History: Emblem - International Association for Identification (2024)

History: Emblem - International Association for Identification (1)At the Associations first Convention in 1915, Sgt. C. H. Stone, of the Nevada State Police, moved that the official emblem of the Association be composed of a pair of Bertillon head calipers, showing a fingerprint between the branches. Sgt. H. M. Smith, of the Bureau of Identification, Tacoma, Washington, then offered an amendment that the fingerprint be one of Sir Francis Galton's (often referred to as the "Father of Fingerprints"). This was seconded and carried unanimously. The print chosen is that of Galton's right fore finger as it appears in the front of his book, "Finger Prints," published in 1892.
From 1915 to 1918 the emblem appeared as shown in Figure 1. The Association was then known as the "International Association for Criminal Identification," hence the initials "IACI." At the 4th Annual Convention in 1918 the Constitution and By-laws were changed and the

word "Criminal" was dropped from the Association's title. As a result the emblem waschanged to reflect the new initials "IAI".History: Emblem - International Association for Identification (2)

From 1918 to 1941 the emblem shown in Figure 2 was used. As you can see, it was a line drawing representing
Galton'sfore finger with the initials "IAI" at the top. In 1941 the emblem was again changed to portray Galton'sactualfingerprint,and the initials were moved

History: Emblem - International Association for Identification (3)In 1968-69 there was a committee established to look at changing the emblem altogether. After much discussion, and to its credit, thecommittee decided to keep the emblem as we see it today.

Over the years, since 1941, the depiction of Galton's fingerprint has been "cleaned up" on at least two occasions, to improve the quality of
the reproduced print. Otherwise, our emblem has not changed since 1941. This then, as shown in Figure 3, is the present day great symbol
of the International Association for Identification, recognized around the world.

History: Emblem - International Association for Identification (4)

A special emblem was designed for the IAI's 2015 Centennial Celebration. The theme of the Centennial Celebration "A Proud Past – A Bright Future" was demonstrated through the use of the 3historical emblems as well as the use of color. This commemorative design was utilized topromote theCentennial leading up to the 2015 IAI Conference as well as throughout the entire Centennial year.

History: Emblem - International Association for Identification (2024)


What is the history of the International Association for Identification? ›

The International Association for Identification (IAI) is the largest forensic organization in the world. It was originally formed as the "International Association for Criminal Identification" in October 1915. Through the years it has grown into an educational and certification body with over 6,000 members worldwide.

What are the odds that two people would have the same fingerprints? ›

It wasn't long before fingerprints were being used to catch criminals and they remain an important forensic tool today. The likelihood of two people sharing identical fingerprints by chance is estimated to be less than one in64 billion.

Do identical twins have the same fingerprints? ›

But, like those who aren't twins, identical twins all have unique fingerprints. Due to environmental factors that affect their development inside the womb, it's impossible for identical twins to have the exact same fingerprints.

Who is the real father of fingerprint? ›

Henry Faulds (1 June 1843 – 24 March 1930) was a Scottish doctor, missionary and scientist who is noted for the development of fingerprinting.

What does the International Association for Identification do? ›

We are the oldest and largest forensic association in the world. This professional forensic association represents a diverse, knowledgeable and experienced membership that are assembled to educate, share, critique and publish methods, techniques and research in the physical forensic science disciplines.

What did investigators use before fingerprinting? ›

Fingerprint identification emerged as an important system within police agencies in the late 19th century, when it replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons having a prior record, often under a false name, in a criminal record repository.

What is the rarest fingerprint type? ›

Arch. Arch fingerprints have ridges that form a hill. Some arches look like they have a pointed tent shape. Arches are the least common type of fingerprint.

Do all 10 fingers have the same fingerprint? ›

Generally, every fingerprint is different. However, there are similarities between your three middle fingers. Your pointer, middle and ring fingers usually have related patterns. Scientists call this “pattern-blocks”.

Do identical twins have the same DNA profile? ›

Even though identical twins do share a significant amount of similar DNA, there are clear genetic mutations between each member, proving that they're not carbon copies of each other.

Do twins have the same blood type? ›

Monozygotic (identical) twins will have the same blood type, with a few very rare exceptions. Dizygotic (fraternal) twins may have the same blood type, or they may have different types. Therefore, it may be concluded that twins with differing blood types are dizygotic, or fraternal.

Do fingerprints remain the same from birth to death? ›

Capturing a Fingerprint

The value of latent prints rests on two scientifically accepted principles: first, no two persons possess the same friction ridge skin detail (i.e., everyone has different fingerprints) and second, barring any injury, fingerprints remain the same from birth until death (and post-mortem).

Can you identify someone by their toe prints? ›

Yes they are. The whorls and ridges develop uniquely in each person and are not genetically determined. There are a few famous cases in which criminals have been caught by using toeprints. The first was at a Scottish bakery in 1952 when a safe-cracker was identified by the footprints he left in flour.

Who was the criminal that burned off fingerprints? ›

Among the most notorious cases of a criminal destroying his fingerprints was John Dillinger, the bank robber who had been on the lam for years in the 1930s and used acid to burn his fingertips.

Who has the closest fingerprints to humans? ›

We are talking about the koala. Yes, koalas, the doll-sized marsupials (a species of mammals) that climb trees with babies on their backs in the Australian jungles have fingerprints that are almost identical to human fingerprints.

Who is the godfather of fingerprints? ›

History of Our Great Emblem

Sgt. H. M. Smith, of the Bureau of Identification, Tacoma, Washington, then offered an amendment that the fingerprint be one of Sir Francis Galton's (often referred to as the "Father of Fingerprints"). This was seconded and carried unanimously.

When did IAI start? ›

Israel Aerospace Industries
Company typeGovernment-owned corporation
FounderAl Schwimmer Shimon Peres
HeadquartersLod , Israel
Key peopleBoaz Levy (CEO)
13 more rows

What is the International Association for the History of Religions? ›

The IAHR seeks to promote the activities of all scholars and affiliates that contribute to the historical, social, and comparative study of religion. As such, the IAHR is the preeminent international forum for the critical, analytical and cross-cultural study of religion, past and present.

What is the IAI 1973 resolution? ›

In 1973, the IAI published the first in a series of landmark resolutions clearly stating that “no valid basis exists at this time for requiring that a pre-determined minimum number of friction ridge characteristics must be present in two impressions in order to establish positive identification." In 1979 and 1980, the ...

In what year were fingerprints first used? ›

It was not until 1892 that fingerprints were used to solve a crime. In Argentina, police discovered a bloody fingerprint on a door frame and analyzed it to identify the murderer. In that same year, many police departments began to keep fingerprints on file.

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