insights help leaders inspire and coach each employee in a way they truly connect with.

2. Ineffective leadership

Another driver of poor team performance is ineffective leadership. While failure to communicate can be a major reason for poor leadership, it’s certainly not the only one. Good leadership encompasses a wide range of skills, including delegation, keeping teams focused and energized, and soliciting regular feedback.

3. Low employee engagement

Underperformance is caused by several environmental pressures of disengagement. When employees don’t like their job or feel they’re not valued by their company, they’re far less likely to perform well in their role—or on a team.

4. Lack of motivation

Poor performance can stem from low engagement—but it may have other causes, like mental fatigue, personal stress, or feelings of self-doubt. Getting to the root cause of motivation issues may take time, but it’s an important problem for team leaders to solve.

5. Poor job fit

When people are in the wrong roles, it makes work harder. The reason why is simple: People work better when they have a job that aligns with their strengths.

Unfortunately, managers and leaders often don’t have a clear picture of the traits needed for particular roles—and thus job fit. Thankfully, behavioral assessments and other tools can help shed light on which employees are best suited for particular positions.

6. Lack of formal training

When employees struggle to perform tasks or function as part of a team, a lack of training may be at fault. Many college majors don’t provide all the skills graduates need when they enter the workforce. As such, it’s important for companies to invest in and provide comprehensive training for their employees.

The top 6 reasons why teams underperform and how to fix them (1)

Fixing poor teamwork to improve performance

Improving productivity of a team is a multi-step process—one that requires patience and perseverance. First, take time to evaluate your team and determine the reasons for its poor performance. Next, ask the team for input on what they need from you to improve and what steps you can take to meet their needs. Throughout this process, take care to listen to each team member, and be open to any feedback they may have.

Together, make a plan that outlines goals and clear steps to reach them. Make sure everyone understands what’s required to achieve those goals—and provide training and other forms of support for both individual employees and the team as a whole. If assessments ultimately reveal that certain team members are struggling because they aren’t in the right roles, don’t be afraid to move team members to different positions or another team where they’d be a better fit.

From there, re-evaluate the team’s performance at set intervals so you can make further adjustments as needed.

The top 6 reasons why teams underperform and how to fix them (2024)


The top 6 reasons why teams underperform and how to fix them? ›

Researchers have looked into why teams don't work by examining the success and failures of real teams and found some consistent pitfalls, which include poor leadership, lack of accountability, ineffective communication strategies, and lack of skills or resources.

What is the reason most teams underperform? ›

Researchers have looked into why teams don't work by examining the success and failures of real teams and found some consistent pitfalls, which include poor leadership, lack of accountability, ineffective communication strategies, and lack of skills or resources.

What are the 5 major reasons that caused the team to fail? ›

Top 5 Reasons Why Teams Fail And How To Prevent It?
  • Poor Communication. Poor communication is the main factor behind many team failures. ...
  • Lack of Vision. A lack of vision is a real killer when it comes to how a team gets things done. ...
  • Lack of Decision Making. ...
  • Lack of Interest. ...
  • Lack of Empowerment.

How to improve an underperforming team? ›

Leadership: How to manage an underperforming team
  1. Listen to the chatter; don't take any drastic move. Don't act, listen. ...
  2. Preparation. ...
  3. Set clear targets. ...
  4. Monitoring success and performance. ...
  5. Training, coaching, mentoring. ...
  6. Be ready to make the tough call.
Apr 20, 2020

What are the 5 elements of high performance teams? ›

5 Key Characteristics of High Performing Teams
  • Clarity of Shared Vision. High-performing teams are built on the foundation of clarity. ...
  • Defined Roles and Responsibilities. ...
  • Clear and Respectful Communication. ...
  • Trust and respect. ...
  • Continuous learning and improvement.

What is the root cause of underperformance? ›

Underperformance is caused by several environmental pressures of disengagement. When employees don't like their job or feel they're not valued by their company, they're far less likely to perform well in their role—or on a team.

What are the primary causes of your team's underperformance? ›

5 Causes of Underperforming Teams
  • Unhealthy conflict between team members.
  • Too much gap between skill set and expectations.
  • Not communicating enough or seeking clarity.
  • Missing motivation to do the job well.
  • Lack guidance and support necessary to excel.
Jan 18, 2024

What 5 factors render a team ineffective? ›

10 Things Ineffective Teams Do That Hold Them Back From Success
  • They Lack Priorities And Get Derailed. ...
  • They Fail To Communicate Clearly. ...
  • They Struggle With Accountability. ...
  • They Forget To Document Their Processes. ...
  • They Prioritize Output Over Input. ...
  • They Work In Silos Rather Than Collaborate. ...
  • They Lack Autonomy Over Their Work.
Oct 18, 2023

What are 5 dysfunctions that can destroy a team? ›

The five dysfunctions identified by Lencioni are:
  • Absence of trust.
  • Fear of conflict.
  • Lack of commitment.
  • Avoidance of accountability, and.
  • Inattention to results.
Apr 26, 2023

Why are there 5 dysfunctions of a team? ›

"The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" is an exploration of the pitfalls that can ensnare a team, obstructing it from reaching the crescendo of its potential. The five dysfunctions he outlines are absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results.

How do you fix an unproductive team? ›

To handle unproductive team members: 1) Identify the cause 2) Provide feedback and clear expectations 3) Offer support and resources 4) Set performance goals and monitor progress 5) Foster a supportive team environment 6) Address underperformance promptly, if necessary 7) Celebrate successes and provide recognition.

How to tell an employee to improve performance? ›

Here are six steps you can use to tell an employee they need to improve:
  1. Schedule a meeting. ...
  2. Ask how they're doing. ...
  3. Explain missed expectations. ...
  4. Set clear goals and metrics. ...
  5. Offer to support them. ...
  6. Schedule a follow-up meeting.
Jun 24, 2022

What are the six 6 requirements for effective team functioning? ›

Here are six conditions to creating an effective team:
  • Compelling direction. Effective teams must have a compelling purpose that is challenging and focuses on the ends to be achieved rather than just the means to pursue it. ...
  • Enabling structure. ...
  • Supportive context. ...
  • Shared mindset. ...
  • Real team. ...
  • Competent coaching.
Mar 17, 2022

What are the 4 C's of team performance? ›

If you want to establish a team identity, you have to give your team an opportunity to openly discuss the 4 C's of a Team Identity: clarity, commitment, contribution, and concerns. a. Clarify the team's mission and vision. If you do not have a team mission and vision, have your team collaborate and create them.

What are the 7 elements of teamwork? ›

Here are seven teamwork skills that are essential for your academic and professional success:
  • Communication. Communication is the foundation of effective teamwork. ...
  • Time management. ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • Listening. ...
  • Critical thinking. ...
  • Collaboration. ...
  • Leadership.

What is the most frequent cause of team failure? ›

One of the main reasons for team failure is the lack of a clear and shared purpose that guides the team's actions and decisions. Without a common vision, mission, and objectives, team members may have different expectations, priorities, and agendas, leading to confusion, conflict, and waste of resources.

What is the major problem faced by most teams? ›

Disengagement is one of the most common challenges of group work faced by everyone in the workplace. Teams tend to get disengaged when there's a lack of proper direction or vision. Team members fail to understand their role in the bigger picture, which leads to lack of motivation.

How to identify causes of underperformance? ›

You can zero down on it by:
  1. Tracking customer feedback. ...
  2. Repeatedly missed deadlines. ...
  3. Feedback from workmates. ...
  4. Absenteeism. ...
  5. Low motivation. ...
  6. The employee doesn't know what is expected of them. ...
  7. There is a skills gap. ...
  8. There is a lack of support from management.

Why do great teams fail? ›

Poor decision-making strategies, such as having too many people in the room, or making decisions in a silo, leads to confusion that can catalyze team failure.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.