What Is Employment Status? (2024)

Employment status refers to the classification of the relationship between an employer and their employee.

Employment status outlines the employee’s legal status, employment rights and protections, and the employer’s responsibilities.

What are the types of employment status?

The three types of employment status include the following:

  • Worker. An individual who works for another person or organization following a relatively flexible work schedule. The worker’s schedule is more casual and irregular than an employee’s, as the worker is not guaranteed work hours and can reject work.
  • Employee. An individual who works under a contract of employment to fulfill their duties. An employee’s schedule and employment package are more stable and secure, and they are offered additional rights on top of a worker's protections.
  • Self-employed. An individual who works for themselves or runs their own business. Also sometimes referred to as contractors, self-employed workers have the most freedom and flexibility but are not protected by employment rights and do not receive benefits.

What is employment status code?

Employment status code indicates an employee’s current status within the company for payroll processing and reporting purposes. Employment status code helps determine the employee’s role, pay, and benefits.

Examples of employment status codes include active, inactive, unpaid leave of absence, intern, and onboarding.

How does employment status differ around the globe?

Employment status has various meanings worldwide, and employers use it differently depending on the country and local employment laws:

Employment status in the United States

In the United States, employment status refers to the contract agreement between an employer and an employee regarding the type of work that the employee will perform. Employment status examples include full-time, part-time, and temporary employment.

For example, if a U.S. employee is hired to work 40 hours a week, their employment status is full-time. If a worker is hired with varying hours under 40 hours a week, their employment status is part-time.

Employment status in other countries

In most other countries, employment status describes the relationship between the employer and employee and determines the employee’s rights and conditions of employment. Employment status also outlines the employer’s responsibilities to the employee.

An individual’s worker, employee, or self-employed classification influences these employment status rights, conditions, and employer responsibilities.

Why is it important to determine employment status?

Both employers and employees must understand their obligations and rights as outlined by employment status. Employment status ensures employees know their job expectations and entitlements. Employment status also helps employers correctly classify their workforce and maintain global compliance with international employment laws.

Which type of employment status should you hire?

Determining the type of employee to hire, such as a contractor or employee, and their employment status depends on the needs of the business.

An employer must assess the kind of work they require from their talent and the types of offerings that talent can provide to their business.

Below are considerations for each type of employment status:

  • Worker employment status. Worker employment status is common for seasonal workers and zero-hour contract workers. ​​A worker often does not receive guaranteed work hours but can also reject work their employers offer them.
  • Employee employment status. An employee works under a contract of employment and has all the protections of a worker with additional rights and protections. Employees must do the work outlined in their employment contract, and the employer can control how, when, and where the employee performs the work.
  • Self-employed employment status. Employers often engage self-employed individuals, or contractors, for short-term projects or specialized work. Employers are not required to offer self-employed individuals any statutory or supplemental benefits.

An employer must also comply with the employment laws in the countries where they hire to avoid risks like misclassification.

Misclassification occurs when an employee is misclassified as a contractor and denied their entitlement to global employee benefits and other legal protections. Misclassification leads to fines, employee entitlement back pay, and legal headaches.

Read more in our complete guide to employee and contractor misclassification.

When should you consider changing employment status?

Changing an individual’s employment status means moving them from one benefit eligibility to another.

An employer might change the status of its employees for several reasons. For example, because full-time employees typically cost more than part-time workers or self-employed contractors, a business might change a full-time employee to a worker to meet a tight budget.

Alternatively, a company mayconvert contractors to employees down the line to invest in a more secure, high-quality workforce that will help them achieve long-term business goals.

Key reasons to change employment status include the following:

  • Cost
  • Misclassification risk
  • Long-term or short-term work needs
  • Business goals
  • Talent demand
  • Retirement or leave of absence

Employers must ensure employment status changes comply with market-specific employment laws and regulations.

Legal Disclaimer: The information available in this guide does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice and is for general informational purposes only. You should contact your attorney to obtain legal advice with respect to any particular legal matter. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained in this guide—and your interpretation of it—is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the information in this guide is hereby expressly disclaimed. The content in this guide is provided "as is," and no representations are made that the content is error-free.

What Is Employment Status? (2024)


What Is Employment Status? ›

Employment status defines a current or former employee's relationship with the organization they work for. An individual's employment status usually reveals important information about how the relationship functions, including how much time the individual works each week and whether the employer withholds income taxes.

What is your employment status meaning? ›

What is an Employment status? An employment status refers to the rights and protections that employees are entitled to at work. The employment status determines the responsibilities that an employer owes to the employee.

What does employee status mean? ›

Employment status is a term used to define the nature of a person's relationship with their work or the organization for which they work. It refers to whether a person is an employee, a self-employed person, a contractor, or a worker in a more unconventional employment arrangement, like temporary or part-time roles.

What is an example of employee status? ›

Employment status examples include full-time, part-time, and temporary employment. For example, if a U.S. employee is hired to work 40 hours a week, their employment status is full-time. If a worker is hired with varying hours under 40 hours a week, their employment status is part-time.

What are the different types of employment status? ›

In California, an individual performing services may be a statutory employee, an employee under the ABC test, or an employee under the Borello test. The individual can also be an employee exempt from Unemployment Insurance or Disability Insurance coverage, or an independent contractor.

What is the full employment status? ›

Full employment is an economic situation in which there is no cyclical or deficient-demand unemployment. Full employment does not entail the disappearance of all unemployment, as other kinds of unemployment, namely structural and frictional, may remain.

What does status mean on a job application? ›

What does each application status mean? Each status tells you where your application is within the application process— whether it's been received, reviewed, selected, not-selected and more. Advancing. The job application has been received by the hiring agency and is being considered for employment.

What is the job status? ›

Job status means members' status as full-time classified, regular-part time classified, flexible part-time, full-time fixed term, part-time fixed term, seasonal or student workers.

What is the employee status code? ›

Employment Status (06/ES)
  • Blank: Full-time Regular.
  • 1: Full-time Temporary.
  • 2: Part-time Temporary.
  • 3: Part-time Regular.
  • 4: Seasonal.
  • 5: Summer Intern.

What is an example of employment? ›

For example, employment can be: An hourly part-time job that is paid for a certain amount for each hour they worked. Full-time employment in which individuals receive a salary and benefits from an employer for performing the tasks or work assigned to then that is required by a particular position.

What does employment type mean? ›

What is an Employee Type? Employee type refers to the different kinds of employees that an organization might hire or contract for employment. There are several varieties of employees, including full-time, part-time, and temporary, with legal obligations and regulations that apply to each.

What is the meaning of workplace status? ›

As such, we define workplace status as an employee's relative standing in an. organization, as characterized by the respect, prominence, and prestige he or she possesses in. the eyes of other organizational members.

What is an employee status report? ›

The employee status report shows the status of each employee as either clocked in, out, or never clocked in.

What is your current employment status? ›

Employment status defines a current or former employee's relationship with the organization they work for. An individual's employment status usually reveals important information about how the relationship functions, including how much time the individual works each week and whether the employer withholds income taxes.

What is your employment classification? ›

Employment classifications allow companies to compensate workers according to the duties, responsibilities and difficulty of their roles. It is also important for benefits and company policies.

What is other employment status? ›

Other Employment means full-time employment that is generally comparable in scope, responsibility and compensation to the position Employee formerly held with the Company (that is, "other employment" would not include temporary or short-term consulting arrangements or similar employment).

What is your employment mean? ›

em·​ploy·​ment. 1. : an activity or service performed for another especially for compensation or as an occupation. 2. : the act of employing : the state of being employed.

What is employment status code? ›

You use employment status codes to specify an employee's status within the company. You can change the default codes or set up new codes to meet the needs of your company.

What does what type of employment mean? ›

Employee type refers to the different kinds of employees that an organization might hire or contract for employment. There are several varieties of employees, including full-time, part-time, and temporary, with legal obligations and regulations that apply to each.

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