What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (2024)

Table of Contents
What does every woman like to hear from a partner? 33 things women want to hear from their mate 1. “I feel you are my best friend” 2. “I will always be in your corner” 3. “I enjoy you as you are” 4. “I’m rooting for you” 5. “I trust in you implicitly” 6. “There is so much to love about you” 7. “Thanks” 8. “You are appreciated” 9. “Everything will be alright” 10. “I wish you were here” 11. Pay attention to adorable behavior and comment 12. “I’m glad I’m with you” 13. “You don’t have to do it alone” 14. “I was wrong” 15. “This is not above us” 16. “I agree to disagree” 17. “Let me help you” 18. “I feel safe with you” 19. “I apologize and ask that you forgive me” 20. “I feel inspired by you” 21. “You deserve a massage” 22. “I can see my future with you” 23. “I enjoy our conversations” 24. “You impress me” 25. “You can, but I hope you don’t” 26. “Always remain true to who you are” 27. “I want to hear what happened today” 28. “I miss you” 29. “You are the only one for me” 30. “I love you” 31. “Your dreams are important to me” 32. “I admire your strength and resilience” 33. “Your happiness matters to me” FAQs Is there a difference in what women like to hear in friendships compared to romantic relationships? Are there universal phrases that women like to hear, irrespective of the context? Why is active listening crucial in romantic relationships? Final thoughts FAQs

What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (1)

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People often have difficulty expressing themselves to their partners. When they try, it can often sound like they’re feeding them a cheesy line.

In their defense, it’s not how they want to present themself. Most vaguely know what do women like to hear but don’t know how to convey it.

What do women want to hear? They only want their mate to express confidently the thoughts that come into their mind. Women don’t always need to hear things meant to appease, appeal to, or even avert conversation by complimenting her.

The woman wants authenticity, genuineness, and words that come honestly. Learn how to communicate with women on the podcast for women by Ask Women: What Women Want.

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What does every woman like to hear from a partner?

If you have to pick just one word out of them, women want their mate to be authentic. What women want to hear are the very words that a partner feels and thinks, not artificial content they doctor up because they believe it’s what she wants to hear.

That’s obvious and fake, and a woman can sense that immediately. Human relations expert Barbara De Angelis, in her book “What Women Want Men To Know,” says that women value love above other things. So, any words that are based on your love for them will make a positive impact.

33 things women want to hear from their mate

Healthy communication is something that couples start to experience once the honeymoon phase begins to fade. There’s no longer the cutesy conversations or the sweet compliments, but things become familiar, and discussions are deep and genuine.

By speaking authentically from the heart and offering compliments meant to awe, our significant other learns the same pattern, and the relationship can blossom. Let’s look at the things girlfriends love to hear.

1. “I feel you are my best friend”

A mate will find the idea of being a best friend, along with the love of someone’s life, a significant compliment. It speaks to the fact that there is immense trust in being vulnerable and sharing everything, from their insecurity to the dreams they see for themselves to secrets.

When you tell a partner that you see them as a best friend, you express that you understand their value and appreciate them. Those are words every woman wants to hear.

2. “I will always be in your corner”

Even if you have a healthy dose of self-confidence, it’s nice to know someone supports you. Whether you’re in line for a promotion or perhaps a new career opportunity or maybe there’s a situation with a close friend.

It’s helpful to know there’s someone behind you to boost that confidence when you might have a moment of uncertainty.

3. “I enjoy you as you are”

You’re wearing your favorite sweatpants with the holes you refuse to get rid of, but last night, you were dressed in the latest from the runway. You are loved for who you are in each situation and not the exterior.

It makes you feel as though you are viewed and appreciated as the person inside, making the bond grow more robust. These are the compliments every woman wants to hear.

4. “I’m rooting for you”

Some moments come when a person might insult you or make a rather significant blunder on the job, causing you to experience self-doubt unlike any you’ve felt before, a sense of lowliness.

These are the moments when a mate says they’re on your team and have a strong belief in your abilities, which can go a long way. What do women like to hear? That they’re still relevant when things go wrong.

5. “I trust in you implicitly”

There is no judgment or fear of consequences when each person has the deepest level of trust in the other person.

Research tells us that trust is essential to building and maintaining relationships. So, letting them know that you trust them will help them relax and trust you in return.

Whether you need to work late or go to the market following work, you have no repercussions because your mate feels security and confidence in your making the best choices and not sabotaging the partnership.

What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (3)

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6. “There is so much to love about you”

When you expressly tell someone the reasons for loving them, it brings a whole new meaning to the phrase. Feeling that admiration and understanding where it comes from expresses how much worth we put into the other person.

The fact that we pay so much attention to the little things enough to recognize their value is powerful. That adds to compliments that will melt her heart and that’s why this answers the question, “What a woman likes to hear from a man?”

7. “Thanks”

After putting on airs for the start of the relationship, familiarity, and comfortability set in, and mates finally start to be their authentic selves. That could mean there are some moments where courtesy goes out the window.

Still, there should always be some semblance of courtesy as long as there is gratitude for what you do. It allows for mutual respect, and no one feels taken for granted. Those are things women like to hear.

8. “You are appreciated”

Knowing that someone, especially a mate, appreciates you from their heart feels good. It makes you begin to notice the efforts they make and start showing appreciation for them. This brings a couple closer and instigates a stronger sense of happiness.

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9. “Everything will be alright”

Challenges and stress come to everyone at one point or another, and everyone has some difficulty facing these alone. It can be a sudden loss or a specific hardship.

Reassurance from someone you love at that time will help with the feelings, and until then, they’re there to help you through and help you better manage the situation. What do women like to hear – empathy and support.

10. “I wish you were here”

Sometimes, you can’t be together for one reason or another. Maybe someone needs to travel for work, or one of you has to work late for a deadline on a big project for several weeks.

The moments you’re away from each other can be good for a partnership, helping you focus on other relationships, look at different goals, and merely take the opportunity to readjust.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel fantastic when you know they miss you and wish you were with them; these are definitely things a woman wants to hear from her man.

11. Pay attention to adorable behavior and comment

When couples grow together, they appreciate the other’s predictable yet adorable expressions or ways of doing things. It’s worth letting them know that you find these behaviors “cute,” which will bring a bashful smile, albeit repeat behavior, because they realize you enjoy it.

What do women like to hear – that their mate finds them appealing even after becoming comfortable.

12. “I’m glad I’m with you”

What does a woman want to hear? She wants to hear her mate admit that it’s a beautiful feeling knowing they’re partners. You can counter that by expressing the happiness it brings to you that you were lucky enough to find such a mate.

What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (4)

13. “You don’t have to do it alone”

Sometimes, you tend to do everything like a powerhouse, and it’s not necessary to take on the world alone. You need to allow others, including your mate, to help out.

When a partner expresses that they’re there to help you, allow that. It can help a woman surrender and not feel like she has to be a powerhouse and do everything herself. This is great as it gives her the chance to be a truer version of herself.

14. “I was wrong”

When a mate is big enough to admit that you were right when there is a disagreement, it can strengthen the bond that you share. It takes much humility to make the admission that they’re wrong.

Establishing healthy communication between you and showing it’s safe to not always be in the winner’s seat allows more open, vulnerable, and honest disputes that can be resolved with respect.

15. “This is not above us”

Suppose life happens where you have an unexpected change of circ*mstances, whether it be a move you didn’t anticipate for work or something that alters the course of your plans.

In that case, it’s helpful when a mate lets you know that no matter how things need to change, you’re in it together and will make the situation work.

16. “I agree to disagree”

You won’t always agree on every subject, and that’s okay. You are individuals with differing opinions on specific issues. While vital issues are relatively comparable, decisions can sometimes differ, like wanting a pet.

This is when you need to find a way to compromise and see things from their perspective.

17. “Let me help you”

Sometimes, you might not be able to do things but don’t feel comfortable asking. It’s nice when a mate will come along without judgment and ask if they can help.

These are things women love to hear when they’re in a tough situation like perhaps the tire is flat and the lug nuts won’t budge. That doesn’t mean she won’t help. Teamwork gets the job done faster.

18. “I feel safe with you”

We’re born with a longing to feel secure and safe. When we feel fear, we run to a safe place as a child. Letting a partner know that they bring that sense of safety to you encourages them and gives them confidence and strength.

19. “I apologize and ask that you forgive me”

Healing can start when a mate asks that you forgive them since they realize the behavior they displayed was inappropriate and hurtful. They intend to make things right. That takes a strong character to make such an admission and be willing to accept the repercussions.

20. “I feel inspired by you”

What a woman wants to hear in the morning is that a mate feels motivated to do their best and chase their dreams based on her encouragement and reminders that doing so is a vital component to growing as a person and being successful in life.

If you are trying to understand what do women like to hear, let them know that they inspire you every day with their actions and choices. Tell them that even if they fail at times, their drive to better themselves moves you.

What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (5)

21. “You deserve a massage”

Sexy things every woman wants to hear after a long, stressful day include the suggestion that she has a nice massage to relieve the tension and pressure, which could lead to a sexy evening before a delicious meal.

What do women like to hear? Words that convey that they notice you and want to do things to take care of you. An offer for a massage is both sensual and a caring gesture that women would love to hear.

22. “I can see my future with you”

When a relationship progresses into exclusivity, and a mate expresses the notion that they see a future between the two of you, those are words women love to hear.

Often, questions linger regarding life plans, but when men open their hearts and admit their intentions, it’s refreshing for the partner in their life. A commitment to the future is the answer to your question, “What do women like to hear?”

23. “I enjoy our conversations”

As the honeymoon phase ends and comfortability sets in, some mates become intimidated by the fact that conversations take a turn and become more in-depth, meaningful, and intimate.

Research shows us that communication is essential to relationship satisfaction. By letting the woman in your life know that you love talking to her, you can convey your warm regard for her and the time spent with her.

When you can carry on this kind of conversation and your partner enjoys the evening, these are things girls like to hear.

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24. “You impress me”

Expressing an appreciation for the talent someone has, whether it be for a hobby or a specific interest, can boost someone’s self-esteem and even make them try to be a little better.

When you are trying to understand what do women like to hear, one thing you can do is let them know they impress you as it’s motivating to hear someone say that. It’s uplifting when a mate offers this sort of heartfelt demonstration of how your talent makes them feel.

25. “You can, but I hope you don’t”

While most women can live separately and alone and do just fine, their partners hope that they remain interested in spending some time with them at some point, even if it is not full-time.

They want to feel a desire for closeness due to their love, respect and desire for them.

When a mate recognizes that you’re an accomplished person but hopes that you desire to continue a future together regardless, that’s what women love to hear. While they know life is possible without them, they prefer to do life together.

What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (6)

26. “Always remain true to who you are”

When a mate relays to you that you should stay in tune with your own values and interests aside from taking an interest in theirs, it’s vital to remember that.

Sometimes, individuals have a habit of pushing some of their practices or routines to one side to participate in a few things with a partner. It’s more important to compromise, share a few things, and be independent regularly. What do women like to hear? Time apart is healthy.

27. “I want to hear what happened today”

Some partners don’t actively listen when mates speak, especially when talking about the day’s activities. Many times, they sort of zone out.

Counting on a mate to pay attention is unusual. What do women like to hear – that a significant other is interested and wants to hear what you have to say.

28. “I miss you”

When you’re away from each other during the day, it can make you feel good when a partner greets you with an “I missed you all day.” That shows an appreciation and gratitude for you as a person and makes you see your mate with more respect and appreciation.

To learn more about what happens when you miss someone, watch this video:

What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (7)

29. “You are the only one for me”

What do women like to hear – that they’re enough. They want to have reassurance, especially as time passes and self-doubt begins to seep into them and the partnership.

These words help to reaffirm confidence and strengthen the bond they share.

30. “I love you”

No one can get enough of these words. Just because years pass and you believe someone already knows, a woman and a man need to hear those words from the person they love.

It still gives that same itch as it did the first time it was said. What do women like to hear – that the person they love loves them back.

31. “Your dreams are important to me”

This affirmation goes beyond surface-level support to express a deep investment in her personal growth and achievements. It signals that her goals and aspirations are valued within the relationship, encouraging her to pursue her passions with confidence.

32. “I admire your strength and resilience”

Acknowledging her strength and resilience is a powerful compliment women want to hear, recognizing not just her successes but her ability to overcome obstacles. This is one of the compliments women want to hear, as it fosters a sense of respect and admiration for her character and determination.

33. “Your happiness matters to me”

By prioritizing her happiness, you communicate a profound commitment to her well-being, one of the key things ladies like to hear. It shows an understanding that the relationship thrives when both partners are fulfilled and happy, making it a central goal.


Understanding what women like to hear in various contexts reveals nuances in human communication and relationships. Here’s a concise exploration of these nuances:

  • Is there a difference in what women like to hear in friendships compared to romantic relationships?

In friendships, women often value affirmations of trust and solidarity, such as “I’m here for you,” reflecting a platonic bond. In contrast, romantic relationships might emphasize more intimate and personal affirmations, like “I love you for who you are,” underscoring emotional and romantic connection.

  • Are there universal phrases that women like to hear, irrespective of the context?

Yes, there are universal phrases appreciated across contexts, such as “I appreciate you” or “Your presence makes everything better.” These expressions convey value and gratitude, resonating deeply, whether in friendships, family dynamics, or romantic partnerships.

  • Why is active listening crucial in romantic relationships?

Active listening in romantic relationships is vital as it signifies respect, empathy, and genuine interest in the partner’s thoughts and feelings. It fosters deeper understanding, connection, and trust, laying a foundation for resolving conflicts and enhancing mutual support and love.

Final thoughts

When a man grows as a person and can speak from the heart authentically, a woman appreciates the spoken words. It comes after there’s a sense of comfortability and familiarity.

When my husband calls me the love of his life, I get chills. He was cheesy in the honeymoon phase and even during the beginning of the second year.

I had to call him out. The most important thing is not to give up on them. It comes with time and patience. Perhaps a workshop or two can help a man develop communication skills if they have difficulty expressing their feelings.

What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things (2024)


What Do Women Like to Hear: 33 Possible Things? ›

Things You Should Know

Let her know you appreciate her non-physical traits, like her sense of humor, her kindness, her intelligence, and her creativity. Compliment her looks, but be creative—and don't only do it when she's dressed up. Tell her how hot she is when you're watching TV in your PJs.

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Things You Should Know

Let her know you appreciate her non-physical traits, like her sense of humor, her kindness, her intelligence, and her creativity. Compliment her looks, but be creative—and don't only do it when she's dressed up. Tell her how hot she is when you're watching TV in your PJs.

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When a man is honest and trustworthy, he instantly becomes more appealing and desirable to a woman. If he's dependable, truthful, genuine, and speaks from the heart, he's a guy who is worth pursuing, as people can take him at his word. "Trust and trustworthiness allow relationships to deepen," says Degges-White.

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The things girls like to hear in order to feel special
  • Compliments about her intelligence. ...
  • Compliments about her creativity. ...
  • Anything about how she's “one-of-a-kind” ...
  • Unique things about her looks. ...
  • Anything unrequited. ...
  • Your honest feelings. ...
  • Your excitement for the future – with her.

How do you make a girl listen? ›

10 Ways To Get Your Partner To Listen (That Don't Involve Yelling...
  1. Speak concisely, then pause. Less is more when trying to be heard. Don't go on and on, trying to beat your point into the ground. ...
  2. Listen. But actually listen. ...
  3. Know that you can choose soothing language, even when making a point.
Jul 23, 2015

What is the number one thing a man wants in a woman? ›

Confidence is the #1 thing men find sexy in women.

Assert yourself and your interests clearly rather than shying away from speaking up. Avoid being clingy, which can turn some men off. If you need constant reassurance or are plagued with doubt over even the smallest decision, he might find that exhausting.

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One thing that almost always comes up at the top of the list of what attracts women is confidence. Pure and simple, women are more drawn to a man who is confident in who he is, what he has to offer, and what he can achieve.

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17 Top Tips on How to Make a Girl Fall for You
  1. It All Starts From Your Mindset: Be Optimistic! ...
  2. Show That You Will Treat and Respect Her as an Equal. ...
  3. Be Her Friend. ...
  4. Don't Worry About Rushing Things. ...
  5. Make Sure That You Are Well Groomed. ...
  6. Keep the Line of Connection Open. ...
  7. Don't Be Too Available. ...
  8. Be Accepting of Her Flaws.
Dec 7, 2023

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Women, on average, tend to be more attracted to men who have a relatively narrow waist, a V-shaped torso, wide chest and broad shoulders. Women also tend to be more attracted to men who are taller and larger than they are, and display a high degree of facial symmetry, as well as relatively masculine facial dimorphism.

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Surprises. Most women love surprises and that could be a small candy, flowers, gifts, a nice bed tea or breakfast.

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Nielsen's Scarborough Podcast Buying Power Report from May 2021 reports:
  • 79% of women listen to Kids & Family podcasts.
  • 63% of women listen to True Crime podcasts.
  • 61% of women listen to Arts podcasts.
  • 59% of women listen to Health & Fitness podcasts.
  • 59% of women listen to Religion & Spirituality podcasts.
Mar 15, 2022

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The number one thing is to make eye contact and to have an open body language. You can also try using physical touches during your interactions, like grabbing her hand or patting her arm when you get to the punch line of a joke.

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Here are some things you can say:
  1. “I can't stop thinking about what happened last night. I can't wait to see you again.”
  2. “When I close my eyes, all I see is your gorgeous body.”
  3. “I had such an amazing time with you last night. I can't wait to have you in my arms again.”

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A woman longs to follow a man of courage, conviction, commitment, compassion, and character. She wants a man who can be both steel and velvet. He can be a man's man, and at the same time he can be gentle, tender, and approachable.

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Women are attracted to men who are comfortable in their own skin and who don't need to constantly seek validation from others. Be kind and compassionate. Treat others with respect, even when they don't deserve it. Be understanding and forgiving, and always be willing to lend a helping hand.

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A smile, direct eye contact, a firm handshake, and your full attention are all great ways to set a positive tone for everything that follows that moment. If you can't show basic common courtesy to a woman, chances are that will be the last interaction you have with her.

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Some guys go the "classic" route with names like "angel," "darling," and "sweetheart"; some prefer food-inspired nicknames, like "cookie" and "cupcake"; and some straight-up worship their partners with loving names like "queen," "goddess," and "light of my life."

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.