What are job status, employee status, and active status? (2024)

This field is populated by each individual company and can be used for any purpose you wish.

The original and intended use for this field was to indicate whether an employee is a full time, part-time, contractor, staff, etc.

When adding a Job status, there are two additional options for Contract type (Permanent, Temporary, Contractor, Zero Hours and Other) along with Full time/Part-time. These additional options are predefined and are only used for reporting purposes.

It's important to note that job status is a mandatory field. So, if using it for something else, it should be something that you can record for every employee.

To add or edit a job status, please take a look at this guide: Getting Started - Adding Job Status.

This field is populated by each individual company so it can be used for any purpose you wish.

The designed purpose of this field is to allow you to indicate if an employee is on long term sick leave, maternity leave, garden leave and so on. This is not a mandatory field.

To add or edit Employee status simply go to:

Administration > HR > Data management > Employee status

Using a combination of the three fields you can indicate that an employee is an active full-time employee who is on long-term sick leave for example.

This is a system field that is used to determine if an employee is a current/active employee or a leaver/archived employee.

This field only has two values which are system defined and cannot be changed - Current and Archived.

Any employee with an active status (current) can be managed day-to-day, will be shown in your system drop-down lists and you will need a license for them.

Any employee with an active status of Archived will only be shown in Archived employees and you will not need a license for them.

How do I archive an employee?

If you would like to make an employee a leaver/archive an employee, please take a look at this guide: Leavers.

How do I assign job or employee statuses?

Once you have each of these statuses populated, you will be able to make use of them for existing employees using the'Change' icon below the Employee card (if using card view) or underActions > Change(if using list view).

For new employees, you can enter this information under:

People > Employees > Add

What are job status, employee status, and active status? (2024)


What does active employee status mean? ›

The legal definition of active employee refers to an individual who is currently employed and actively working for a company. This means that the employee is fulfilling their job responsibilities, rendering services, and receiving compensation from their employer.

What does job status active mean? ›

An active candidate is an applicant who is in the middle of the recruiting process and is actively seeking a job. They can be undergoing the screening procedure, getting ready for an interview, or competing against another candidate. An applicant who is actively seeking employment.

What is the employee job status? ›

An employment status refers to the rights and protections that employees are entitled to at work. The employment status determines the responsibilities that an employer owes to the employee. Whenever an employer hires new personnel, it is up to them to decide what type of employment status they are hiring under.

What are the different types of employment status? ›

In California, an individual performing services may be a statutory employee, an employee under the ABC test, or an employee under the Borello test. The individual can also be an employee exempt from Unemployment Insurance or Disability Insurance coverage, or an independent contractor.

What is the meaning of job status? ›

job status means the nature of the employment relationship whether direct or contract, full-time, part-time, partial, casual, temporary agency, Sample 1.

What is your employee status? ›

Employment status is the kind of work that an employee and an employer agree to when a work contract is signed and agreed upon. It sets the basic parameters of what type of employee the employee is being hired to be. These statuses include labels like full-time, part-time, or seasonal worker.

What is the meaning of active job? ›

Active jobs are the number of jobs currently active status. This means they are being syndicated to our network of job boards and candidates are able to apply.

What does status mean in a job? ›

In the US, employment status refers to a written contract between an employer and an employee indicating whether the work is on a part-time, full-time, contract, or apprenticeship, and more.

What is current job status? ›

Current employment status means an individual is actively working—or is not actively working and: Current employment status means that an individual is currently employed.

What is an example of employee status? ›

Employment status examples include full-time, part-time, and temporary employment. For example, if a U.S. employee is hired to work 40 hours a week, their employment status is full-time. If a worker is hired with varying hours under 40 hours a week, their employment status is part-time.

What is the employee status code? ›

Employment Status (06/ES)
  • Blank: Full-time Regular.
  • 1: Full-time Temporary.
  • 2: Part-time Temporary.
  • 3: Part-time Regular.
  • 4: Seasonal.
  • 5: Summer Intern.

What is the full employment status? ›

Full employment is an economic situation in which there is no cyclical or deficient-demand unemployment. Full employment does not entail the disappearance of all unemployment, as other kinds of unemployment, namely structural and frictional, may remain.

What are the benefits of employee status? ›

Workers who are deemed employees have minimum wage and overtime protections under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, meaning they must be paid at least the minimum wage, and except for exempt workers, be paid 150% of their regular wage for hours worked in excess of 40 in a week.

What is your employment classification? ›

Employment classifications allow companies to compensate workers according to the duties, responsibilities and difficulty of their roles. It is also important for benefits and company policies.

What is an employee status change? ›

Any change in employee status including promotions, leaves, separations, or change in line number, salary, budget and/or local title, grade, FTE, funding source, department, etc.

What is the meaning of active status? ›

Active status means (i) for employees, the absence of any interruption or termination of service as an employee, (ii) for Directors, that the Director has not been removed from the Board for cause (as determined by the Company's shareholders), and (iii) for Consultants, the absence of any interruption, expiration, or ...

What is the meaning of employee current status? ›

People with current employment statuses include those who work as an employee, are self-employed, are in a business partnership, or are on leave from an employer but still on employment rolls.

What does active mean in employment? ›

Active Employment means the Employee is actively at work on a full-time basis, performing all the regular duties of their occupation at an established business location of the Employer or another location to which they may be required to travel to perform the duties of their employment.

What does payroll status active mean? ›

Active - (actively paid employee) Paid leave of absence - (Employee is on leave, still being paid) Unpaid leave of absence - (Employee is on leave, no pay) Terminated - (Employment has ended) Not on payroll - (Employees "on leave or temporary and likely to come back")

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.