What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper (2024)

Organizational charts are visual representations of a company's structure that depict the relationships among employees, departments, and functions. These charts are a vital tool for any business to help understand the inner workings of the organization, and they play an essential role in strategic planning, decision-making, and resource allocation.

In this article, we will delve into the topic of organizational charts, exploring their types, purposes, benefits, and the process of creating them. We will also provide insights into how to use organizational charts effectively to promote better communication, collaboration, and productivity in the workplace. So whether you are a business owner, a manager, or an employee, read on to learn more about how organizational charts can help you achieve your organizational goals.

What is an organizational chart?

An organizational chart is a visual representation of an organization's structure that displays the relationships between its different parts. This diagram is used to communicate the organization's hierarchy and how it operates. Organizational charts come in different types and can be created using various methods. The purpose of an organizational chart is to provide a clear visualization of the organization and its components, making it easier for people to understand how it functions.

What is the purpose of an organizational chart?

The primary purpose of an organizational chart is to provide an easy-to-understand visualization of an organization's structure and relationships between its various parts. It serves as a communication tool to help people comprehend the organization's hierarchy and to convey its structure to others. Organizational charts come in many different types and can be created using different methods. They are beneficial for both managers and employees, as they can help clarify roles and responsibilities, and demonstrate how different departments and teams fit together. Additionally, organizational charts can be useful for planning and decision-making purposes.

Organizational chart types with examples

Organizational charts come in various types, each representing a different way to illustrate an organization's structure. The four primary types are functional, matrix, hierarchical and flat. Let us explore each type in more detail:

1. Functional Org Chart

The functional organizational chart is one of the most common types used by businesses. This chart groups employees by their function or job role, showing how different departments or teams within an organization work together towards a common goal. For example, all the marketing employees would be grouped together, all the sales employees would be grouped together, and so on. The functional chart is ideal for organizations that have a clear hierarchy and a well-defined chain of command. It is often used in manufacturing and healthcare industries, as well as in companies with a clear product or service line. By using a functional organizational chart, businesses can improve communication and ensure that each employee is aware of their role and responsibilities within the organization

What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper (1)

2. Matrix Org Chart

The matrix organizational chart is a unique type of organizational chart that shows the relationships between employees in a matrix organization. In a matrix organization, employees report to two or more bosses, creating a complex web of relationships. A matrix organizational chart can help to illustrate how different departments or teams interact with each other and show the flow of authority and responsibility within the organization. This type of chart is useful for companies that work on multiple projects simultaneously or in different geographic regions. The matrix organizational chart can be challenging to manage, but it offers several benefits, such as increased flexibility, improved communication, and better resource allocation. By using a matrix organizational chart, companies can improve collaboration and teamwork across departments, resulting in better performance and productivity.

What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper (2)

To create a matrix org chart, you will need to start by identifying the key information that you want to include. This may include the employees' job titles, departments, and the projects they are working on. Next, you will need to compile a list of all the employees in the organization and their roles. Once you have this information, you can begin to create the chart, which should show the relationships between employees and their multiple bosses.

3. Hierarchical Org Chart

This type of chart is useful for displaying the chain of command and showing how different departments and teams are related. It is typically organized with the CEO or president at the top and department managers underneath. The hierarchical org chart can help employees understand their role within the organization and how decisions are made. However, it can also be rigid and may not reflect the actual working relationships between employees. Businesses that use a hierarchical org chart include government agencies, corporations, and non-profit organizations. By using a hierarchical organizational chart, businesses can provide clarity on their organizational structure and chain of command.

What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper (3)

4. Flat Org Chart

The flat organizational chart is a simple type of org chart that is commonly used in small startups. In a flat org chart, there are no formal divisions or job roles, and everyone reports directly to the CEO or founder of the company. This structure allows for quick decision-making and flexibility, as everyone is involved in all aspects of the business. The flat org chart can be useful in startups where employees need to work together closely and be aware of what everyone else is working on. However, as the company grows, it can become more difficult to manage, and there may be a need for more formal roles and responsibilities.

What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper (4)

What to do before you start to make an org chart?

Before you create an organizational chart, it's important to do some preparation. Start by understanding the purpose and different types of organizational charts. Next, gather the necessary information, such as the names and titles of employees, as well as the structure of your company. Once you have this information, you can begin creating your organizational chart.

To make the process of creating an org chart easier, identify the main levels of your organization and determine the sub-levels within each level. Then, decide what information you want to include in each box of your chart, such as job titles and responsibilities. Finally, use a drawing program to create your chart. Some examples of drawing programs include Microsoft Visio, Google Drawings, and Lucidchart.

Define the purpose of the chart

The purpose of creating organizational charts is to provide a visual representation of the structure of an organization, including the roles and responsibilities of its employees or departments. Organizational charts can help to clarify reporting relationships, lines of communication, and the hierarchy of decision-making within an organization.

Organizational charts can also be used to:

Aid in communication: By providing a clear and concise representation of the organization's structure, an organizational chart can help to improve communication among employees, teams, and departments.

Assist in decision-making: An organizational chart can help managers and leaders to understand the roles and responsibilities of each employee or department, and to make informed decisions about resource allocation, delegation, and performance management.

Facilitate organizational change: When an organization undergoes changes such as restructuring, expansion, or downsizing, an updated organizational chart can help employees to understand how their roles and responsibilities may be affected.

Provide a sense of direction and purpose: Organizational charts can help employees to understand the overall goals and objectives of the organization, and how their individual roles fit into the larger picture.

Gathering data

The data can be sourced from various outlets, such as the company's employee directory, job descriptions, and past organizational charts. The more information you collect, the easier it becomes to create an efficient and well-structured chart.

After gathering the data, organize it in a logical manner to simplify the creation process. Creating a spreadsheet that encompasses all of the necessary details can be useful in identifying patterns and connections between various data pieces.

Now that you have your data organized, it's time to start creating your organizational chart!

How to make an organizational chart?

Once you have decided on the type of chart you want to use, as mentioned in the previous section, you will need to gather information about the organization. This includes the names and titles of employees, as well as their roles and responsibilities. You may also need to include information about the organization's structure, such as the number of levels in the hierarchy or the number of employees in each department.

If you want to create a more complex chart, you can use a software program that specializes in creating organizational charts. These programs usually have a variety of templates that you can choose from, and they often allow you to add your own text and images.

When creating an organizational chart, it is important to make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date. You should also make sure that the chart is easy to understand and use.

Make an org chart with Microsoft Word

If you need to create an org chart for your business or organization, Microsoft Word has a built-in tool that you can use. Here's how:

  1. Open Microsoft Word and click on the "Insert" tab.
  2. In the "Illustrations" group, click on the "SmartArt" button.
  3. From the list of SmartArt graphics, choose the "Hierarchy" layout.
  4. Click on the "OK" button.
  5. The Hierarchy SmartArt graphic will be inserted into your document.
  6. To add your own text, click on a frame in the SmartArt graphic and start typing.
  7. To add more shapes, click on the "Add Shape" button in the "Create Graphic" group.
  8. When you're finished, click on the "Design" tab and then select your preferred layout from the Layout options

Make an org chart with SmartDraw

An org chart is a great way to visualize your company's structure and see who reports to whom. SmartDraw makes it easy to create an org chart. Just enter your information in the default template and watch as SmartDraw creates a professional-looking chart for you.

Make an org chart with Lucidchart

You can create an org chart in Lucidchart with a template or by importing your employee data. It’s possible to collaborate and change positions. With org chart software, large organizations will have structures and relationships between departments that are easy to read. For an online organization chart, you can take advantage of Lucidchart’s editing control. Employees can have view-only access for information they need but only the administrator can edit the organizational chart.

How to make your org chart better?

First, assess the intended purpose of the chart. Determine whether it is solely meant to showcase the organization's structure or if it should also provide functional and informative details. If the latter is the case, consider incorporating additional information into each box, such as the name and contact information of the person holding that role, along with descriptions of their team or department's function.

Another effective way to make your org chart more useful is to color-code it. This can assist individuals in identifying the relevant teams or departments for specific tasks, streamlining workflow processes. For instance, different colors can be utilized to differentiate between sales, marketing, and customer service departments.

Lastly, it's crucial to keep your org chart updated regularly. As your organization evolves and expands, so should your org chart. This ensures that everyone within the organization has access to the most current and accurate information, thus improving the overall functionality of the chart.

What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper (5)

What is the difference between an organizational chart and organizational network analysis (ONA)?

An organizational chart is a visual representation of the hierarchical structure of an organization, showing the different job titles, roles, and reporting relationships within the company. It typically uses boxes and lines to show who reports to whom and how different departments or teams fit together.

On the other hand, Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is a methodology that uses network science to analyze how people and teams within an organization are connected and how they interact with each other. It identifies informal communication and collaboration networks that are not necessarily captured by formal organizational charts. ONA maps out the relationships between employees and how they work together, showing the patterns of communication, collaboration, and influence within the organization.

ONA has become a crucial methodology for managers, consultants, and researchers alike. This is because it enables the mapping of employee trust networks and identifies opportunities to enhance communication and feedback processes within the organization.

At OrgMapper, we develop a network map that illustrates how people connect to each other in various ways. This includes who trusts, motivates, and inspires whom, who seeks advice, news, or support from whom, and more. Such data is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of communication and collaboration across different levels of the organization, such as business units, departments, locations, and hierarchy levels. Consequently, the network map generated by ONA may differ significantly from traditional organizational charts.

Keep up with updates about ONA. Subscribe to OrgMapper's free newsletter!

What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper (2024)


What is an Organizational Chart? - OrgMapper? ›

An organizational chart is a visual representation of an organization's structure that displays the relationships between its different parts. This diagram is used to communicate the organization's hierarchy and how it operates.

How do you explain an organizational chart? ›

An organizational chart is a diagram that visually conveys a company's internal structure by detailing the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between individuals within an entity. It is one way to visualize a bureaucracy.

What are the 4 types of organizational structure? ›

Types of organizational structures include functional, divisional, flatarchy, and matrix structures. Senior leaders should consider a variety of factors including the business's goals, industry, and culture before deciding which type of organization is best for their businesses.

What are the four types of organizational charts? ›

Four Types of Organizational Charts: Functional Top-Down, Flat, Divisional, and Matrix. Whiteboarding Collaborate with your team on a seamless workspace no matter where they are.

What does an organization chart reveal? ›

An organizational chart helps show a visual representation of the hierarchical structure of an organization. It shows the relationships between different positions within a company, and it can be used to help define roles and responsibilities for each position.

What is the purpose of the organization chart? ›

The primary purpose of an organizational chart is to provide an easy-to-understand visualization of an organization's structure and relationships between its various parts. It serves as a communication tool to help people comprehend the organization's hierarchy and to convey its structure to others.

What is a primary function of an organizational chart? ›

Organizational charts (or hierarchy charts) are the graphical representation of an organization's structure. Its purpose is to illustrate the reporting relationships and chains of command within the organization.

What are the 3 important elements of an organizational chart? ›

3 Areas to Consider When Structuring Your Organizational Chart
  • GOVERNANCE/CHAIN OF COMMAND. Whether you call them CEO, president, or General Manager, identifying the top decision maker is the primary element of an organizational structure. ...
Jun 17, 2019

What is the most common organizational chart? ›

The pyramid-shaped organizational chart we referred to earlier is known as a hierarchical org chart. It's the most common type of organizational structure—the chain of command goes from the top (e.g., the CEO or manager) down (e.g., entry-level and lower-level employees), and each employee has a supervisor.

What is another name for the org chart? ›

An organizational chart, also called organigram, organogram, or organizational breakdown structure (OBS), is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.

Who benefits from an organizational chart? ›

An organization chart is a graphical representation of the structure of a company. Businesses use organizational charts to clarify their structure so that all employees understand it. These charts help every person in the firm understand their jobs, immediate supervisors, responsibilities, and accountability.

What are the disadvantages of an organizational chart? ›

Limitations of Organization Chart
  • Only a blue-print of formal relationships : Organization structure changes to adapt to the changing environment. ...
  • Only a broad view of organization structure: ...
  • Existence of informal relationships: ...
  • Misinterpretation of charts: ...
  • Extent of authority: ...
  • Dynamic environment:

How do you describe an organizational chart for a presentation? ›

Org chart basics: An org chart is a visual map of your organization's structure, showing roles and relationships. Importance: Org charts aid communication, collaboration, growth planning, and onboarding while enhancing professionalism.

What best describes the concept of an organization chart? ›

An organizational chart shows the internal structure of an organization or company. The employees and positions are represented by boxes or other shapes, sometimes including photos, contact information, email and page links, icons and illustrations. Straight or elbowed lines link the levels together.

How do you read a company's organizational chart? ›


This type of org chart starts with one person—typically the company's president or CEO—at the top. It then takes on a pyramid shape that represents the workforce hierarchy. The higher you're represented on the pyramid, the higher you are in the hierarchy.

What is organizational chart explanation in business plan? ›

An organizational chart, or an org chart, provides a visual representation of an organization's internal structure. It outlines relationships between departments and employees, establishes the chain of command in an organization, and defines the role of each staff member.

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