5 Reasons Why Copywriting Is The Best Job In The World | Copy Posse (2024)

This week I’m taking a different spin on my usual tutorials…

Why? Because I often get questions from many of you wondering if becoming a copywriter is the right decision for you…

Or whether NOW is the right time to take the jump into something new – especially in today’s uncertain climate.

Well, after producing almost 70 tutorialsabout copywriting, marketing and branding techniques that are working TODAY… this week, I’m doing a little tribute to this awesome little thing called copywriting, and why I believe it STILL is the best job in the world.

I release a new tutorial or guide every single week, so if you haven’t already joined the global Posse, remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and ring that little bell to be notified when my next video goes live! You definitely don’t want to miss what’s coming up next…

I’ll be doing a tutorial on how to write a powerful indoctrination sequence that will get your new subscribers to fall in love with you… how to use empathy and emotion in your copywriting, and a sequel to my copywriting vs. content writing — which one is better suited for you?

Okay, let’s jump into this week’s article — five reasons why copywriting is the BEST job in the world…

#1. It’s Timeless

Copywriting uses one of the most powerful and OLDEST forms of communication on the planet…

Yes, I’m talking about storytelling, which, come to think of it — even predates writing.

Okay sure, being a copywriter isn’t exactly on par with the romance of gathering the village together in front of a bonfire under a starry sky, or the book that captivates you so much you miss your stop on the train…

But as a copywriter, you’re able to weave storytelling, the most ancient form of communication known to humanity, into your work. Every piece of copy can include story. Be it a long form sales page, a short welcome email, a thoughtful social media caption or a product case study.

You’re given the noble task of channeling the voice of a client or brand into WORDS and relaying their story in the most persuasive, engaging, and compelling way.

Which is a powerful skill when you think about it — because you have the ability to influence and guide your reader towards a desired emotion and decision.

Now that may sound like the evil scheme of an Internet “Pinky And The Brain” planning total world domination… please tell me you know that show. Lol.

But this is where you, as a copywriter, have the power and responsibility to tell empowering and helpful stories. Does the message matter to your audience? Will it inspire them and to better their lives, restore their confidence, resolve their pain or contribute to humanity?

As a copywriter, you are a real-life modern day storyteller who is able to create positive impact in many different forms and lengths.

#2. It Lets You Travel The World

Okay, that may not be the case at this moment — if you’re reading this article in July of 2020, right in the middle of a global pandemic…

But in the past ten years, I’ve been able to quench my thirst for location freedom and travel the world! Thanks to my copywriting business, I’ve spent months working from the most inspiring, exotic, diverse, and picturesque places, like Italy, Morocco, Germany, France, Spain, and Russia.

While there are many freelance and digital jobs that allow for this sort of nomadic flexibility today, copywriting has an added advantage because – let’s face it – all we really need is a laptop.

We don’t have to jump on calls throughout the day. We don’t need highly technical software to produce our work. We don’t require a fast upload or download speed because the files we send are simply words in the cloud.

It’s a bit different for designers, developers or video editors, for instance, because they often can’t work as effectively on a small 13-inch Macbook on a tiny cafe table in Rome where medieval walls make for a questionable internet signal.

I love being able to just toss my laptop into a tote bag and take it with me as I explore Paris on foot…

And for some reason, I get SO MUCH work done on those tiny tray tables in airplanes. Something about the crappy WiFi, low hum of an engine and being stuck 30,000 feet in the air really boosts my productivity.

My entire team at the Copy Posse is remote. My head copywriter dials in from either London or Kuala Lumpur. My project and course manager is currently in Tbilisi, Georgia. And my community manager lives on the other side of the continent. Hey guys!

#3. Every Single Business Needs It

Two weeks ago, I published an article on why I believe artificial intelligence will never completely replace human copywriters. Because empathetic, engaging, and thought-provoking copywriting is an essential part of any business in this day and age… and for the foreseeable future.

Copywriting comes first — before branding, before marketing, before design, before content strategy and even before your sales team. Because those other departments can’t function properly without a copywriter to nail down the messaging behind the business, the product, the campaign, and the marketing materials they need to effectively do their jobs.

Yup, every business – no matter the size – needs a copywriter. They may all have different budgets, needs and requirements but they will absolutely need a copywriter that specializes in their market if they are looking to sell stuff online, or offline…

And imagine the thousands of businesses that exist under hundreds of niches.

There are opportunities for copywriters everywhere — so long as you put in the work, get creative, become resourceful, and most of all, master the skill.

#4. It Pays Well

Copywriting can be a very lucrative freelance career or business.

The client budget will vary depending on their company or the size of the campaign.

Like any industry, there are companies that are just starting out with a smaller budget. There are medium businesses that are more established. There are large corporations with multiple verticals and, therefore, require more copywriting services.

The more experienced and more specialized you are in your client’s niche, the more you can charge (yup, my biggest invoice was $45,000 in ONE month!)The more you can prove that you’re able to understand their customer and speak their language, the more you can charge.

One of the biggest misconceptions about copywriting is that the actual writing itself is what takes up the bulk of our work. WRONG.

Half of copywriting lies in the research and the embodiment of your client’s product, brand voice and customer avatar. As a copywriter, you help your clients establish a relationship with their customers.

The more wisdom and mastery you have in this skill, the better the chances are for your copy to convert into a sale and the more moolah you can make. This is why the best copywriters in a particular niche can charge thousands of dollars for a single sales page.

To read my post on how to take your copywriting from a $100 side hustle to a $10,000 a month business, click here.

5. It’s A Valuable Skill For Anybody

Copywriting can be applied to a multitude of professions. When you learn how to copywrite — you’ll become a better marketer, a better content creator, a better CEO, a better designer, a better researcher, a better video editor — you name it!

Take me for instance. After business school, I applied to work for an online education company called Mindvalley… and in 3.5 years went from becoming a customer support agent, to project manager, to creative director.

While I was never officially a copywriter at Mindvalley, it was during this time that I picked up the craft and fell in love with it – and it made me better at the other aspects of my job.

When I left Mindvalley to launch my own business, copywriting helped me get clients, close amazing business partnerships, start my YouTube Channel, and build my agency.

Copywriting has been the foundation of my freedom, fun and fulfillment, and the skill that ignited my business.

Even the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, Vishen Lakhiani, who studied computer programming in college — learned copywriting to start his business. In fact, Vishen guided his copywriting team with the Mindvalley messaging and voice to scale the business into the reputable company it is today and I learned so much about copywriting from him.

And now I’m here to help guide and mentor you.

So there you have it — five reasons on why I believe that copywriting is the best job in the world.

I hope this post gave you the inspiration you needed to make that jump into the awesome world of copywriting. Or perhaps it just reaffirmed the decision you already made.

If so, leave me a comment below! And let me know if you have a suggestion on a topic that I should cover next, you know I’m listening!

As always, thanks for reading!I’ll see you again next week.

Till then, I’m Alex. Ciao for now!

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5 Reasons Why Copywriting Is The Best Job In The World | Copy Posse (2024)


5 Reasons Why Copywriting Is The Best Job In The World | Copy Posse? ›

Copywriting is a rewarding career

As a creative, you're sure that you will be paid well. This is because creatives are paid well to be creative. Copywriters find the work they do stimulating and challenging because it's not the same mind-numbing work you do constantly. As they say, variety is the spice of life.

Why copywriting is the best career? ›

Copywriting is a rewarding career

As a creative, you're sure that you will be paid well. This is because creatives are paid well to be creative. Copywriters find the work they do stimulating and challenging because it's not the same mind-numbing work you do constantly. As they say, variety is the spice of life.

What are the benefits of copywriting? ›

The Right Words Can Build Your Image
  • Make your name and message stand out amid the clutter.
  • Differentiate your business from its many competitors.
  • Establish credibility as an industry authority.
  • Build your brand's image and recognizability.
  • Clarify the benefits of ordering your product or choosing your service.

Why is copywriting so powerful? ›

Quality copywriting enhances your brand message and image, allowing you to be desirable to your target audience's point of view.

What makes a copywriter stand out? ›

One of the best ways to stand out as a copywriter is to specialize in a specific niche. This means choosing a topic, industry, or audience that you're passionate and knowledgeable about, and focusing your services on it.

Why do I love copywriting? ›

Because empathetic, engaging, and thought-provoking copywriting is an essential part of any business in this day and age… and for the foreseeable future. Copywriting comes first — before branding, before marketing, before design, before content strategy and even before your sales team.

What makes good copywriting? ›

The ultimate goal of copywriting is to persuade the reader to take action, whether making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or following a brand on social media. A good copywriter should have strong persuasion skills and be able to craft copy that effectively convinces the reader to take this desired action.

What are the pros and cons of copywriting? ›

Copywriting offers the opportunity to work with words, be creative, and have a flexible schedule. It can also be financially rewarding if you establish a solid client base. On the downside, copywriting can be highly competitive and require a lot of self-motivation.

What is the main goal of copywriting? ›

Copywriting is a content production strategy focused on convincing the reader to take a specific action. The copywriter must write the “copy” (the content) thinking about its persuasive character, using triggers to arouse interest in the reader, in order to generate conversions and sales.

Why do people hire copywriters? ›

Essentially, a copywriter is supposed to evoke a sense of action in the reader. This could involve consumers engaging further with a business, subscribing to their email list, or even purchasing something directly from their website.

What makes you unique as a copywriter? ›

Samples Answers

I believe my biggest strength as a copywriter is my ability to adapt my writing style to the needs of the audience and the platform. I have experience writing for a wide range of audiences and platforms, from social media posts and emails to web copy and long-form articles.

Why is copywriting a high income skill? ›

Copywriting is a high-income skill that combines creativity, persuasion, and business acumen. If you want to pursue a career in copywriting, you can start by learning the basics and building your portfolio. Dedication and hard work can make you a successful copywriter and earn a high income.

Who needs copywriting the most? ›

Let's dive into the details!
  • Businesses that want to enhance their brand image. ...
  • Companies that need to develop engaging marketing campaigns. ...
  • Entrepreneurs who lack writing skills. ...
  • Organizations That Want To Increase Their Online Visibility. ...
  • Individuals who want to build a professional personal brand.
Mar 17, 2023

What are the three copywriting best practices? ›

Best practices for effective copywriting
  • Know your audience. Knowing who you are writing for is the first critical step. ...
  • Start with clear and compelling headlines. ...
  • Use simple language. ...
  • Get to the point. ...
  • Read what you write out loud.
Sep 16, 2022

What do copywriters struggle with? ›

One of the challenges of being a copywriter is that you have to understand your subject matter well before you can write about it. That often means hours of research.

What do copywriters do all day? ›

And, while actually writing copy is very much a large part of the workday, they also have lots of opportunity for collaboration. An in-office copywriter will spend time attending kick-off meetings to get projects started and creative reviews to check in on, get feedback on, and eventually get projects approved.

Why does copywriting pay so much? ›

A copywriter brings the writing skills

Copywriting takes training and effort. A good copywriter is always honing their craft. They understand the words that sell and how to influence behaviour. They can also write it in fewer words than someone who has been “told they can write well by quite a few people”.

Why are copywriters in demand? ›

SEO copywriting skills are prime in the digital era as businesses increasingly need compelling copy to boost their online presence and engage their target readership. By drafting optimized product descriptions, for instance, businesses can enhance their search engine rankings and draw in more organic traffic.

Will copywriting be replaced by AI? ›

Are copywriters going to be replace by AI? While aspects of research and analysis may be simplified by technology, it is unlikely that AI will replace copywriters who can adapt and leverage the tools, whilst delivering high quality content.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.