How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (2024)

Table of Contents
Content: 1. how much can you earn from Spotify's streams? 2. Spotify royalties compared to other music streaming platforms 3. But who pays more money to artists? 4. How does the Spotify calculate your royalties? 5. Listeners Country origin 6. Premium or Free 7. What are the changes made by Spotify recently? 8. Minimum of 1,000 streams 9. Penalty digital distributors for bot streams 10. Sound effects and white noise royalties 11. So how much does Spotify pay per stream eventually? 12. How to earn more money on Spotify So, how much can you earn from Spotify's streams? Spotify royalties compared to other music streaming platforms But who pays more money to artists? How does the Spotify calculate your royalties? Listeners Country origin Premium or Free What are the changes made by Spotify recently? Minimum of 1,000 streams Penalty digital distributors for bot streams Sound effects and white noise royalties So how much does Spotify pay per stream eventually? How much royalties Spotify paid over the years? How Profitable Is Spotify? Spotify plans for the future How to earn more money on Spotify Since we're an organic platform, we do not guarantee playlist submission, but we do guarantee a written review from each playlister, and if the curator likes your music, he will add it to his playlist, channel, or blog. Visit our Spotify promotion plan for more information. You can also check out the best Spotify promotion services. Good luck with your music. Check out the best music promotion servicesHow to Get Your Music on Spotify's Algorithmic PlaylistsVisit our TikTok music promotion service. FAQs
How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (1)

Content: 1. how much can you earn from Spotify's streams?

2. Spotify royalties compared to other music streaming platforms

3. But who pays more money to artists?

4. How does the Spotify calculate your royalties?

5. Listeners Country origin

6. Premium or Free

7. What are the changes made by Spotify recently?

8. Minimum of 1,000 streams

9. Penalty digital distributors for bot streams

10. Sound effects and white noise royalties

11. So how much does Spotify pay per stream eventually?

12. How to earn more money on Spotify

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (2)

You uploaded your music online, and it's finally on Spotify. For every artist, the next question that comes to mind is how much Spotify pays per stream or how many streams you need to get a nice passive income.This article was made to shed some light on streaming royalty payments on Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming platforms, how much revenue you will be able to make using Spotify and the different streaming platforms, a comparison between the different streaming platforms, who pays the most and who pays less.

So, how much can you earn from Spotify's streams?

On average, Spotify's payout rates for artists are between $0.003 and $0.004 per stream. Starting in January 2024, Spotify will start paying artists once they reach 1,000 streams in the last 12 months.In other words, if you reach 1 million streams, you will receive about $3,000 to $4,000 in royalties throughout your digital distribution. If you're the rights holder for the Rolling Stones band, this can be summed up to big numbers, but for the beginner independent artist, it will take a lot of time to generate significant revenue from Spotify.

Spotify royalties compared to other music streaming platforms

So, as we all know, Spotify is the most popular music streaming service on the planet.While Spotify has more than 300 million users, Apple Music has about 80 million users. Tidal is estimated to have at least 3 million users; Amazon Music has about 82 million users.

This is why so many musicians are aiming Spotify to be their music promotion platform.

But who pays more money to artists?

There are a few factors to be considered here, such as how long a song needs to be streamed in order to be considered eligible for royalty, monthly listeners, whether you are working with a record label or a digital distributor, and more.But just to simplify the question, here's a rough estimation for how much artist revenue will be generated with a million organic streams over the different music platforms:Spotify: $3,400 YouTube Music: $7,350 Apple Music: $6,750 Amazon Music, $4,250 You can check out this Streams calculator to find out more. No doubt, Spotify pays artists very small amounts of money per stream, but then again, it's the biggest music streaming platform, and it is most likely to generate you, as an artist, the highest total of royalties compared to other streaming services.Bear in mind that the numbers are not accurate and could be effected by different factors effecting your royalty payments.

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (4)

How does the Spotify calculate your royalties?

Similar to numerous other on-demand streaming services, Spotify has a distribution mechanism referred to as "pro-rata."

There are three different criteria taking place in order to calculate your artist's earnings.

1. The agreed-upon worldwide payout terms2. The total number of streams on Spotify3. The overall income stream from Spotify's streams

There is therefore no such thing as an all-in-one revenue pool in the streaming industry, and not all streams are equal.Every track and every artist can generate different streams. There are many factors to be considered: the local market, your country, premium listeners account, and so forth.

The pay-per-stream rate for each artist that releases music will fluctuate constantly because hundreds of factors might impact total earnings.

Listeners Country origin

Spotify premium prices are different in every country; for example, an American Spotify listener will not pay the same amount of monthly subscription fee as a premium user from Africa.That being said, an American listener will generate artists more royalties per stream than an African one.

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (5)

Premium or Free

A premium listener pays a monthly fee, compared to a free listener who pays none.

Spotify is calculating all the premium streams and the free streams and it is not rewarding the artists equally, meaning artists are getting paid more when the listeners are premium users

Also, the question of how much does Spotify pay per stream is about to receive a different answer starting in 2024.

What are the changes made by Spotify recently?

Spotify made some serious changes recently that will effect streaming payouts in the music industry.There are three major changes that will be effective starting in January 2024:

Minimum of 1,000 streams

1) Tracks will have to generate at least 1,000 streams in the previous 12 months in order to generate royalties. Meaning, if you release a track and it doesn't generate 1,000 streams within the first year, you will not receive royalties for it. Why was this change made?Digital services and similar music services tend to release royalties to independent artists once they reach a minimum of $50.Spotify used to wire the royalties to the digital distributors, and they would keep up to $50 until they paid artists. This means these small music royalties will now park at Spotify instead of staying at the different music distribution services. These small streaming payouts can eventually add up to millions of dollars. We will start seeing digital distribution companies shut down in the next few years, and the bigger distributors will most likely raise their artist subscription fees in order to handle the loss of income.

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (6)

Penalty digital distributors for bot streams

Spotify claims they are making a huge effort to block all bot streams generated on their music platform.

and for obvious reasons, no one likes to pay valuable royalties for a fake activity.Spotify will start taking action against distrusters of artists that are using fake bot services to generate fake streams and manipulate their stream count. In some way, this is good news for the hard-working, genuine artists, but I doubt if that will lead to more payment coming back to the "real" artists.In terms of earnings, Spotify is not in good shape, and it's not been a very profitable company over the last decade. It does generate a lot of revenue, but in the bottom line, there isn't much money left after all the expanses and exceeding licensing fees for the major record labels.In fact, it's more bad news for music critics. These companies will start to pay fines, which will be deducted from their future royalties. They will also have to develop new technical ways to evaluate each artist to track and remove fake streams; this costs money and human resources.Like the previous change mentioned above, this will most likely cause the smaller distributors to close their doors and the bigger distributors, such as CDBABY, Ditto Music, or Distrokid, to raise their artist fees in order to be profitable.

Sound effects and white noise royalties

Up until now, Spotify counts a stream once a track has been listened to for more than 30 seconds, and it was calculated as streaming revenue.Different users have uploaded many sound effects and short white noises and generated earnings from short snippets of sound effects.This was unfair to artists who've spent months producing songs. I'm actually surprised it took so much time for Spotify to handle this matter, but better late than ever.Starting in 2024, users will have to listen for at least two minutes in order for it to be eligible for streaming royalties. This change applies only to "white noise" recordings or sound effects and will not effect music or songs, according to Spotify. This means Spotify will have to pay lower royalties for white noise creators and keep more money in their bank account.This is good news for hard-working artists, but then again, I'm very skeptical if we will see a positive impact on genuine independent artist earnings, and most likely the unpaid royalties will stay on Spotify.

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (7)

So how much does Spotify pay per stream eventually?

After all the new changes, Spotify will not change the amount of streaming it pays to independent artists, but it did change when and how they would pay these royalties.If you're an artist just starting out, these shouldn't bother you too much.Streaming royalties are not something you should count on, especially in the beginning when you are trying to get your foot in the door.Sources of income for artists are variable and should come from different areas within the music industry. Read more about this in our article: 12 Best Ways to Make Money as a Musician

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (8)

How much royalties Spotify paid over the years?

Here is a breakdown of the money Spotify has given to artists in years;


During 2020 Spotify announced that it had handed out, than $5 billion in total payments to the music industry. These payments went to record labels, publishers and artists directly.


In the year 2021 Spotify disclosed that they distributed over $7 billion in royalties to the music industry. This marked a rise from the year.


For 2022 Spotify revealed that they paid out more than $9 billion in royalties continuing the trend of increasing payouts each year.

2023 (up to August);

As of August 2023 Spotify has not provided full year figures for royalties. However judging by their growth pattern its estimated that they likely disbursed between $10 12 billion in royalties during the first eight months of 2023.

Overall since its establishment in 2008 Spotify states it has paid out over $30 billion, in royalties to the music industry. The payouts have consistently increased annually as Spotifys subscriber base and revenue have grown.The way royalties are divided and the actual amount received by artists are debated topics, in the music industry. Numerous artists, those who're smaller or independent believe that the royalty rates, per stream are insufficient.

How Profitable Is Spotify?

Spotify has not been consistently profitable, as a company. Lets take a look at Spotifys performance over the years;

Since its establishment in 2008 Spotify has mostly reported net losses. The company has focused on expanding its market share than profitability.

In 2020 Spotify recorded its net profit of €15 million marking a significant achievement for the company.

However in 2021 Spotify went back to reporting losses with a full year loss of €34 million.

By 2022 Spotifys net losses widened to €709 million as it continued investing in podcasting, research and development (R&D) and international expansion.

While the companys gross margins have shown improvement over time substantial operating costs related to sales, marketing and content acquisition have offset these gains. Kept Spotify in the overall.

Spotify anticipates achieving full year profitability in the " term" by expanding its subscriber base and enhancing profitability, per user.

To sum up although Spotify has had quarters at times it has not managed to sustain annual net profits since its inception.

The company is concentrating on expanding its operations to capture a market share prioritizing long term growth, over profits. Spotify continues to face the challenge of maintaining profitability in the competitive music streaming industry.

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (9)

Spotify plans for the future

Spotify is getting ready to make some changes, to its subscription plans. The music streaming service is planning to raise its prices in countries, including the U.S. And introduce a subscription option as reported by Bloomberg.

By the end of April Spotify is looking to increase the cost of subscriptions by $1 per month. Family and Duo plans by $2 in the U.K., Australia and Pakistan. In the U.S. prices are expected to go up " this year."

Additionally Spotify will introduce a tier that allows users to stream music and podcasts but not audiobooks. This tier will be priced at $11 per month. Users interested in audiobooks will need to pay extra.

The time Spotify raised its prices was year when it bumped up the cost of its Premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, per month.

The cost of Spotifys Premium Family plan has gone up to $16.99, per month from $15.99. Similarly the price for Premium Duo now stands at $14.99 up from $12.99 while Premium Student increased to $5.99 from $4.99. These price adjustments are notable as Spotify had not raised its prices in around 12 years until year.

Spotify recently alerted its investors about price hikes in 2024. In a call held in February Spotifys CEO Daniel Ek mentioned that the companys investment threshold had risen, potentially leading to some modifications.

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (10)

Ek stated, "We have strategies to boost revenue growth over time " adding that these strategies include expanding user base developing ventures with additional revenue streams and enhancing revenue per user through price increments.

A photo of David Kaefer attending The Future of Audiobooks Event with Spotify 2023 in New York City, on October 3rd, 2023.

Spotify has been making strides in the audiobook industry with an addition of 200,000 audiobook titles, to its U.S. Platform for premium subscribers who can access up to 15 hours of audiobooks monthly.

In the quarter of 2023 Spotifys gross margin saw an uptick to 26.7% from the previous quarters 26.4% despite facing startup costs related to audiobooks. CEO Ek mentioned during an earnings call in February that Spotify became the provider of audiobooks after Audible showcasing growth in a competitive market.

The push into audiobooks came before Spotify announced layoffs affecting 1,500 employees in December representing a workforce reduction of 17%. Ek attributed this move to the companys efforts to streamline costs and optimize its structure, for sustainability.

How to earn more money on Spotify

So how can you generate more streams and more royalties on Spotify?The answers are playlists, In order to get more streams and more listener rotation, you'll need to get on organic playlists.

This is where we can help you.

Our platform offers music submissions to independent organic curators, including Spotify playlists, music blogs, online radio stations, YouTube channels, and TikTok influencers.

Since we're an organic platform, we do not guarantee playlist submission, but we do guarantee a written review from each playlister, and if the curator likes your music, he will add it to his playlist, channel, or blog. Visit our Spotify promotion plan for more information. You can also check out the best Spotify promotion services. Good luck with your music.

Check out the best music promotion servicesHow to Get Your Music on Spotify's Algorithmic PlaylistsVisit our TikTok music promotion service.

How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024 (2024)


How much does Spotify pay per stream in 2024? ›

So, how much money does Spotify pay per stream? Spotify's average payout rate for artists starts at $0.003 and $0.004 per stream. From 2024 onwards, Spotify will only compensate artists with streaming royalties if they accumulate 1,000 plays within the past year.

What is the Spotify threshold for 2024? ›

Starting in April 2024, tracks must have reached a threshold of at least 1,000 streams in the previous 12 months to be included in the recorded music royalty pool calculation.

How much does Spotify pay per 1,000,000 stream? ›

Starting in January 2024, Spotify will start paying artists once they reach 1,000 streams in the last 12 months. In other words, if you reach 1 million streams, you will receive about $3,000 to $4,000 in royalties throughout your digital distribution.

How many Spotify plays does it take to make $1000? ›

On average, you'll have to earn 300,000 to 350,000 streams to generate roughly $1000. Due to those variables we mentioned above, however, streams are not created equally. The actual number of streams needed to earn $1000 can range anywhere from 150,000 on the low side to 600,000 on the high side.

How much is 1 billion streams on Spotify? ›

His revelations have since raised a lot of questions as it's thought that one billion streams on Spotify should earn an artist as much as $3 million. Reports suggest the music streamer pays $. 003 per single stream, but the company has denied this.

How many Spotify streams is $100? ›

The exact number of plays to earn $100 on Spotify can fluctuate due to varying royalty rates. However, based on an average payout of $0.0033 per stream, you'd need approximately 30,303 plays. Remember, this is a rough estimate, and actual earnings from your music streamed may vary based on several factors.

How much does Spotify pay for $500,000? ›

You will earn $1250 for 500,000 streams on Spotify. There is a great Spotify. that allows you to listen to music with your friends. It is a music stream bot, and it is intuitive and stable to keep you listening.

Does Spotify pay you if you stream your own music? ›

When an eligible song gets played on Spotify, the rightsholders receive royalties for it, whether it's played by a Premium or ad-supported customer.

How many streams on Spotify to make minimum wage? ›

Q: How many streams does an artist need to earn a sustainable income on Spotify? A: The average artist would need around 5 million streams per month to make a minimum wage income from Spotify alone​.

Who is the highest paid Spotify artist? ›

Taylor Swift is going to make history as she will be the first person to earn more money on Spotify than any other artist. She has surpassed a lot of fellow musicians in 2023.

How much money do 2 million streams on Spotify make? ›

You can earn 0.00437 per stream x 2 million streams = $8,740, if you want to make more money stably, you can use a Spotify stream bot. AIO_Stream is a simple and powerful music promotion tool that you can use to grow your SoundCloud profile.

Will Spotify stop paying artists in 2024? ›

In 2024, Spotify plans to stop paying artists who do not make 1000 streams yearly. This affects small artists who are just trying to start. It is nothing to be surprised about because the music industry has never treated music artists with consideration.

Is Spotify profitable in 2024? ›

Spotify Gross Profits Top $1B, Revenues Jump 20% in Quarterly Earnings. The streaming giant is on track to meet its 2024 revenue growth goal but just missed its monthly active user growth guidance.

Did Spotify update in 2024? ›

At the beginning of April 2024, Spotify implemented its previously announced changes to its royalty payout system. Songs now require a minimum amount of streams to be eligible for monetization.

What are the changes in Spotify 2024? ›

At the beginning of April 2024, Spotify implemented its previously announced changes to its royalty payout system. Songs now require a minimum amount of streams to be eligible for monetization.

Did Spotify pay 130 artists more than $5 m last year? ›

The news came on the company's Loud And Clear website, which was launched last year with the aim of "increasing transparency" around its payments. The streaming giant said 52,600 artists earned more than $10,000 (£7,500) from Spotify in 2021. Of those, 130 were paid more than $5m (£3.8m) over the last 12 months.

How much does Taylor Swift make from Spotify? ›

The estimated $131 million in royalties Taylor Swift's music earned from Spotify is 1.3% of $9.7 billion, so I'll assume she received 1.3% of all Spotify royalty payments. Taylor Swift is paid as both the composer and performer of her music, and also owns the master recordings of the “Taylor's Version” of her albums.

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