Os elementos da metodologia científica (2024)

Os elementos da metodologia científica (1)

*Por Miréia Figueiredo

Minha tarefa mais recente do projeto prático tem sido elaborar o conteúdo do primeiro módulo do curso de Introdução ao Jornalismo Científico na Wikiversidade. Este primeiro módulo se concentra em apresentar a Metodologia e a Filosofia da Ciência.

Assim, comecei a desenvolver o tópico “4. Os elementos da metodologia científica: observação, hipótese, experimentação, análise e publicação”. Para esse tema, consultei o livro “O que é ciência, afinal?”, de Alan Chalmers, recomendado pelo pesquisador Daniel Dieb. No entanto, uma única fonte, como já era de se esperar, não seria suficiente para abarcar a complexidade do assunto.

A partir de algumas pesquisas pela internet, então, consegui acessar livros como “Metodologia do trabalho científico”, de Antonio Joaquim Severino e “Fundamentos da Metodologia Científica”, de Eva Lakatos. Mas talvez a fonte que mais trouxe uma visão crítica sobre o tema tenha sido Fernando da Paixão.

Eu e o supervisor da Equipe de Difusão do NeuroMat tivemos uma reunião pelo Google Meets na quarta-feira (26) para justamente pensarmos formas de melhorar o conteúdo desse tópico. Enquanto a literatura consultada apresentava uma explicação pragmática a respeito do tema, o ponto central da fala de Fernando foi sobre como as diferentes ciências aplicam variações do método científico e como essa prática não segue uma fórmula única.

O módulo já foi bastante aperfeiçoado desde quando comecei a escrevê-lo. Segue, agora, para uma fase de análise, feita por João Peschanski, que irá avaliar quais ajustes ainda precisam ser feitos. Por ora, posso dizer que ouvir de um cientista – mesmo que intermediado por uma tela – quais procedimentos seguir para se produzir ciência chamou minha atenção para questões que ainda não tinham sido comentadas nos livros de referência.

Os elementos da metodologia científica (2024)


What are the limitations of the scientific method? ›

Human error - e.g. mistakes can occur in recording observations or inaccurate use of measuring instrument. Deliberately falsifying results - i.e. scientific fraud. Bias - prior confidence in the hypothesis being true/false can affect accuracy of observation and interpretation of results.

What are the 7 steps of the scientific method? ›

There are seven steps to the scientific method: Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication. Although scientists may modify, reorder, or revisit steps on occasion, scientists generally use this basic logical approach.

Is there just one universal scientific method? ›

There is no such unique standard method—scientific progress requires many methods—but students in introductory science courses are taught that `The Scientific Method' is a straightforward procedure, involving testing hypotheses derived from theories in order to test those theories.

What is done in scientific work when there is not enough information from observation? ›

Some common approaches include: Further Observation or Experimentation: Conducting additional experiments or observations to gather more data and refine the understanding of the phenomenon under investigation.

What are 2 limitations of a scientific model? ›

Details—Models cannot include all the details of the objects that they represent. For example, maps cannot include all the details of the features of the earth such as mountains, valleys, etc. Approximations—Most models include some approximations as a convenient way to describe something that happens in nature.

What are some limitations of an experiment? ›

Examples of common limitations
  • Sample size.
  • Lack of available or reliable data.
  • Lack of prior research studies on the topic.
  • Measure used to collect the data.
  • Self-reported data.
Aug 24, 2023

What are the six answer to the scientific method? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The list of six steps involved in the scientific method is purpose, research, hypothesis, experiment, data analysis, and conclusion. Purpose: Asking a question about the purpose of the experiment.

What is the scientific method for 7th graders? ›

The six steps of the scientific method include: 1) asking a question about something you observe, 2) doing background research to learn what is already known about the topic, 3) constructing a hypothesis, 4) experimenting to test the hypothesis, 5) analyzing the data from the experiment and drawing conclusions, and 6) ...

What is the last step in the scientific method? ›

The last step of the scientific method is to communicate the results. After you gathered and analyzed your data, you draw a conclusion about your hypothesis. A conclusion is a sum- mary of what you have learned from an experiment.

Is the scientific method still used today? ›

The universally accepted scientific method, as it is used in science laboratories today, is grounded in hypothetico-deductive reasoning.

Has the scientific method ever changed? ›

The scientific method is a general approach to develop better understanding and thus make better predictions about things. The general approach has been the same since it came to prominence in about the 17th century.

Do scientists still use the scientific method? ›

In each discipline, modern scientists use a process called the "Scientific Method" to advance their knowledge and understanding. This publication describes the method scientists use to conduct research and describe and explain nature, ultimately trying prove or disprove theories.

What are 5 observations examples? ›

Some examples of scientific observations include:
  • Noticing leaves changing in the fall.
  • Smelling wood burning.
  • Hearing a dog bark at the doorbell.
  • Noticing a change in protein expression with a disease state.
  • Feeling cold air when the refrigerator opens.

Why does the scientific method not work? ›

Documentation of experiments is always flawed because everything cannot be recorded. One of the most significant problems with the scientific method is the lack of importance placed on observations that lie outside of the main hypothesis (related to lateral thinking).

What are the 8 steps of the scientific method? ›

  • Problem.
  • Observation.
  • Hypothesis.
  • Experiment.
  • Collect Data.
  • Analyze Results.
  • Conclusion.
  • Report findings.

What are some limitations and disadvantages of science? ›

Disadvantages of science:
  • People rely so much on technology that their physical health is affected.
  • Science and development have a very adverse impact on nature, including the exploitation of natural resources and leading to deforestation.
  • People use technology as a weapon for illegal activities.

What are some limitations of the scientific method and science quizlet? ›

  • Insufficent Knowledge. Cause of disease not known due to ignorance of micro- organisms.
  • Method of Investigation. inadequate instruments e.g. Harvey had no microscope in. ...
  • Inability to Interpret results. ...
  • Our changing natural world. ...
  • Human Error. ...
  • Faulty Conclusions. ...
  • Accidental Discoveries. ...
  • Planning and Design.

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.