Everything You Want to Know about Yellowed Pearls (2024)

Everything You Want to Know about Yellowed Pearls (1)

Did you know that pearls can change colors? It’s something that can happen over time. White pearls slowly turn yellow as they age. Many people don’t understand how this happens, or how to prevent it. Read on to learn everything you need, and want, to know about yellowed pearls!

Is this weird? What do yellow pearls mean?

Like many things in life, pearls age. As these precious gems age, they go through a natural process that changes the composition of the organic substances that make them up. This causes them to change color. Yellow pearls typically indicate that pearls are real, since artificial pearls don’t normally change color.

Naturally Yellow Pearls

While natural white pearls can yellow with age, there are such things as naturally yellow pearls. These naturally yellow stones are yellow not because of their age but because of the way they have been cultivated. Yellow pearls are advertised as such, and they look like fresh pearls, not the dull yellow color of older pearls. Pearl colors are important to understand before purchasing this type of exquisite jewelry.

Why does it happen?

Pearl jewelryusually turns yellow as time passes because they dry out. If there is no air circulation and moisture where pearls are kept, their organic composition begins to change, which results in that yellowing. Typically, the way pearls are stored can lead to them becoming dried out, which in turn leads to yellowed pearls. These precious stones that become yellow are often stored in sealed plastic bags, put in places where the air is hot and dry, and aren’t worn frequently.

Reversing the Process

Many people who have yellowed pearls desperately wish to whiten them again. However, being able to whiten them would depend on how long the yellowing has been going on for. If too much time has passed, there may not be a way to undo the damage to the jewelry. It’s much harder to reverse the process than it is to prevent the pearls from turning yellow in the first place.

What else happens when they yellow?

Aside from no longer looking fresh and perfect, yellowing pearls also causes a loss of durability. This is due to the fact that the pearl is dried out. Once the pearl has dried out, the pearl becomes brittle and the pearls themselves may crack, causing fractures on the surface nacre.

Yellowing Prevention

When it comes to pearls turning yellow, prevention is the best cure. Learn all about how to take care of your pearls before you purchase them and simply don’t allow your pearls to dry out! Don’t store them in plastic bags; don’t keep them in closed spaces such as boxes or safes; don’t put them for a long time in places where it’s hot and there’s no air circulation.

Another important piece of advice to remember is that you should wear your pearls regularly to keep them from drying out. The contact with your skin provides them with natural oils that your pearls absorb, keeping them moisturized. For example, if you wear your pearl necklace every couple of weeks, that can help its pearls to retain their color.

Avani Jewelry includes a pearl care guide, luxurious storage pouch, and a polishing cloth to keep your pearls in great condition so they can last you a lifetime.


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Everything You Want to Know about Yellowed Pearls (2024)


Everything You Want to Know about Yellowed Pearls? ›

Like many things in life, pearls age. As these precious gems age, they go through a natural process that changes the composition of the organic substances that make them up. This causes them to change color. Yellow pearls typically indicate that pearls are real, since artificial pearls

artificial pearls
Imitation pearls are man-made faux pearls. They are not to be confused with cultured pearls, which are real pearls created through human intervention. Items made from Majorica pearls, a version of imitation pearl. Materials used to create imitation pearls include glass, plastic, and mollusc shells.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Imitation_pearl
don't normally change color.

What to do with pearls that have yellowed? ›

If your pearls have yellowed, it's best to get them professionally cleaned. Book into a personal consultation or contact us to find out how Coleman Douglas Pearls can assist with your yellowed pearls. Remember that regular maintenance and care of your pearls will reduce risk of damage or yellowing.

Can yellowed pearls be whitened? ›

You can clean or brighten new or vintage pearls at home using a mild detergent or dish soap. If your pearls have become yellow, try whitening them or restoring their shine with acetone. Acetone will not harm pearls, but never use ammonia, vinegar, or chlorine bleach near your pearls.

What does it mean when pearls are yellow? ›

Yellow pearls symbolize creativity, optimism, clarity, and happiness.

How rare are yellow pearls? ›

Most people think of the typical strand of pearls as white or cream, and that is actually true, but over time, pearls will age and take on a yellow hue. But the rarest of the rare are yellow naturally, not by age, but a bit like magic… The Golden South Sea Pearl.

Do real pearls turn yellow over time? ›

Yes, old pearls can turn yellow over time due to a variety of factors. One of the primary reasons for this discoloration is the breakdown of the organic material that makes up the pearl's surface (nacre). Exposure to heat, light, and other environmental factors can also contribute to the yellowing of pearls over time.

What does hydrogen peroxide do to pearls? ›

Everyday substances like hairspray, perfume, cosmetics, chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar will damage the surface of your pearls by eating holes in the nacre.

What is the benefit of yellowish pearl? ›

It removes the ill effects of the Moon, strengthens the mind, and brings emotional balance in the life of a stressed human being. It helps in reducing discomforts during sleep and cures insomnia. Apart from the astrological benefits, Pearl increases facial luster and beauty in women.

What is the rarest color for a pearl? ›

The pearl colours that are rarest in natural pearls are gold and black. Pink, light blue, and lavender coloured natural pearls can also be rarely found. Cultured pearls can come in a range of different, rarely-found colours. These range from pale blue, pale pink, pistachio green through to deep purples.

What signs should not wear pearls? ›

People whose zodiac signs are ruled by Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu, such as Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendants, are advised not to wear pearls. Additionally, individuals with specific moon placements in their horoscope should also avoid wearing pearls.

What color pearl is worth the most? ›

The most valuable and expensive pearls on the market today are the South Sea pearls, which naturally occur in shades of white and gold. How much is a pearl necklace? A classic strand of white pearls can range from $100 (mostly the Freshwater pearls variety) to over $10,000 (Akoya and South Sea pearls).

What is yellow pearls personality? ›

Personality. Yellow Pearl adheres to the rules of Gem society, and when someone breaks a rule, she is shown to have a no-nonsense personality and a bit of a temper, as seen when Peridot uses the Diamond Communicator, prompting Yellow Pearl to argue "That's no excuse to use the Direct Diamond Communication Channel".

How do you fix discolored pearls? ›

If your pearls are visibly stained, you can mix a solution of lukewarm water and mild dish soap, dip a soft cleaning cloth in it and wipe the pearls. Do NOT submerge a pearl necklace in water, as it will weaken the silk thread. 3. Let them dry all the way before storing.

Can pearls regain their luster? ›

A pearl's luster is the result of a thin layer of nacre coating the nucleus of the pearl. You can wipe your pearls with oil to make them shinier, but once a pearl has lost its original luster, you can't bring it back. A pearl can grow dull from perspiration or from drying out.

Why is my string of pearls turning yellow? ›

Let's kick off with the most common culprit: overwatering. It's a bit like feeding your kids too much candy. Sure, they love it, but it's not doing them any favors in the long run. Overwatering can cause the roots of your String of Pearls to rot, leading to a sad display of yellowing leaves.

How to clean pearls that have yellowed with baking soda? ›

Avoid using any kind of harsh cleaning products on your gem. This includes items, such as baking soda and vinegar. The chemicals present in these natural cleansers could eat into the outer layer of the pearl and cause irreversible damage.

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